Where have you readed it? Can’t find it.

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And Great Bombards for everyone who had them, greetings from the Tsar Cannon! :v::wink:


Bueno, primero lo primero, estoy FELIZ de que los deeps consideraran varias de nuestras ideas anteriores:

1.- Más unidades “general” o “capitán”, a lo Khans:

  • Rey inglés
  • Sultan
  • Super-Lanzapiedras Mongol
    Esto me emociona porque a futuro esto abre las puertas para otros tipos de civs que tenían generales “demasiado característicos” como para ignorarlos como unidad única (sobre todo si la Civ no tiene suficientes), como el Capitan del Poppolo Veneciano, o el Condottiero italiano, o incluso el “Skull Knigh” azteca del Age III, pero con su nombre real: " Tlacochcalcatl" of “The man from the house of darts”.

2.- Adiós al bullying inglés de las unidades únicas y Landmarks con efectos:

  • Única civ con 1 sola unidad única, ahora tendrá 4 (rey, arquero tiro largo, ranger y winguard footmeen), y eso sin contar al aldeano-arquero y el hombre de armas temprano, ya están a la par de los Chinos.
  • Solo me pregunto que tan roto debe estar el Wynguard Footmen para que 6 cuesten 500 de oro.
  • Fortaleza Landmark de 3ra edad, ahora también actúa 100% más rápido desarrollando y creando.

3.- Más unidades únicas situacionales para todos!, nunca es suficiente

  • Milicia de Leva Rusa (Referencia a la Druzhina?)
    Acabo de revisar que los chinos Ming tenían una unidad especial de lancero: " Langxian" or “branched spearman”. Solo por si acaso algún día sacan “Alabarderos” como infantería pesada de 4ta edad, siempre recuerden que esta puede ser la unidad única china que la reemplace. Nunca es suficiente, más, MÁS, Más unidades únicas!.

4.- Landmarks con efectos más pegados a su original histórico:

  • Abbey of Kings: ahora invoca “kings”, jajaja. Y al ser una abadía católica, “curan”. Bien, los ingleses ya tienen una tecnología o landmark relacionada a religión, ya puedo morir en paz.
  • Compound of the defender: Mi principal sugerencia hubiera sido que al ser una “fortaleza”, actúe como una, osea, que sea un “Keep” a parte del bonus que da. Los cambios actuales ahora le permiten desarrollar TODAS las tecnologías de un Keep a parte de permitir construir murallas con infantería. Bien, bien, ahora al menos se reconoce que era un keep.
  • Meinwerk Palace - Se refieren al Palacio Imperial de Paddenborg, ciudad donde vivió Meinwerk, un obispo (que enrevesado). Muchas de las landmarks palacios fueron Palacios Imperiales donde vivió algun rey de los muchos del HRE, casi siempre en un reino distinto de lo que actualmente es Alemania. Al parecer ahora tiene 2 tecnologías para mejorar la armadura de caballería igual que el bono de armadura de Aoe2. ¿Hay algún dato conocido de que la armadura de caballería de los germanos del HRE fuera mejor que el resto de Europa? Leo esto, y me doy cuenta que SIIIII: (Buscar “full bard” aleman, de Maximiliano I). Ahora entiendo porque los Italianos contrataban mercenarios de caballería Alemana, ahora hacen bien a su prestigio.

5.- Sistema de unidades coloniales y mercenarias

  • Mongoles pueden con el Palacio del Khan, invocar a unidades únicas de otras civs que fueron sus “colonias”, como Rus Knights de Elite, warrior monks, nido de avispas, palace guards.

Si bien sigue el modelo de la Landmark Mali de la Farimba Garrison, de hecho ya en el foro sugerí algo similar hace unos meses, pero para los estados papales, aunque los italianos les quedaría todavía mejor, ya que ellos compraban unidades a todas las civs europeas (caballeros alemanes, arqueros ingleses, hombres de armas ingleses, etc). De hecho, también en mi modelo de Civ Genovesa reciente, justo sugerí que los genoveses puedan comprar “arqueros a caballo tártaros Rus” de Crimea, porque esa fue su colonia. Que se haya empleado este sistema en los mongoles, me encanta y me emociona.

6.- Nombres de tecnologías más afines a “tecnologías o aspectos culturales reales”:

  • Más alcance de santo (eh?) + Más poder de santo (what?) → FERVOR (Eso si suena imponente)

  • Veneración de Santos.- 100 HP a monjes guerreros en IV edad (Increible).
    Bien, muy bien. Al fin. Personalmente nunca me gustaron los nombres de las 2 tecnologías religiosas Rus, parecía como un nombre Placeholder: algo como “Ataque de arqueros”: arqueros tienen 1 de ataque más, porque sí, sin background histórico. Ahora si representan cualidades de la iglesia ortodoxa.
    Creo que la única civ sin tecnología religiosa única que quedan son Francia y Mali.

  • Fé cambiada a Proselitismo (Tecnicamente ahora es 100% correcto)
    Me encanta, proselitismo es la cualidad que el cristianismo, islam y budismo tienen en común, la de transmitir la fe a gente de todo el mundo y no solo del pueblo originario. Tengo la esperanza que a futuro sea una tech compartida entre todas las civs con monjes de esas 3 religiones. Las civ con religiones chamanicas o animistas bien pueden tener sus propia tecnologías habilidades, como “maldecir” o “predicción mágica”.

  • Bueno, por el momento los Franceses serían la única civ sin tecnología o landmark religiosa única, bueno, tienen la maravilla Notre Dame, pero bien podrían agregarles algo más, tal vez relacionado a la veneración a San Juana de Arco.

  • Los Mali tienen el Griot Bara, que supongo es una tienda de Griots, los que contaban la historia del pueblo y por eso influyen tanto con sus festivales, eso y que los poderes de las musofadi de ocultarse son en teoría “magia” (o bombas de humo, incienso y entrenamiento de primeros auxilios con hierbas medicinales, pero bueno en el pasado se veía eso como magia); y su maravilla es una mezquita ultra-celebre. Fácil también podrían hacer como el Age 3 y poner a los Griot como unidad única extra.

7.- Sugerencias

  • Tecnología única inglesa: Infantería Montada: Infantería adquiere la habilidad de montar a caballo y desmontar. No puede atacar montada pero incrementa su velocidad a 1.80, cowldown 60 seg.

  • Royal Academy (Franceses): Mi sugerencia era que sirviera de universidad en 4ta edad, para que no sirva solo en la 3era y bueno, actúe como la universidad que es.

  • Nuevas unidades generales: Todavía veo temprano que agreguen al arquero a caballo como unidad general de varias civs, ya que solo se la agregarian a los Otomanos, aunque creo que tendran que considerarlo seriamente cuando tengan que sacar el paquete “Balcanes” con los Bulgaros, Hungria, comunidad Polonia-Lituania. Probablemente para que otras civs no se queden con ganas, también consideren agregar nuevas unidades comunes para otros grupos de civs, como “Ballesteros a caballo” con bono anti-caballería (como el dragon del Age III) sobre todo para civs europeas del oeste (HRE, España, Portugal), o alabarderos, que funcionarian como lanceros pesados que cuestan oro, su versión en reinos islámicos sería la guardia real, si es que esta no sustituye al men-ar-arms. En resumen lo siguiente:
    Arqueros a caballo: los mismos stats que los arqueros a caballo Rus. Lo tendrían las civs balticas y de asia del oeste, como Ottomanos, y a futuro Hungria, Polonia-Lituania, Bulgaros, “salvo” tengan su versión en unidad única, como ya tienen los Abbasides con el arquero a camello. Variaciones a esta unidad, como el Akinci, o el Kipchak también son posibles como unidades únicas a futuro.
    Ballestero a caballo: caballería ligera de rango, con bonus antiarmadura. Actúa como el dragón de ageIII, pero con los mismos defectos, débil contra lanceros, caballería ligera, ballesteros y arqueros. Tiene menos ataque que los ballesteros (porque las ballestas a caballo son más pequeñas y débiles) y peor tiempo de recarga, solo buenos contra hombres de armas y caballeros. Sustituto del Arquero a Caballo para las Civs europeas que no tenían esa tropa. Actualmente lo tendrían actualmente los Franceses y HRE, pero a futuro España, Portugal, Ciudades Estado Italianas, etc.
    Espías: unidad comercial táctica, se crea en el centro urbano o castillo con un gran rango de visión (10). Puede entrar en sigilo por 5 minutos. Ideal para espiar, pero no para combate.

  • NOTA: Ingleses no tendrian ni arquero a caballo ni ballestero a caballo, ellos disparaban a pie. Lo compensan con la tecnología única “Infantería Montada”, que les da la habilidad a arqueros ballesteros, lanceros y hombres de armas de montar a caballo para desplazarse rapido y luego desmontar.

  • Más cartas para los otomanos: Aquí algunas:
    Prangi: Permite producir Culverinas en el Taller de Maquinaria de Asedio y Forja de Mehmed. + Envia 1 culverina.
    Siha and Majra: Le da la habildiad Activa especial a los arqueros de +9 de bonus antipesado por 5 seg. + Envia 2 arqueros x escuela militar.
    Akinchis: Permite producir Akinchis, tipo de arqueros a caballo, o si ya existen les da un bono +5 contra aldeanos. + Envia 1 akinci x escuela militar.

8.- Conclusión
Será un gran Update.


  • síiiiiii, ahora tienen más daño de asedio, como la contraparte del DLC indio “elefante-ariete”, ahora si el enemigo tendrá más razones para no ignorarlos, si los atacan con algo que no sea pikeman, reciben un fuerte contrataque, pero si los ignoran destruirán la ciudad a embestidas.

NOTA: lo puse en español por la emoción, pero bueno, un post en español de cada 20 que escribo creo que no hace daño, además está el botón con forma de globo que permite traducirlo a inglés. Cuidense.

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Rus militia shouldnt die over time i think it should have a build limit and stay there until its killed and it must be weak of course

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No! False equivalence right there because here’s what you need to know:

  1. The Great Bombard is based on the Dardanelles Gun and the Tsar Cannon is rather looking different from the Dardanelles Gun.
  2. Tsar Cannon was created barely within the AoE4 timeframe and also, not to mention, this cannon never even fired once while the Dardanelles Gun did.
  3. There would be balancing issues with the Tsar Cannon considering size of this cannon.
  4. This cannon was just only for displaying (the second above reason mentions the status of this cannon).
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Commenting on new technologies: HRE

Stell barding.- increases +2/2 the armor of knights. Clear reference to the Teutonic armor bonus in Age II:DE, but where does the special bonus come from? I began to investigate “stell bard”, and now I come across the concept of FULL BARD.

FULL BARD - Unknown-Augsburg-Artist-after-Artist-A-Maximilian-riding-the-armored-horse-circa-1575

Maximilian I in Full-Bard, Anonymous “A picture is worth more than 1000 words”


The full bard is a “complete ensemble of horse armour”, created for Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, by master armourers from Augsburg and Innsbruck like Lorenz Helmschmied and Konrad Seusenhofer. The development of the full bard was also connected with the development of Maximilian armour and the Landsknecht (all three arose from the time Maximilian was in Burgundian Netherlands), as both human and equine combatants required more and more protection. But the full bard was expensive and only the richest knights could afford it.

The celebrated Augsburg maker Lorenz Helmschmied made the most technologically developed and also the most complete of the full bards, “The Helmschmid workshop also produced spectacular bards that all but completely enclosed the horse’s body (26.261.14), including the underside of the girth and abdomen, as well as the legs. Complete to the extreme, and of such technical complexity and considerable expense that they were most likely intended solely for ceremonial purposes and as diplomatic gifts.”.

The extremely elaborated and innovative bards crafted by Lorenz Helmschmied were important as iconographic and ########### devices for Maximilian in his Burgundian years, as the horse wearing his bards served as living banners for the master even when he could not be present himself.

Maximilian had a great passion for armour, not only as equipment for battle or tournaments, but as an art form. He prided himself on his armor designing expertise and knowledge of metallurgy. Under his patronage, “the art of the armorer blossomed like never before.” Master armorers across Europe like Lorenz Helmschmid, Konrad Seusenhofer, Franck Scroo and Daniel Hopfer (who was the first to etch on iron as part of an artistic process, using an acid wash) created custom-made armors that often served as extravagant gifts to display Maximilian’s generosity and devices that would produce special effects (often initiated by the emperor himself) in tournaments. The style of armour that became popular during the second half of his reign featured elaborate fluting and metalworking, and became known as Maximilian armour. It emphasized the details in the shaping of the metal itself, rather than the etched or gilded designs popular in the Milanese style. Maximilian also gave a bizarre jousting helmet as a gift to King Henry VIII – the helmet’s visor features a human face, with eyes, nose and a grinning mouth, and was modelled after the appearance of Maximilian himself.

It also sports a pair of curled ram’s horns, brass spectacles, and even etched beard stubble. Knowing that the extinct Treizsaurbeyn (likely Treitzsauerwein) family had a method to make extra tough armours that could not be shot through by any crossbow, he sought their servant Caspar Riederer, who helped Konrad Seusenhofer to recreate the armour type. With knowledge gained from Riederer, Maximilian invented a method “so that in his workshops 30 front and back plates could be made at once”, in order to help his soldiers and especially his Landsknechte. The details of the process described are currently not known, but likely utilizing matrices with where armour parts could be stamped out from sheet metal.

Conclusión: Well, we already learned a lot of history, Maximilian was a fan of armor, and helps to make the best in Germany. Not to recognize it would be a mistake, but finally the germans have a optional bonus to cavalry units. I cant wait to test the new units and technologies.

Question: What do you imagine the Winguard Ranger and the Winguard Footman to be like?

  • Considering that the cost of 3 knights + 3 horsemen is 740f 300g, but it is reduced to 650f 200g. How broken does an infantry unit need to be for 6 to cost 200f 500g, still on discount? Would each cost approx 50f 100g? And the Wynguard Ranger 250g 450w, 50g 100w each unit?

  • I am eager to know what they are like. But, I’m also afraid that the Portuguese, Spanish and Japanese will take it out, without having made my model first. I CAN’T WAIT ANYMORE, I have to get my Japanese model out quickly. I’m going to go work on it, take care.

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The Tsar cannon is a classic great bombard, placed for some reason on the carriage. It was fired from it, it has already been proven and it was not the only one so big in Rus.
Horse archers are more associated with oguzes and most likely does not fall under the framework of AOE 4.

But yet, the Tsar Cannon would be too OP to use to add and the Tsar Cannon only fired once and was never used in war.

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Tsar Cannon participated in the defense of Moscow, but as a Great Shotgun. But the speech is not about this, but about the fact that this is not the only Great bombard on Rus, just one has survived to our times.

The Oguz also existed during the Medieval era and I should point out that the Japanese, Persians, and Timurids also used Horse Archers.

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In this case, it is necessary to rename the Ottomans to the Oguz Khaganate and select the Great Bombard, Janissaries and give horse archers. You can even have 2 types of horse archers, heavy and light. :grinning:

To be honest, I am in favor of having horse archers for everyone who used them, just Rus and Mongols, in this case, need to compensate for this.

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I really don’t think that it’s necessary to rename the Ottomans to the Oguz Khaganate because the Ottomans are representing the Ottoman Empire. It’s not like the Turks from AoE2, which represents all of the Oguz people. Similarly, the Abbasid Dynasty is one branch of the Saracens from AoE2 and the Delhi Sultanate being one branch of the Hindustanis. And yeah, I do agree that there should be compensation for once the Horse Archer becomes available to every civ that historically used them.

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I think there are enough voices wanting archer cavalry for the Ottomans already, so future devs might consider it, especially if they release a pack of Baltic civs.

However, it must be considered that for certain balance reasons, I think they are only limiting the “unique units” that fall outside the circle of the 6 classics (Spearman, MenAtArm, Crossbowmen, Archer, Knight, Horsemen).

To understand this, here is an example:

  • French
    II Royal Knight
    III Arbalester
    IV Cannon

  • Rus
    II Early Knight Druzhina
    III Warrior Monk ,Cavalry Archer
    IV Streltsy

  • Ottoman
    II Mehter, Sipahi
    III Janissary
    IV Big Bombard

The thing is, that Janissary is supposedly a “III age early unique unit”, if they give the horse archer to the Ottomans in the 3rd age, they would be despising the jannisary utility (which it doesn’t have, but doing so would be admitting it, worse thing. So we have to wait for a update when the attack or HP of the janissary rise up). On the other hand, historically, the only other unit that the Ottomans had for the role of horse archer, apart from the Delhi and the light Sipahi, was the Akinci, which some of them were horse archers and they were dedicated to looting and killing and plundering villages, mainly villagers.

It would be worth considering if it is better to:

  • A.- Put an Age III Horse Archer for Ottomans, and then “Akinci” as a unique technology in IV age, (As in the Age III card “Akinci”).

  • B.- Put it as a Unique Unit of IV age, “Akinci”, with some bonus typical of an irregular troop (related to obtaining gold by looting, attacking or attacking villagers).

Well, considering that I recently wrote a long post, but in Spanish, but it had a section about my suggestion of “Arqueros a Caballo”, it would be good to repeat it but this time in English to see what you think:


1.- New General Units:
I’m still looking forward to adding the horse archer as a multi-civ general unit, as they would only add it to the Ottomans, though I think they’ll have to seriously consider it when they have to release the “Balkans” pack with the Bulgarians, Hungary, Polish-Lithuanian community. Probably so that other civs are not left wanting, also consider adding new common units for other groups of civs, such as “Horse Crossbowmen” with anti-cavalry bonus (like the Age III dragon) especially for western European civs ( HRE, Spain, Portugal), or halberdiers, which would function as heavy spearmen that cost gold, their version in Islamic kingdoms would be the royal guard, if it does not replace the men-ar-arms. In summary the following:

- Horse Archers: Same stats as Rus Horse Archers. The Baltic and West Asian civs would have it, like the Ottomans, and in the future Hungary, Poland-Lithuania, Bulgarians, “unless” they have their version as a single unit, as the Abbasides already have with the camel archer. Variations to this unit, such as the Akinci, or the Kipchak are also possible as unique units in the future.

  • Horse Crossbowman: ranged light cavalry, with bonus anti-armor. It acts like the dragon from ageIII, but with the same flaws, weak against spearmen, light cavalry, crossbowmen and archers. It has less attack than crossbowmen (because mounted crossbows are smaller and weaker) and worse reload time, only good against men-at-arms and knights. Substitute for Horse Archer for European Civs that did not have that troop. Currently the French and HRE would have it, but in the future Spain, Portugal, Italian City States, etc.

  • Spies: commercial tactical unit, it is created in the urban center or castle with a great range of vision (10). You can enter stealth for 5 minutes. Ideal for spying, but not for combat.

2.- English Unique New Technology:
Englishmen would not have either archer on horseback or crossbowman on horseback, they would shoot on foot. They make up for this with the unique “Mounted Infantry” technology, which gives crossbow archers, spearmen, and men-at-arms the ability to ride horses to move quickly and then dismount.

  • Mounted Infantry: Men- at-arms and Longbowmens gains the Active ability to Mount and Dismount, which convert the units in cavalry type model that cannot attack but increases its speed to 1.88, and after dismounting become again infantry units. Cowldown after dismount: 60 seconds.

3.-More Imperial Council Bonuses for the Ottomans:

  • Prangi (IV): Allows you to produce Culverinas in Mehmed’s Forge and Siege Machinery Workshop. + Send 1 culverine.

  • Siha and Majra (IV): Gives the special Active ability to archers +9 anti-heavy bonus for 5 seconds, cowldown 60seg. + Send 2 archers x military school.

  • Akinchis (IV): Allows the production of Akinchis, a type of archers on horseback/ or if they already exist, it gives them a +5 bonus against villagers. + Send 1 akinci x military school.


  • English: Mounted Infantry
  • French: Horse Crossbowmen
  • HRE: Horse Crossbowmen
  • Rus: Horse Archer
  • Abbasid: Camel Archer
  • Sultanate of Delhi: Tower Elephant
  • Mongols: Mangudai
  • Ottomans: Akinci/Horse Archer
  • Mali: Horse Javelin thrower (Anti-another ranged cavalry, LOL)
  • Chinese: Horse Archers (from Yuan Dinasty Period, Mongol’s mercenaries)

Yes, I liked the new units… before I didn’t even use the abbey of the kings, since it was very meh, unless you played defensively… now with the English king it’s more useful and it’s more relevant for offensive use. …the king’s hall now it’s more like an archery in general…the wynguard palace no longer creates knights, the khaganate palace is more varied and the Rus have militiamen like those of aoe 3 with the kremlin (you pay x food and they defend the city)… In general I quite like the rework…

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is this real or a fantasy do you have the real photo of this armor

About the balance issue, perhaps the Horse Archer should cost food and gold just like it’s counterparts in AoE1, 2, and 3 instead of food and wood.

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Well, there are LOTS of armors of Maximilian I of HRE, he was a “friki” of armors. There is one of them:


Even his grandson, Charles V (“CARLOS V, Rey de España y el Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico”) have the same hobby, here some of his armors:

About the first image that I published, sorry but i don´t find surviving amors. Remember that armors were used in Battlefield, many of them were broken or destroyed in wars, not in the pase of time because they were made of metal. On the other hand, I suppose they must have existed, there are documentation, books and even terminology about them (check “Maximilian armors”, is even a type of armor) or they have them well kept and they are only revealed a few times in museums in Germany, remember that due to their age they are historical “relics”. If I ever get a picture of a full FULL BARD being revealed on a display mannequin I’ll let you know. I suppose that the structure of the leg is not displayed because it is difficult to put on, but the main armor of the horse is displayed a lot:


I thought that the price of Horse Archers is for balance, so one can buy both Stretly (Food and gold) and Horse Archers (Food and wood) are separated like that and use all your resources for an army of troops of range. But hey, that’s for the devs to decide.

On the other hand, in “technical” matters, the archer uses a bow, made of wood, and arrows, which are usually also pure wood. While the crossbow or firearms use metal and parts manufactured or bought and then assembled, hence the crossbowmen cost gold. In theory the horse archer is the super-archer option, but is bow is more short than foot archers, so it’s good that they cost less wood and more food than them.

Now if it’s a unique unit or a mercenary (like the Landkechnet), I guess they could cost gold for their services, and I guess that’s why the Mangudai cost gold, on top of the balance that their Mongol complement, the horsemen cost food and wood.

so its a fantasy armor please come with real things or do you want devs to add vampires and dragons too


The gold cost for the Horse Archer would be for balancing just like in the other AoE games and just because a unit uses a bow, doesn’t necessarily mean that they should always cost wood. The Mangudai, which is the Mongol Horse Archer uses the bow, but it costs food and gold. Besides, the Horse Archer could use some buffs as it’s wood cost is replaced by the gold cost. An example of a buff to the Horse Archer would be increasing their HP to match up with that of other cavalry units.