You keep saying this as if it is not against the rules. So I am going to be as clear as I can; it is.
First some definitions
Griefing according to wikipedia
" A griefer or bad faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game"
“To qualify as griefing, a player must be using aspects of the game in unintended ways to annoy other players”
Which you have repeated said you’re fine with
This is not the way the game is intended to be played, waiting for Disconnects or for the opponent to get so frustrated they leave.
Now some quotes of the code’s of conduct on this forum and for aoe2 as a game:
Forums Code of Conduct
- Promote cheating, griefing, or exploits.
From the “Why did I get banned in game” support post for age of empires
“Bans are placed on accounts based on multiple reasons such as inappropriate content, griefing, cheating, inactivity, or verbal abuse.”
I also recommend you read the Age of Empires Code of Conduct that applies to all the aoe games:
Now let me be clear since a number of examples/complaints are made in this thread:
- Walling in Allies resources and attack ground allies etc is griefing.
- Resigning ‘early’ might be, if it is used to annoy people.
- In most cases resigning ‘early’ is not griefing (resigning because you felt the game was going bad is not intending to irritate or harass anyone)
- Using any strategy within the game intentions is not griefing (Tower rush, TC drop, Hoang)
- Hiding villagers with the intention to frustrate your opponent or wait for win because of D/C is griefing.
- Continuing to play by trying to reboom and continue the fight is not griefing, unless you’re doing it with the intention to irritate and harass. As OP is asking.
I believe we actually agree on most of these, but what I am focused on and repeatedly spoke out against is your comments regarding hiding vills, hoping they disconnect, or get too frustrated and resign. Doing this is griefing and more importantly doing this repeatedly is against the rules. So if it is something you do regularly perhaps you should rethink.