5 HC Cards for training time is ridiculous

So I’ve restarted playing treaty with India, its definetly better or I should say “ATLEAST PLAYABLE”.

Okay lets see for treaty SEPOY we HAD PREVIOUSLY :

Base Train time : 34 SEC
(13.33% more than euro musk 30sec)

  • Riding School (card) - 40% to all infantry
  • Immigrants (TC research) - 10% for all

FINAL- 50% improved = 12SEC

After the new card introduced and other nerfs to sepoy :

BASE train time : 38SEC
(26.67% more than euro musk 30sec)

  • Riding School (card) - 40% to all infantry
  • Immigrants (TC research) - 10% for all
  • Zamindars (LOL I forgot its renamed) - 20% to all infantry
  • Indian Gunpoweder - 15% for sepoy + 10% COST + (in later update) 10% HP & DMG of Imperial upgrade shifted in this card

FINAL- 85% improved = 5.7SEC

SO it “looks like” there is HUGE TRAIN TIME improvement of 6SEC from 12 to 5.7(6)
And it makes it the ONLY unit of India to train this FAST! except Flail Elephant. COOL


If I don’t want that 6SEC train improvement.

I still have to HAVE THAT CARD in my deck,
I NEED that 10% HP & DMG!
which was previously provided by the imperial upgrade.

SO. . . the card is basically forced upon India after the update,
coz before the update, If I don’t want that 6sec train time, I could still have the full stats Sepoy.
But NOW I have to keep that card to have a full stats SEPOY. :slight_smile:


Is it worth it ? If you want to spam sepoy using 6sec train time, probably yes !

But other wise ? NOPES!

  • Coz we used to have the sepoy with same stats without a 4th compulsory card, in an already over burdened deck. (Being the most shipment dependent civ.)

  • This card takes away even the last breathing room from the deck.

  • This might not look like a problem to other civ players, but for India its a huge problem.

  • As for everything its over dependent on cards. U cant even have basic stuff without the cards, like pop reduction etc, there are literally so much scope for many cards to become a research ONLY! but as India doesn’t have an arsenal, and the Monastry is mostly empty. All that burden is on the shipments ONLY!


India needs a new building or merging of some cards to create a breathing room in the deck. This will make it a truely revived civ of a current DE.

All I can say is :

Currently it feels like an upgrade of 2005 civ, rather than a remastered DE civ.

An Old civ that’s just a little upgraded, but no new mechanic or anything is given. and Not on par with other civs.

And for the same reason, as an India player you can NEVER play alone as MAIN civ in team/treaty against any of the popular civs.

But those civ are they can stand a 1v2 fora little while or recover faster from a failed push, Basically always have a trick or an absurd spammable unit to fall back to. With India u never have that luxury. either u keep pushing fueled by constant wood burning. or you’ll loose the momentum,

Untill these things are not resolved, India is a supporting civ, not a standalone treaty civ.