Wrong location for the accent for the "Génie Troops" card

A few other misspellings:

1: The “House of Trastamára” card also have a misplaced accent in English (corrected in Spanish localization). Should be House of Trastámara.


2: The new patch’s Egyptian revolutionary unit, “Khevite Fusilier” should be Khedivate Fusilier. The Khedivate of Egypt was a state ruled by a Khedive.

3: The Ethiopian card “Temenyas” is misspelt. Should be Temenjas. Since its meaning isn’t trivial to find, I’d propose renaming it to “Temenja Rifles” for clarity. This requires a bit explaining.

Not counting this one, the DLC’s Ethiopian civ has 3 words that end with “-nya”. I don’t speak Amharic, but it looks like a word-forming suffix:

  • Neftenya, literally “rifleman”: Wikipedia
  • Zebenya, literally “guard”: Wikipedia on Kebur Zabagna
  • …and Gascenya.

You can’t find the word “gascenya” anywhere outside AoE3. This is because it originates from older, probably Italian accounts, which spelt it gascegna:

  • The term gascegna referred to feudal or tribal warriors

The devs must have realized that “gn” and “ny” are the same consonant /ɲ/, and created the new “gascenya” spelling in an attempt to unify the conventions.

(To be thorough, the “sc” consonant should also become “sh”, since it seems to denote /ʃ/. However, as there’s a dearth of internet sources with any other spelling - outside the possible root word gasha “soldier’s fief”, I think we can allow a “halfway” spelling that resembles the only existing sources.)

Following this, a dev probably saw the word “temenja” for rifle, thought the “j” means the same thing as “y”, and the word has the same suffix as the other 3. So they changed it to “temenya” again for consistency.


But this is not the case. The “j” here actually denotes /dʒ/ - the “jay” consonant in English, written ǧ in strict Amharic transliteration. The word is actually pronounced /tʼəməndʒa/, or “tuh-muhn-jah”.

TL;DR: the “j” in Temenja is a completely different consonant from “nya” in the other 3 words, and should be spelt differently.