- GAME BUILD #: (I’ll update this later, it’s the latest build as of December 31, 2024)
- GAME PLATFORM: Xbox Series S
Sometimes the radial menu’s elements disappear, as seen in the videos below. Nothing in the radial UI can be selected when this bug happens. This used to force me to restart the game, but this time I can save my game manually, give it a name, then return to my game and the radial menu and context menu (Right Trigger) works once more.
In my One Drive folder you’ll find 3 short Age Of Empires videos, and one of Tropico which is unrelated. I don’t automatically upload videos to my One Drive so there should be only 4 files here when you look.
- 25% of the time / matches I play (SOMETIMES)
I cannot say exactly how this bug happens.
If the developers just play some random campaigns on Xbox you should encounter this bug. I didn’t experience it for a while until recently, when I played the 2nd mission in the “First Punic War Campaign” from the Return Of Rome expansion. After advancing to the Iron Age I started having this problem, which makes me think it’s related to the Iron Age, or something in the UI that only changes in the Iron Age. But it also affects AOE II in the absence of this Rome expansion. The bug has existed for several months, maybe a whole year or near a whole year. I will continue to update the developers with new information, whenever I encounter this bug.
Originally I thought that this bug only affected the “advanced” controller setting (which gives 2 pages of quick find in the radial menu) but it happens in the simple mode too.
Xbox players should have access to the radial menus which allow for quick find, and easy selection. This includes the context menu (when pressing Right Trigger) and also the LT + RT menu(s)
Sorry no image, only videos, please refer to the short videos in my One Drive, which confirms that the bug resolves after a manual game save
No game saves available (using Xbox and reporting a bug with the Xbox controls)