36th civilization?

except the definition of “Definitive” is " : serving to provide a final solution or to end a situation… so one could argue that adding DLC to a Definitive Edition is antithetical.

It definitely doesn’t feel like that with that poor modding support.

Right now I keep switching between HD and DE because I don’t want to miss out on independent architecture while I still want to play the new civs from time to time. Having a total of 8 new civs in DE would make it less likely for me to switch all the time. Also forget new civs with DE if you have to replace them all the time.

I know I might be complaining a bit much but that’s how I see it right now. The DE is good but not amazing. It feels more like what could have been Patch 6.0 to HD than truly something which stands on its own, at least from a singleplayer perspective.

that can be added though without paid DLC.

They said they weren’t interested in supporting civ additions. We would have to look for work-arounds.

Why don’t devs fill the slot with 4 new civilizations? Remember we got only 3 new Last Khans Campaigns.
A 3 campaign DLC for existing civs should always be free. So it will be new civs or new campaigns for free.

That would be amazing but honestly, I don’t think it will happen. Maybe we’ll get a fully fleshed expansion with a price tag which I would happily buy but I’m expecting more an overpriced campaign pack with 2-3 fancy game modes like this Battle Royale thing which is again probably MP only.

They really want to push this E-Sport thing which is in my opinion a waste of time and effort.

The biggest waste of time is making a Battle Royale mode, which is completely nonsensical for aoe2. Why don’t the devs remove the stupid bugs instead?

A paid DLC could be:
30 New Campaigns/Battles for 10€
Historical Skins for 10€
4 New Civs for 10€


20 $ seems excessive, considering the price of the game itself is that. I’d expect it more to be around 5-10 $.

Each Wololo Kingdoms DLC costs 20$

EDIT: Oh wait, they cost 10€ 11

I dont disagree, just saying that 1 civ would be hard to justify as a paid DLC, maybe $5.00? But really I’d pay no matter what, but I’m an addict haha.

36th civilization = Irouquis or Kongolese or Tibetans or Dutch


HD is a remake, using a different engine
DE is a remaster, using the same engine but improved.

You can’t add a remaster of the OG engine as a patch.

DE doesn’t have the UP features, therefore some good UP mods can’t be here for now.

But HD is not UP and isn’t even based on the same engine

Arguably the second-best option after UP.

I call it the best, but it can be debatable.

Microtransactions, then?

Funny, never thought people would actually ask devs for that.

it depends. i’m fine with micro transactions if they add to the game. i am not fine with them if they COMPLETE the game.
if your games story feels unfinished, but DLC makes it feel finished, or if you’re selling DLC that adds content day 1, or your micro-transactions are lootboxes (EA), that is an issue for me.
if your DLC adds more content to a game that is already finished (Like DE is), i have absolutely nothing like that, as long as the DLC feels appropriately priced.
an example of the former would Pokemon Sword and Shield, Star Wars Battlefront 2 (EA/Dice), etc


EA is know for their excessive microtransactions, true.

But the issue is that the concept itself is a bad practice. New civs for money? Sure, it’s a good tradeoff.

But historical skins for money? Why anyone would pay for that?

You can take the Doom Eternal route and unlock cosmetics with challenges. Or simply add mods.

We already got 8 new free campaigns as mods in the game, cosmetics won’t cost much resources too.

depends, people pay for skins in video games all the bloody time.

i agree but then you would get the whiny bunch who doesn’t want to do the work to unlock it.

What’s an UP feature?

Most remarkable are better AI, easier modding and various fixes like repairing from a few tiles away.


It was an addition to AOC but unofficial.

This is untrue

There are numerous games where you can play against factions (civs) which you don’t own.

Im sure all of these could generate revenue.

Im sure the devs have considered what would generate the most money(or have been mandated as such by MS) and are likely putting effort there

Don’t forget RTS is an incredibly niche market. It’s much more financially viable to make a game for a different genre regardless of whether we know RTS is actually the best… Or that numerous companies (stardock off the top of my head) make more money from software than games…

So it’s always humorous to read the entitled demands of gamers demanding free content (like a whopping entire campaign). Or even reduced prices…

I think its one thing to ask for a complete /balanced game and another to ask for free content

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True, but what about the time when you want to try the new civs and have to pay for them?

I mean, some people won’t buy a DLC. We can’t force them.

And we can’t have free civs either.