Will you be able to change in-game the gamespeed like by AoE2?

Will you be able to change in-game the gamespeed like by AoE2?

One feuture I did miss in AoE3 was to change the speed ingame.

Will it be possible in DE?

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AoE3 is a fast paced game. Priority wise, it should be very low on the list as there’s no need for game speed options in-game for an already very fast paced game where a fight can happen in the first age with explorers fighting other explorers or guardians of treasure. Then by 5-7 minutes of the game, if any player is rushing, that should be hitting, in a traditional 1v1. In an AI mode of expert, it’s similar, it’s very fast paced, as fast as you want to make it.

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on game setup before you begin the match, there is a game speed setting that was also available in the original.
you cannot change game speed during the game however

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Need an option to change game speed during the game.

In AoE2 it is easy to adjust game speed during the game with + and - with DEBUGSPEEDS launch option.

@EaglemutOP is there no console command to do it in AoE3?