10 Reasons AoE2:DE is so bad

Btw what’s the deal with that? At first I though they were somewhat “snob” toward other platforms, but once you get to see some stuff (like how Extended Edition and Voobly multiplayer compare for AoM) you understand there are good reasons for that 11

Because we are “entitled” to a platform that had great stability, and people who didn’t play there were used to the garbage mess HD was. What we are asking here is for the benefit of everyone, to first address the stability instead of bloating the game with more content that is detrimental to performance.

There seems to be a funny trend in these forums where people will nitpick criticism topics with the dumbest ■■■■, such as “oh its not 10 reasons it’s just 5” or “if u dont like then go” and never discussing the actual problems discussed in the topic. The most pathetic ones will go as far as saying things such as “have you seen WC3 reforged?”, those are some really low standards and we should strive to make the game be the best it can be, rather than being contempt with not being the worst.

Let’s not forget AoE:HD was a failure throughout its entire existence.

  • No serious contests ever were held in HD because how laughably unstable it was.
  • Instead contests were hosted in Voobly, with or without the WK mod.
  • Voobly dev team isn’t bigger than HD/DE one and they made the game stable. No excuses.
  • The current dev team GAVE UP on HD version and let it die a failure.

So there is no reason to think this team isn’t willing to give up on DE to move to a different project. Therefore the community needs to step up to show their disconfort and not conformity. Right now is the time to act, when the game starts to fade away it’s too late already. We don’t get another shot at making AoE2 great.


Reason #12: Forgotten Empires dev Team has moved on to AoE3DE and has FORGOTTEN all about us. Do you ever see them posting? NOPE.

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Sorry there mate, took a 3 week hiatus from these forums and am only responding to you now.

Actually indeed if civs were forced to random I wouldn’t see that as a bad thing either really, however there is the distinction of some civs being utterly bad on some maps and then being good on some others, so random civs could lead to situations where the other guy basically got a civ victory from the start. Since map is always chosen first and then the civ accordingly, getting to choose a civ that happens to be good on that map setup is not that bad of a thing, since you still have many options to choose from, instead of just only 1 op civ per map.

But indeed, the question you raised is on the right track, good players should be well rounded on all maps and all civs.

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Exactly this. The updates are done by an underexperienced skeleton crew from MS, all other devs have abandonded the game or moved on from AoE2 DE for months now. Those that still do some “updating”, have not once interacted with the community and fans hence why the game is so ■■■■ poorly optimized, has so many issues because they don’t give a single duck. They only follow bureaucratic fools who literally know ZERO about AoE and only want $$$$. Each update breaks the game even further, every time. The game is unfinished and very broken, up to the point where it is pretty much unplayable, especially multiplayer. I laugh at these MS devs for doing a very poor job. There is no passion for the franchise from these people. I don’t really care how the game turns out further, never bought AoE2DE and never will. AoEDE turned out to be quite a disaster and so will AoE2DE, unfortunately. I only feel sad for the loyal community who deserve so, so much better than this horrible state the franchise is in.

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If the pros didn’t play this game, it would be a total failure already IMO. That’s the only thing keeping it afloat IMO. AOE DE is dead this one will be too in time. This profanity filter and report system are total garbage. That’s been my biggest complaint since January. They don’t care

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You have a beta badge so I assume you played the beta, I can assure you that the game is leaps and bounds beyond what it was during the beta period, it is a very exaggerated claim to call the game unplayable when you haven’t experienced it yourself for the past 4 months.

My benchmark performance during beta: 680
My benchmark performance now: 1300

The game is actually in a great spot and has tons of players, hardly “unplayable”, there are 22,000 players online right now, and the game peaked at 34,000 concurrent players less than 30 days ago.

The game is not without its problems (what game is?), but it’s far from unplayable.

What is it with the influx of people on these forums trash talking the game who don’t even own it?


Don’t let these dumb badges fool you and assume things. I have played it multiple times including the latest update at a friends house and was amazed at how bad this game is in almost every aspect (excluding the graphics and music department, those folks did a fantastic job!). The very same thing happened with AoE DE which I do own. Reading other people’s millions of bug reports, complaints and how the developers and MS reacted (or not reacted rather) to this over the years, in these forums and elsewhere, I think it is safe to say that DE has been quite a disaster. I have been in contact with some of forgotten developers these past years too and let me tell you that a lot of them feel the same frustration, but there are quite a few who also don’t really care much, just like most of the devs from MS. The main problem is those who make the big decisions about the franchise, who really do not have a clue what they are actually dealing with and are mostly in it for the money. They are careless people which in the end caused DE to be mediocre and why the games have so much issues. If you can live with them, I am totally fine with that, but I feel, like countless others, ignored constantly, for years now. That is why I call MS out, why I despise these devs, and why I try to warn people to not spend their hard earned cash on something that is bug-ridden with no real fixes.

Really, I want AoE DE and AoE2 DE to be the best effing game there is. I don’t expect it to be perfect, but it is called Definitive Edition for a dam reason. With these people at MS currently heading these projects, they are really beyond repair.

My only hope is that a bunch of skilled people mod and fix the ■■■■ out of DE so it is actually fun, fully functional and playable again.


Not here at least.


Yes here too. Nice to read you are putting so much faith in this bad inaccurate forum software, lol. I’ve been here much longer, at least prior to and during the AoE DE beta test using THE SAME account. I have read, replied and provided feedback on many occasions. I don’t know exactly what they did with the forum user database at some point (merged it with xbox live cr4p or something?), I wasn’t even able to log in anymore for a long while because it kept redirecting me because of whatever mess they coded. But by all means, keep believing I registered less than half a year ago if it makes you happy.

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I know, I’ve read a lot of your complaints and I just noticed and want to emphasize you exaggerate and accelerate on negative contributions here on the forum lately.


Well, AoE DE is AoE1 before anything else, ie. a game that got ditched for AoE2 quite fast. That’s also why I’m not afraid of AoE3DE “stealing” dev attention from AoE2DE: AoE2 has always been more popular and everyone is well aware of this fact. Basically AoE3 DE will make AoE3 fans happy and that’s it.


That peak was actually 2 days ago, so that’s even better.

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What you see as negative contributions is me along with many, many others standing up for the loyal fans and community who are not being heard and are ignored constantly. I support anyone who passively or actively acknowledges and fights for what we deserve and paid for: a fully functional game, like the original Age games are (despite some flaws which is mainly balance).

We expect issues to be resolved in a timely manner, and while a few are adressed and fixed, the majority of them are not when it comes to the most basic functions, or even simple stuff which is constantly being overlooked. This is simply unacceptable hence why there are so many topics about this, and why the devs are called out, urging them to finally do something about this.

It feels like Microsoft does not want to invest much time and effort, more manpower, which is a darn shame, and has happened before with AoE1 DE. What you are left with is a division within the community. When Voobly can do this right for years we should expect at least the same from DE.

It’s been 20 years since the original release, and when MS/Forgotten can’t even get some of the most basic things working, we have the right to be angry as paying customers and demand that they do something about it asap. If they don’t, we will call you out and boycott your products.


There’s a 140 Days+ critical bug that have been experienced by a lot of players here:

I got “moderated” (silenced) on other topic

for saying the same thing.
Apparently you cannot point fingers at their staff problems.


Also this clown fiesta :

Errors at :




No offence, but this horrendous censorship can be nullified by merely clicking on a button. Big deal.

They don’t care. Just make a new account if they keep banning you and keep on posting your opinion/bugs/problems etc. Let them know we don’t accept a mediocre game.


You were being a complete ass.

It’s so hidden that I can still read eveything. No but seriously, you’re the only critic of DE who got their account on hold. Maybe because you’re the only one to break forum rules?

ey gUyS I donT OwN thE gaMe buT my Dude says Itz Brokeen.

That is how i read that guy, in steam forums when you see someone complaining about the game without having the game itself, it is clearly a guy who own a pirated copy of the game, the pirated game is still on the november patch, so i feel sorry for him, he would never know how the game is working now.

Game is playable, much better than HD and even better than voobly for at least 1x1, TG is still bad because 2 things the computers of several players can’t handle high population battles and because the MM for team games has been wrong since day 1, u should never get the same points playing a 4x4 and playing 1x1, u should never get matched with players with 500± elo difference and most important there are not enough active players for team games using a match making system, stackers are the only players in 2400+ not even HD rating was so inaccurate.

And then the same guy complaining about dropping, he blames the game, the devs, microsoft, everyone but not his internet company, a lot of cheap services block steam and other gaming traffic because they have unstable connection and bad ping.