Worried about the DLC schedule

So the only confirmation we have is “late 2024” and there is still no official timeline after 7 months. Then there are several other clues that suggest otherwise.

  1. We had frequent updates according to steamdb two months ago. But there is still no DLC branch added. In the meantime the AOE2 DLC (unannounced) has direct updates to the DLC branch —— which is what a DLC under work should look like.
  2. The AOMR expansion is scheduled to come in 2024 (according to the Xbox page), though the official website does not specify. If AOE3 and AOM are developed by the same group, I don’t think they have time to work on the AOE3 DLC.
  3. We know major contents may have been planned a year ahead and works done months ahead. If they were to release the DLC “late 2024” as planned, there should be a lot to share at present. But we keep getting “sorry we really have nothing to share” no matter how hard we push.
  4. Also seeing how there is literally no new event after the past year’s events, I’m very convinced there was no plan at the time of the F2P. They were waiting for the F2P performance to decide and all new plans (including the DLC) were made after that. So there is less than a year’s time to work on the DLC, which is mostly occupied by AOM.

All of the information we see right now does not go in our favor and I highly suspect if they are able to deliver the DLC as planned.

If that happens AOE3 will also make a mark in the series history as “the only game that has an announced DLC delayed to make way for the other games”.


This is a valid concern. On the bright side however, two Euro civs are less work to add. I’m sure the underlying mechanics still take some time, but I have to assume the models are one of the biggest time-sucks. Most Euro civs only have a few UUs and UBs, so most of the models are done and already in the game.

Having said that, another valid concern is that they finish on time with half-baked civs. The DLC comes out in December, and the new civs are either non-functional, or worse, op beyond all reason. It could take them a while before they can patch it, and that could conceivably kill the game… would anyone still be playing if it took 8 months to nerf the Ethiopians after they were released? The same logic can be applied to Mexico, and probably Malta and Italy (note: I didn’t include Sweden or Inca in my list because no balance patches right after launch would have been more damaging and basically incomparable with DLC issues). For all the valid complaints about Ottomans, the balance right now is far from the worst it’s been.

I’m hoping it comes out and is solid enough. Well considered mechanics and units that don’t try to do anything too wildly crazy. If they can get the power level near or slightly below most of the current civs then it will hopefully bring more players back, even if patches continue to be slow. Long waits between patches isn’t inherently bad, but requires less risk taking because a poor decision can do more damage over time.


Definitively what I think
Very spot-on buddy

The thing is Age of Mythology Retold STILL HAS BUGS AND ISSUES.
In fact “Report a Bug” is now officially the largest category on its forums, as you can see

Already tried and is a shame that they have put all their manpower but not for enough product quality

So the DLC being delayed makes a lot of sense!

What’s bad is the complete lack of any communication about when we will get something while we still have things like Russian/german Inquisitors or Humbaraci in the game - I’m at a point where I’d be happy if all they did was give us a proper balance Patch fixing Treaty ranked and then continue work on AoMR/AoE3 DLC and bring the DLC next year but rn we don’t have the slightest clue what’s planned and what’s going to happen which is just pain.
edit: atleast make some changes and put it on the PuP to come back later and implement what works - can’t be that hard


As much as I am a critic of World’s Edge and how they treat the 3DE community, I think it is a bit too early to worry about a delayed DLC.

Just because they “can’t share” anything doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to share.

It is more important to focus on why they can’t keep in touch from time to time, why they no longer respond to bug reports, why the community events repeat and they don’t even notify anyone. And most importantly, why every other game gets a roadmap but we don’t.


Why are you worried, when there is no schedule to worry about?


It was announced in February iirc and the leaks were months earlier so they’ve had a long time to work on it, plus most studios don’t work on just one project at a time so it’s not like they’re starting just now that AOM has released. My guess is AOEIII DLC in late October and AOM expansion in December. Honestly I’m surprised AOM is getting a DLC at all this year, it might actually bode well that they’re on track, but I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.

I think so too. But you have to remember that there is a DLC coming on the horizon for AoE 2. which may be released before Red Bull.

I’m not shocked. The previous version of AoM had Chinese DLC. The fact that the Chinese civ was cut from the base version of the AoM Retold game immediately suggests that the first DLC will add the Chinese civ as soon as possible.

That’s already been confirmed but they’re also totally remaking the Chinese civ from the ground up seemingly without any overlap from the Tale of the Dragon expansion.