You GPU(video card) runs too hot in AoE4?

I’ve seen many players complain on Steam or on this forum since the launch of AoE4 about GPU running to hot despite low settings in some cases.

My tweak solves the issue of the GPU running hot also reduce power consumption of your video card.

My tweak is mainly capping your FPS in Nvidia Control Panel or the counter software suite from AMD- Adrenaline.

A small test resume is in the pictures bellow. My tweak on and off.

My settings are all high at 2560 x1440 resolution except 2 which are off- simply don’t see the benefits in having them on. Ambient Occlusion which make the image blurry/fuzzy and shadows this 2 are off.

My card 1080 Ti.

Even that you see low temps in the picture doesn’t mean I didn’t run AoE 4 in high temps for months before I found my tweak. My temps was around 70-74 C in 1vs 1 and over 84 C in 3vs 3. Not anymore.

Also a video to help please like and subscribe if helps.

good luck

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Thanks for posting this. I’ve had issues with my 2080ti running crazy hot since release basically. I eventually just turned a ton of settings way down and never methodically tried different things to see if it was a particular setting. I’ll give this a try.

2080 Ti can run easy over 320 W, it will be hotter. My 1080 Ti can’t go further 290w.
But should really help you.

not exactly setting related on gpus like these, as someone with similar card, just cap the framerate ingame, anything above 60 is unnecessary, thats the solution you seek, and no nvidia control panel isn’t necessary here, just cap ingame and possibly add vsync if you prefer that

You are wrong, If you look at the video at first part, in my settings, game is already capped at 60 FPS in game settings yet temps are high, only after I cap the FPS in NCP will the temp decrease.
Conclusion - AoE4 ignores you FPS cap ingame settings- why? I would like an honest answer from technical team. Not holding my breath though.

You are wrong, If you look at the video at first part, in my settings, game is already capped at 60 FPS in game settings yet temps are high, only after I cap the FPS in NCP will the temp decrease.
Conclusion - AoE4 ignores you FPS cap ingame settings- why? I would like an honest answer from technical team. Not holding my breath though.

ever tried with vsync? i don’t see this issue so hard to say, could be install itself but to be fair, essence was always a technical mess from what i’ve seen

Lol, Vsync. If game ignores your FPS capping don’t you think, will ignore vsync as well?
20 c on the GPU is no joke. When you GPU hits 75 C you memory modules will be around 90 C but most likely above. My card reached 75 in 1vs 1 AI which is really bad.
Memory modules degrade and die(rendering your video card in a nice brick), while GPU the processing unit is fine, will just throttle down.

from what i tested myself it doesn’t, as stated above, essence is a bit of a mess on tech end, remember the framerate halving everytime you moved camera at launch? wouldn’t happen in a cleaned up engine

Is suspicious that doesn’t listen to FPS cap. I really don’t think is a bug. Is intended.
I’ve seen other people reporting around 75 C on more powerful cards than mine another point for suspicion.

The present graphics in AoE 4 doesn’t really explains this temps. Bugged engine. Don’t think so.

The difference Watt consumption, cuda cores, design and other factors between 1080 Ti and 3070 is big yet they hit same mark 75 C +/- 1-2 C. Also a Sapphire 6800 which an AMD, I tested all my self with capping in NCP and Adrenaline and without.

Again, how is that a bug? Where all that power goes if not in your FPS? and how? Why Relic listen to port 9999? Only listen or is open for business?

we’d have to break the engine down to get the actual reason, smt above my paygrade
there’s plenty of options that could overly stress the gpu, not obeying fps cap is probably an old solution to fps tanking the moment camera moves even a little, smt that aoe4 patched after 10+years of complaints in COH and DOW

If your GPU or CPU run hot you need to fix your cooling not turn down the graphics.

A computer is supposed to be able to run att 100% CPU and GPU usage without thermal throttling (computers will never go too hot they stop before damage can happen).
You need to change your airflow or in the worst case buy a new case and a new cooler.

If you bought a prebild gaming computer or gaming laptop that can’t handle 100% load that it’s a very bad product and the cooling is not adequate enough.

Only exception is if you have like 40+°C in your room but in this case you as human will die, so you got other things to worry about other then gaming.

75°C is well below that thermalthrottle limit, that one is 99°C on most parts
its only sus when even far stronger gpus heat up when in a comparable game they stop at 60

I just don’t understand why people would want to run the game at shitty graphics to their GPU stays at <50°C.

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me neither, i don’t get how people play with shadows off or no AO, especially when the game in question already has no visual aspect worth pointing out

You underestimate how many people are playing on a potato (2014 “gaming” laptop).

had one such machine till not long ago, and i prefered to drop all other things just to keep shadows (ao didn’t work till like season 5 anyway)

I’d make sure that there is a proper cooling system in your PC and also make sure that your GPU has the latest driver updates which usually solves issues like this.

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Memory modules can’t run too hot some brands can be fine 100 C some 110 C but, will be degrading and if ONLY 1 single mem chip gets damaged by constant hot temps your GPU will show artifacts and you’ll have just a brick.
Suppose to run at 100 C? You run them at that temps and tell me how you doing, also electricity bill.

100C not gonna get damaged CPU or GPU but, Vram will fry. If your GPU is 100C your VRAM is 115 or 120 C. Memory Junction sounds a bell?

I haven’t bought anything prebuild or never used laptops for gaming. I know hardware more than I want, really. I worked in IT.
And quality is appalling on GPUs now days , from the fact lead is not used anymore in soldering making any link on PCB brittle. Have you seen how many MSI Asus and Gigabyte GPU bricked out and why? and the fact that they coat radiators with Ni and paint them.

AO - Ambient Occlusion? just makes image fuzzy and blurry what’s the point running the game at 2 k than. Shadows was bugged for a while that why is off. My card/PC can handle both Shadows and AO with no issues. Doesn’t affect temps.