Yellow helmets

Hi all! Why do many units have yellow helmets? For example, the Royal Knights of France or the English The Man-at-Arms? This is so that it is easy to distinguish more powerful units on the battlefield from simple ones? But it looks terrible and unnatural. Many units have a natural armor color, but why yellow? It’s just repulsive.


Probably a callback to AoE2, where certain Imperial age units had yellow items on them, namely the Arbalest, Two-handed Swordsman and Cavalier.


Someone post a while ago photos showing there are 4 levels of armor. The first one was brown and the last one was golden.


Only on the Champion, Crossbowman, Cavalier, it looks harmonious and does not stand out so much against the background of all the armor. There, only small elements have a yellow color. And in the new AOE4 chart, this is very noticeable against the general background.

I wonder if the graphics settings will be made so that you can somehow remove this saturation, brightness? Or change the colors altogether?


Is it historically accurate to have golden helmets? Was there any or how often?

ilded helmets, as well as armor with ornaments, paintings, may have been, but they were very expensive armor that only the richest people could afford, and there were only a few such armor. And usually in such armor did not fight, they were ceremonial. They always fought in battle armor.

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Yeah, thats what I thought. The golden helmets looked too artificial for me. (Sorry Im not English, couldnt come up with a better word.) I would be happy if they changed that to something different.

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I totally agree! Dear developers, if you count. Make an option in the game so that you can disable the yellow color of the helmets or make it not so bright, I do not know. But it doesn’t look good at all.

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