Woad Raiders are totally useless. Please buff

Jordan vs Dragonstar in Double Cup, Celts vs I think Franks. watch it. Woads are beasts.
They don’t need buffs, you just need to use them better.

You can’t cherrypick a game and end a conversation there…for every game woads do great, there are plenty of games where they are not even made.

Viper (the GOAT, not a random dude on reddit) just talked about them in its UU videos and they are average for him, definitely not strong. He also says it clearly, that he does not think they are strong. They are just your only option as celts lategame outside of SO, which does not mean they can’t be made a bit better

Especially if it’s with a UT which is a very limited buff since it requires a Castle and res and time to research.

I like it thematically.
Balance wise, they then might need a stat nerf? Perhaps -1PA.

Then they Will have 0 PA… Too few…
Giving them 2 PA or the “shield” are the more interesting option

Woad Raiders as a unit could use a slight buff, but the problem is that Celts late game is already quite strong (in TGs especially but to a degree in 1v1, also) with Halb Ram or Halb Onager being very good for Celts. Generally you can counter Halbs with Champions and maybe a few Handcannons/Arbalest mixed in but if you make Woad Raiders a stronger Champion that also can tank arrows to a degree, Celts become the new Goths because it would be very easy to mix in Woad Raiders and overwhelm your opponent.

My solution to this is maybe lower the Woad Raider resource cost, I wouldn’t go the PA buff route at all. -5g and possibly -5f also could go a long way.