Zhuge Nu Damage


I didn’t understand a thing about Zhuge Nu’s and ranged armor.
If I am right (I have this information from the “Aoe4 world” page) Zhuge Nu’s fires 3 times (Burst Damage) during an attack. If they are not upgraded they make 4 damage and because of there burst damage x3 so the result is 12 damage.
But every bolt from the Zhuge Nu’s have to consider the range armor of the attacked unit.
So far so good.

I played against Zhu Xi’s Legacy and my enemy played many Zhuge Nu’s. I countered them with Men-at-arms.
The ranged armor at this moment of the game for my Men-at-arms was 6. The Damage from the Zhuge Nu’s was 5 (x3). But the Zhuge Nu’s still made a little bit damage against my units and I didn’t understand that.

My Men-at-Arms countered the Zhuge Nu’s but I thought they couldn’t get Damage from the enemy units.
Anyone have a hint why this nevertheless happened?

I didn’t finde any other topic about my question. I hope this wasn’t asked befor.

And sorry for my bad english. I’m from germany and my english isn’t perfect.

Thank you for helping me with my question. :slight_smile:

Zhuge Nu Burst Damage

In all Age of Empires games since their inception, units will deal AT LEAST 1 damage to an enemy unit, regardless of their armor.

So if you have MAA with 6 amor and ZhuGe Nu with 4 attack. Each shot will deal 1 damage to your MAA (I don’t remember what happens with the remaining burst shots, those probably deal zero damage). This is contrary to what logic and numbers say, but it’s the way the game works.

This applies even to buildings which have unusually high pierce “armor”.

I recommend you watch Spirit of the Law’s videos on YouTube which although mainly AoE 2 focused, go through many AoE mechanics that are similar in AoE 4, like this. Age of Noob also does unit effectiveness analysis from time to time.

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Thank you. I didn’t know that. :wink: You helped me a lot. And thank you for your recommended YouTube channels.

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Sure thing! Glad to help.

I think each secondary shot also does 1 damage, so you will see your MAA get minus 3 health with each ZhuGe Nu burst. You can do a quick test against the AI as a fun experiment to confirm.

Yes. You’re right. I tried it out. Each shot from the Zhuge Nu make at least 1 damage.