6 NEW CIV Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend - Official Teaser Trailer 15 €

Following this lead, the Holy Roman Empire civ will receive the Teutonic Order variant, the French civ will receive the Kingdom of Jerusalem variant, the Abbasids civ will receive the Mamluk variant, and what variant could the Chinese civ receive?

Moreover, there would still be a lack of Persians in such a DLC!


I guess the Northern China, which had been conquested by non-Han ethnic groups for about 500 years since the fall of Tang dynasty. The new Chinese dynasties order would be Liao (Age1, ruled by Khitans)/ Jin (Age2,ruled by Jurchens, you can see it in Mongols campaign)/ Yuan( Age3, Same as standard Chinese civ)/ Ming ( Same as standard Chinese civ).

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Ming Dynasty?
The most difficult one to guess.

i think abbasid variant will be mamelukes


If it’s probably as you say, I can’t wait, it will literally be a new civilization, with many new peculiarities.

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My guesse for variant civs -

Abbassid - Mamlukes/Ayubids
Ottomans - Seljuks
French - Crusaders
HRE - Hungarians (based on the screen shot in steam I think its the black army of Hungary)


“The Abbasid Dynasty, Chinese, French and Holy Roman Empire will receive these new Variant Civilizations and players will have new ways to play as seasoned favorite civilizations”

They don’t mention the Ottomans.


then who get these cavalry archers ?

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Abbasid - as Mamluk Sultanate


hmm makes sense since mamlukes are descendants of kipchaks

4 variant civilizations? what does that mean

They are Turko-Mongol mercenaries.
Golden horde sold many nomads to the Mamluks to support them.
They fought against Ilkhanate, the Golden Horde hated them.

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It means new civs using older civ mechanic with slight changes like new unique units and techs


Reskin, hero, tech, upgrade, and unique units

Maybe the variant of Chinese is Jurchen/Manchurian? Then we could have Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Manchu Banners and Qing Dynasty.

Plus, Liao Dynasty is really a dark age for Jurchen Chinese. And as about Jin Dynasty, you already beat them in Mongol campaigns.
Plus plus, Manchu Banners half-ly belongs to Ming Dynasty, which you see it in game.
Plus plus plus, Qing Dynasty you already see them in Chinese of Age of Empires III, though Chinese in AOE3 is a combination of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty.


We already have all chinese dynasties… then what are we expecting for chinese? Koreans?

oh never mind … we still dont have jin dynasty, so it could be the new variant

They should have done the Mongol variation.
Golden Horde, Ilkhanate, Chagatai and Yuan Dynasty of Mongolia with walls and buildings etc

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I think they will eventually

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