3 Questions about Celts Tree

Btw woad raiders are top 5 best infantry UU and if you think not you probbably dont know ■■■■. Theres a reason its probably the most used infantry UU in pro games. Even more than huskarl

An important thing to remember when considering Hussars and Paladins is that neither Hussars, nor Halberdiers were original units. Furthermore, bloodlines did not exist in Age of Kings. The Celts may or may not have been built with these ideas in mind, but later civilizations took them for granted. I think that it is more than fine to emphasize Woad Raiders over Hussar as late raiders but retain the option for when gold runs out. I do not actually find this build to be a problem. I am also glad that the Celts are not turned into a generic Paladin civilization, while retaining the option. In some ways, this leads it to retain the spirit of the Conquerors expansion.

This is true-ish (will not always manifest, depending on pathing), but is also the smallest effect size of any of the “super-infantry” civs, by far. It feels so far below stuff like infantry +4 attack/ignoring armor/attacking faster that it hardly even registers on the same scale. Sure it’ll likely save you a small handful of nearly dead units in large engagements, but it doesn’t even rise to the effect level that +1 attack would have, (which also is much smaller in effect size than any good infantry bonus). I get that it’s not a direct combat bonus, but it’s effect size in other areas (e.g. catching up to other units) is negligible at 5%

I honestly don’t hate the idea of stronghold, but I think it should do more, such as provide +1 range to castles and towers, and speed up the fire rate a little more than it does.

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… or just give them the teuton UT. I mean teutons play cav on open maps most of the time and on closed maps the civ is too stuffed with bonuses either way. Celts however could use that tech a lot since they really rely on castling up the map.

tbf, at the moment past feudal there is nothing going for their infantry since 5 % faster speed than rest is almost unnoticeable. so yeah, i want celts to be a themed civ

yeah my point though was that without 2 key upgrade this feels almost like a troll move from devs. i mean, why would i tech into celts paladin that are hella expensive when they are barely stronger than FU cavalier? FU cavalier have 140 HP compared to 160 paladin, 16 attack compared to 18 paladin but attack sligh faster than paladin, and 5/6 armor compared to 4/5 armor then celts paladin, so a very meager upgrade from generic FU cavalier when you fastor in 2 minutes + and 2k+ res to get paladin upgrade. i would much rather lose hussar and paladin but get last armor upgrade and bloodlines

only worse i could think of is Sicilians who do not get nothing for infantry outside -50% bonus which is useless on infantry, despite being infantry civ

i would rather have something cool for their infantry, and maybe their woads specifically, correctly priced to make them expensive to ugrade but strong late game option like zerks, altough not as strong as zerks, but also increasing the buff to 33% and adding it to TCs like another user suggested seems legit to me

a UT for infantry could be a nod to the skiltron formation and help them against cavalry in some way similar to chieftains but with something different than bonus damage

Maybe +2 Infantry armor for pikes? So recieve less attack bonus from HC, Catas, Etc

i think i would retain the present UT over something that small tbh. also it would steal from sicilians even that itty bitty bonus for infantry they have

Elite Woad Raider +1PA
Strongholds increases Fire Rate of Towers, Castles and TCs +33%

Don’t think Celts need mayor changes, just how most of the Champion like Elite-UUs need to become a bit better.

Eh, that would be way too disruptive, and Teutons have a strong identity as a defensive civ, which Crenellations plays into. I just suggested +1 range so that Celt castles/towers would suffer less from missing bracer.

You want a troll from the devs? How about Dravidian battle elephant? Lacks all essential cav upgrades and the elite upgrade. Celt paladin is odd, but as someone else pointed out, perfectly useable in TGs, and I kind of enjoy its oddness (doesn’t mean I always use it, but it has its moments).

It’s kinda niche sure, but pretty good where it applies. Being countered significantly less by hand cannons, slingers and cataphracts is pretty good. The bigger problem with Sicilians is that serjeants are too expensive, but that’s another matter.

Love it. And yes, the castle age longsword + infantry UU buff was good, now they need to do the same for a lot of Imp infantry UUs (Samurai, possibly jags and woads).

That’s where you ask them to be a single-dimensional pony, aka Goths. That’s a poor way to look at the game. Besides that their mid-game is insane, have you seen Hoang Siege push?
Celts Siege is crazy, they have practically free Capped Ram in Castle Age and one of the most versatile eco bonuses. I wouldn’t touch this civ, one of the most balanced this game has.

so they would become one dimensional infantry civ but their siege is amazing? this is contradditory…being an infantry and siege civ, i aspect both their siege and infantry to be unique, cool, and strong. simple as that. celts infantry simply is nothing special past feudal age when squires is available, thus why i proposed to change the UT (that according to a poll in another recent thread is considered top 3 worst UT…) to something infantry themed