Yet more ways to make Steppe Lancers relevant

Interesting… But may we then not just cause the next “Shrivamsha effect”?

I mean the idea on it’s own is really cool (I like playing with these bonusses aswell), but with the experience of the shrivamsha I currently wanna stay away from pure raid designs tbh.

I think even this idea:

If elaborated well could actually work. Cause if then the elite upgrade becomes nerfed a bit the danger of the massed ESL becomes less threatening. Especially if in the process the gold ratio of the unit gets raised. Then it would be more of a midgame unit. Which would give these civs a unique option to play instead of their CA which is more a lategame powerhouse. A lot of CA civs suffer from that midgame weakness. And this early acess to SL could definetely open options there. But then it definetely needs to be made sure you can’t just make a giant mass of ESL in imp to completely overwhealm the opponent.

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