About the new Peruvian Revolt

First of all, I want to say the devs have made a good work with the new Argentinian, Brazilian and Canadian revs. They now have a lot of identity, and their new shipments pay homage to their history, strengths and character. They may not have everything on them, and new things can always be proposed and added, but it shows the work done to give them a unique and proper feel. I don’t feel the same way about some of the additions to the peruvian revolution, though, as I think I doesn’t reflect the country as much as relying too much on Incan units and shipments, while using some elements of the Mexican revolt that while might work, are not implemented in the best way.

The issues I see with this design are, first of all, the overreliance on Inca cards to fill the deck. While we are very proud of our history, Peru is not Tawuantinsuyo, and having so many cards relate to inca units, buildings and events dilute the identity the rev could have. Along with this, there is the use of two particular cards with mexican flavour/influence, one of which could use some tweaks. Lastly, I feel there are a couple of cards that could be included to both strength the design of the rev and to give it some more dimensión.

For the first issue, the inca cards, these are my suggestions:

  • Remove Monumental Architecture. While we do have this monumental ruins, they were built before Peru was a thing and we never used them as fortification to the extent as to being represented as a card. While I know the devs want to give them an incentive to turtle, this shipment is not accurate. We will get to its replacement further along.

  • Alpaca Wool: Good card, it stays.

  • 6 priestesses and Team Aqllakuna (2 priestesses for your ally): The priestesses in game represent the Acllas, the ####### of the Sun, women who by their beauty and talent were chosen to attend a variety of social and ritual work for the benefit of the Inca emperor and the nobility. As a peruvian shipment, it has little sense, as that order had dissapeared even by the early years of the colony. The only meaning I can force to it is to relate them to the practice of the Curanderos, where people mix catholic and native beliefs to perform a series of rituals for good fortune or health, but even then it would be very forced, and many curanderos are men. There are women of course, but the majority are men.
    Instead, peruvian history has the perfect replacement for these units: Rabonas. “Rabona” is the term used in Peru and Bolivia to refer to the women who used to accompany infantry soldiers during 19th-century military marches and campaigns. They prepared food, attended to their husbands, partners, or family members, repaired uniforms, and performed other logistical care tasks, which were important during that time.

    The origin of the “rabona” dates back to the Peruvian royalist army during the war of independence. Officers allowed the spouses of recruits, who were usually indigenous people and mestizos from the highlands, to accompany them in the campaign, often carrying their small children. This was done to prevent demoralization and desertion of the troops during the first months of training, and the children born or raised during the campaign often spent the rest of their lives connected to the military, joining as drummers from childhood or as soldiers from adolescence. Although they were generally sent to the rear to assist with ambulance services at the beginning of combat, some of them took part in actions, and, due to their military merits, they were promoted on the battlefield.
    So, how would the rabona work?
    You keep the healing ability but remove the conversion and replace it with one of these two (or both, why not?): Rabonas can build field hospitals and/or they increase slightly the speed of units near them. Thay way, they represent and integral part of the early peruvian military while keeping the shipment mostly the same. I would say you can give them guns but maybe thats a bit too much. You don’t even need to change the model that much, just the icon to show they work different and remove the head dress. The cards become 6 Rabonas and Team 2 Rabonas.

  • Team Seasonal Labor: A kinda generic card, the name doesn’t have much to do with Peru either. I would replace it with a shipment of Kancha houses, which are inca buildings that continued to be used in one form or another during colonial times and one of them being inhabited till this day. Maybe add the ability or change the gather to wood so there is not much focus on food. The benefit might be too much tho, so other options of shipments are welcomed.

  • Andean Warriors: Part of the original design of the revolt, their main appeal as inca siege units is lost when you already have access to european artillery. If anything, I’d replace it with 6 Soldados, a card now given to Brazil, too.

  • American Allies: I think this card might work better just giving you 3 embassy wagons and allying you directly to the Quechua, integral part of the peruvian nation. Mexican and Canadian rev already ally you directly with the natives in their territory, this should be not exception.

  • Machu Picchu: Guys, Machu Picchu is not a Stronghold, its primary function was not a militar one. Also, in the time the game conveys, most peruvians and the external world had no idea about Machu Picchu, it was rediscovered in the 20th century. A better card name for it is Sacsayhuaman, a true inca stronghold that was not only known, but that is right there next to Cusco and was part of many important moments in not only incan but peruvian history. This shipment would lose its ability to produce inca units (more on that later), but it would still allow for units to garrison in there and can even receive a hitpoint buff (but more about turtling soon).

    Sacsayhuaman right next to the city of Cusco

  • Remove Manco Inca (give it to the Inca):This is very clear, Manco Inca should not be a peruvian shipment, 100% it should be a Inca one, and even more, the Tupac Amaru shipment should go to Peru, at least in name, as the revolt occured in the Viceroyalty of Peru. Manco Inca, while initially sided with the spanish to preserve the empire, soon realized he was a captive more than an emperor and led and indiginous revolt as Sapa Inca, even forming the Neo Incan state, the short live sucesor of Tawantinsuyo, where he was killed by a group of spanish soldiers that sided and later betrayed him. The card can be kept the same for Inca, with the added bonus of converting all villagers into soldiers. Espadachines and Maceman are a good combo and good roster for what the rebelion was: an indiginous attack where Manco Inca itself wore spanish armor and weapons (he was very good with a horse from what I read too). It can also work as the Tupac Revolt card works, but that would be kinda odd.

  • Add Tupac Amaru Revolt: This rebellion was the first major revolution within the emancipation process that took place in the Viceroyalty of Peru and served as a precedent for the wars of independence that would emerge in the Americas in the early 19th century. The causes of the rebellion included, along with opposition to the Bourbon Reforms and an economic downturn, a grassroots revival of Inca cultural identity.
    As for the Tupac Amaru revolt card for the peruvians, it could not work as it work right now, transforming inca units as european ones, so its new effect would be: Sends Tupac Amaru to the map, allows the recruitment of Inca units in the Stronghold and ships a number of Huaracas (or Inca/native units). This way, you can add Inca units to the revolt in a historically accurate way, not just “because peruvian”.

Now the mexican influenced cards:

  • Lima: Great card, the Cathedral is a stapple of the city, the ability to build two speaks to the number of churches in the historic center of the city, and the XP curve increase is very nice. Why does it has Dia de los muertos though? Even with La Catrina as an icon. That’s part of Mexican cultural identity, it sits weird for Perú. As a replacement for that tech, I propose Señor de los Milagros: “The celebration of the Cristo Moreno has started! ########## and turrones are for the faithful makes your cathedrals and churches produce a little trickle of food”. Why? because the revolt is already kinda geared towards food. Also, it helps with the production of Peruvian legions, and gives them a thing of their own

  • Then 33 Insurgentes I don’t know about this one, who does it represent? The indiginous farmers? It’s a weird choice, even more so when appart from Mexico, only Peru seems to have a shipment from them. Placeholder? In any case, a kinda weird card. Give them rifles and make them Montoneros: irregulars composed of indigenous people, mestizos, and african descendents that began to take military action during the War of Independence. They had a tendency to act in groups, disrupting or delaying the movement of royalist contingents through the highlands of Peru.

Lastly, some cards I think might work well with the spirit of the rev. I understand seeing other revolts that you are removing the infinite fort from them, which is ok I guess, maybe Infinite forts become something only a handful of revs get in the future, but there is a certain turtle style to the rev, so I wanted to add something to that. Remember I removed Monumental Architecture? Well, an inca stronghold would be weird to have as the sole fortification for the peruvians, especially since the Real Felipe Fortress on Callao is the biggest the Spanish built in the Americas. So, new cards:

  • Real Felipe Fortress: ships 1 Fort wagon and increse the hipoints of buildings (half the effect of Monumental Architecture).
  • Along with this, we add Castles of Callao: Ships 2 Fort Wagons and increase the attack of Town centers (the other half of Monumental Architecture), fortresses and outposts, especially against ships. Peruvian society developed more on the coast rather than the highlands, so it makes sense to at least give protection to their fishing. Also, the real Felipe was the stage of a naval battle of combined south american forces against a spanish attempt at reconquest.
    So, for those counting, that would be 3 Forts and 2 Strongholds for the civ (One from Sacsayhuaman and the other could be built by the Tupac Amaru hero, as is the case with Manco Inca right now). Very turtly, while still being far from the infinite fort spam. You can even add one or 2 more in the Spanish phase of the match for extra defense.
  • Another card I think is very very important is the Husares de Junin, a very important calvary regiment that was crucial for the liberation of Perú, being called Liberators in their oficial name to this day. This would upgrade Hussars to Junin Hussars, a variant that would be weaker than the Chilean Hussars of death but with a charge ability, to reflect their pivotal engagements against royal forces.

Besides that, I would add, but don’t think are necessary:

  • Llama ranch, to allow them to train llamas, but the rev also gets infinite 6 fattened llamas, so maybe it would be a bit redundant.
  • Also, I’d add a card called Guano, to allow them to build a big coin source in the water for fishing ships, but that might be more work you are willing to put up with lol.
  • Maybe a Potosi shipment? allowing mines to last longer and villagers to gather faster, but that effect could be added to the Cusco shipment that already sends two prospector wagons.

With these changes, I wholeheartedly think the Revolution will get a unique character, maintain the focus the devs intended for the rev and stops relying on the meme that Peru = Incas.

Please, make Peru feel as well researched and thought as Canda, Brazil and Argentina. Being one of the few games you can actually play as Peru, making them not a recycled inca is a dear issue to me, and maybe for others. Let me know what you think and remember, we are here to discuss, if you disagree its ok but lets keep the discussion moving without problems.


Manco Inca was based in Vilcabamba which is definitely within the borders of modern-day Peru. I commented this in another thread this but what the devs are doing with Peru is consistent with their approach to many revolutions at this point, such as Finland (which didn’t exist independently until the 1900s) having the “Cudgel War” card (reference to a 1500s peasant uprising against Sweden) and the “Grand Duchy of Finland” card (reference to a Russian state founded in Finland in 1807). In my opinion, this isn’t a problem and is actually kind of nice in the same way the devs use the early-1500s style of Grenadiers rather than what they became by Napoleon’s time. If we changed everything to be 1800s-centric the whole game would just become WoL, and the pike and shot era doesn’t get enough love as it is.

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Id say the difference is whether it’s one card that represents something older, and the main thrust of the whole revolt being based off of something old.

Yes, but it was not Peru. focusing the civ in the incan past, is like making a revolt for sweden to the danes or russia to poland: territory overlapped, but they were not the same entity, and they did not have the same sensibilities, core army nor values. Look for example to the mexican revolution,one that you could argue shares a lot of similarities in its history with Peru (Aztec / Incan empire, both centers of colonian power in their sphere of influence, independence struggle):

It has a grand total of ONE native card that allows training of Zapotec, Maya, Navajo and Apache. Besides that, all other cards relate either to their colonial or independent history, they don’t have a card called Moctezuma that gives you full Aztec units and that is explained by pointing that the Aztec empire was within the borders of Mexico.

Look at the Argentinian deck:

All their cards relate to their colonial and independent period, even the addition of Trattorias, Lombards and the Lil Bombard, which reflect their italian influence, and the addition of Spanish musketeers, that could also work with the peruvian rev.

Brazil deck has only three native cards, all the other ones relate to them and not to the people that lived in the same area before the concept of Brazil even existed. Whats more, their Akkan allies also represent the forced movement of african people to the americas, a phenomenon entirely colonial but by no means unique to them, as Peru could also benefit from african and even asian allies, as their infliuence is very heavily marked in our identity as a nation (remember how Argentina also pays homage to their italian heritage?):

In my suggestion, the Peru rev would be able to ally with the quechua, and even get access to some inca cards after sending the correspondent shipment, so its done in a way that actually pays homage to the country’s history, unlike what we have right now, having a single stronghold as the only fortress of the peruvians (meme much?).

Canda is also very tastefully done:

Four shipments relating to native units without overwhelming the revolt with them, and Hudson Bay company, that works like the native North American Trade shipment from the Hauds, but with its own Canadian flavour. Besides that, the civ has a distinct Canadian feel, they even receive a General and a unique Musketeer with its fort.

Meanwhile, Peru is just stuck to the past, its identity being almost completely lifted up from the Incas:

Its clear that this revolt didn’t had the same care, thought or research as the other ones. it has NINE Inca cards, most of which relate to events that happened in Incan history, not peruvian (like Manco Inca, who died so the concept of Peru wouldn’t even exist). Mexican Insurgentes???. Even of the new “peruvian cards”, Lima, that gives you the Cathedrals, ship them with the mexican Dia de Muertos technology, a stapple of mexican culture that has La Catrina as an icon and that heavily derives from precolumbian mesoamerican cultures (incas were not mesoamerican). The other only two peruvian cards, the peruvian Legion and Cusco, are fine and good, but by no means are enough to represent the peruvian culture as the others represent their own cultures.


That is all very well, but Finland does not share the same issue with the Peru revolt, as all the new cards they are adding are better suited for a civ that is already in the game, independently if they overlapped their territory. The Tawantinsuyo and Peru are not the same entity. Do you remember how people felt when it seemed that Danes would be a revolt from the Swedish? this is kinda like that, shared or overlaping territory not necesarilly justifies representing the country as “just inca”, and as I showed in the previous post, that same argument can be applied to other rev civs but it doesn’t. They are better researched and built, with emphasis on their actual history and not the history of another related but adjacent group.

Also please remember the Inca were just the ruling ethnic group, not all the people in the empre, so saying “oh, but the inca population remained the same so it’s ok” is not accurate, and it ignores many other ethnic and groups, both native and inmigrant ones, all of which contributed to form the peruvian identity, related but distinct from the inca one.


One interesting thing is that unlike other regions, the native Peruvians adapted to the European military formation so much that the Peruvian royalist army was made up of Quechuas and Aymaras, in fact there were several regiments and one of them was from Cusco, so the descendants of the Incas fought using European uniforms and weapons. The royalist generals frequently spoke to their troops in Quechua, and this is one of the reasons why Peru had a somewhat antagonistic role in the independence process since the majority of Peruvians were royalist and the troops were made up of several natives so when Peru became independent from Spain the Peruvian independence army became the heir of the Peruvian royalist army, so the problem seems to be worse than it appears to be.


A big part of that is because Tupac Amaru II’s rebellion meant that most of the anti-monarchist elements in the Viceroyalty were gotten rid off decades before the rest of the continent, so the people who were left were much more loyal to the crown.

Ironically, Bolivia had much more anti-royalist uprising at the same time as the rest of the continent, all the Republiquetas and whatnot.

This is true, peruvian colonial society at that point was separated in two “republics”: One for indigenous people and another for eurpean descendents. After Tupac’s revolt failed, the “indian” republic was dismantled.

That makes me think that devs could change the Machu Picchu/Sacsayhuaman stronghold card to “República de Indios”, which would give you access to a stronghold travois and allow you to build some Inca units in strongholds and Forts or barracks, and then the Tupac Revolt can retain its effect in the peruvian deck to transform the incan units in the map to their european counterpart, while giving you the Tupac Amaru II hero, which could build a second Stronghold.

That change, along with my other proposed changes, could work very nicely indeed, although the whole Inca training is still bit much. At least in this manner or in my original proposal it makes a bit more historical sense


I wouldn’t say that all the other cards relate to Brazil. Feitorias p.e. were pretty much irrelevant to its development ever since 17th December 1548 and before that were hardly relevant for the colonization effort. It’s addition seems to be more for gameplay purposes.

DEVS Please. INCREASE SOLDADO Count for Brazil to 8 Infinite. Pls

Microsoft is discriminating towards peruvian people!!!

You make some pretty good points. I don’t really have anything to add except for one thing, and that’s that the Canadian revolution is extremely native-based because your entire settler population gets converted to Metis (who are classified as an indigenous group by modern Canada). There were many Metis throughout Canada in the 1800s and them being tied to the “revolution” mechanic implies that the revolution is probably based on the North-West Rebellion of 1885 when the Metis took up arms against the crown. The deck isn’t very native but the rev civ itself is extremely native, because most Canadian settlements in the 1800s were absolutely not Metis.

It will be a lot more native in this coming patch.

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I love your ideas for a Peru revolutionary civ. I want to add that Hussars of Junín should not look like Hussars of Death that Chile have or use an average hussar skin like happens with Morochuco which have a vaquero skin. Both Morochuco (which are in game) and Hussars of Junín should have their own skin.

Other thing is that all Native American allies card should use the name of the people it is alied, which in Peru case it should be Quechua Allies card (I wish they add Aymaras someday as a minor civ).


or us just unlock them in the fort , thats better

Yes, a unique model would work great, their uniform is very recognizable. Another skin for the Morochuco is needed too, right now they are only cowboys.

Devs, please, this revolt is not on pair with the other ones, it is the Peruvian revolution not the Inca one, manco Inca has nothing to do with it. I hope something can be done before the release of the patch.


I agree completely. I think the other revolts are generally pretty good, but just need a little tweaking and polishing. The new Peru just does not feel Peruvian. It leans too heavily into the Incan heritage of the area, and neglect the history of Peru itself. I wish they leaned more into the Prussian military heritage of the civ, and allowed for the creation of an economy which combined both a little of the kancha houses, some llama livestock economy, and Potosi, especially considering how central Potosi was to the Spanish silver economy.

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I would be fine with reskinning the Inca units with some less formal outfits from the period, to reflect their employment as irregulars by the military. Let them continue speaking quechua as well, as it was still spoken by much of the peasantry.

However, I’m not sure what to do about the weapons besides the Huaracas (which were still in use). Melee units may be given ordinary weapons such as swords, sabres, spears, bayonets (mounted on firearms without ammo). I read one letter from the war of independence that a band of guerrillas managed to overcome loyalist guerrilla force with only slings and sticks.

The Insurgentes that are shipped can be renamed to Montoneros, and retain their function. They could speak quechua as well, instead of the spanish they currently use in this PUP.

If anything, the adaptation of the Inca roster as a whole into the Peruvian Rev could be based on the Montonera movement.

If looking for a 19th century replacement for Manco Inca, with the adapted Inca units as different types of Montonero, you have José Avelino Cáceres as an alternative, who was famous for resorting to their use in war.



But the Peruvian army followed french doctrine until the end of the 19th century.

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This would be my proposal of deck, one more closesly following the devs design, and another expanded one (The revolt right now have 19 cards, while some others get up to 23 or 24, so theres room for some more cards).
The standard deck, modelled after the devs design, would go like this:

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    First of all, Monumental Architecture in the first row is swapped by a new card, “Sacsayhuaman Fortress”: “The Inca Fortress of Sacsayhuaman looms over the city of Cusco, granting you one Stronghold Travois and increasing the hitpoints of your buildings.” (Delivers 1 Stronghold Travois and increase the buildings’ hitpoints in 30%)
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    The Priestesses cards are changed by 6 Rabonas and Team 2 Rabonas: “These women loyal to the cause help tending soldiers in their time of need.” (Delivers 6 Rabonas, who lose the ability to convert but can now build field hospitals)
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    Team Seasonal Labor changed to “Team 2 Kanchas” or “Team Ollantaytambo Valley”: "Andean urban design still finds its use in the Ollantantaybo Valley, delivering 2 Kancha houses and improving its food recolection"* (Delivers 2 Kancha house travois, and enables Chicha Brewing) *The number can be changed for balance.
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    I would personally change Andean warriors for 6 Spanish Musketeers, allowing them to be built at forts too. I originally considered 6 Soldados, but the Peruvian Legion fills a similar role. As you are going to be able to build inca units with the Tupac Amaru rev, the card slot might get a better use. Also, this reflects the fact that peruvian population was more Royalist than most others in the continent.
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    The American Allies card is changed to “Quechua Allies”: Delivers 3 Embassy travois and allies you to the Quechua.
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    “Machu Picchu” card is changed for Real Felipe Fortress: “The biggest spanish fort on the americas protects Callao from invasion, sending you 1 Fort Wagon and increasing the attack of your Town Centers.” (Delivers 1 Fort wagon and increase the attack of Town Centers by 35%. With the effects of this card along with the Sacsayhuaman Fortress, you get the full effect of Monumental Architecture but referencing peruvian themes rather than Inca ones)
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    33 Insurgentes card is changed for “Montoneros”: “Bands of irregulars take arms to defend the homeland” (Delivers 33 Montoneros, which would be Insurgentes with Reservistas and Machetes enabled, giving them weapons)
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    Manco Inca card is changed in name to “Tupac Amaru Rebelion”: "Rebellion! Tupac Amaru leads the revival of Inca cultural identity to independence! He appears with his loyal guards and allows you to train Inca warriors in your Strongholds".* (This card would function almost the same as right now, sending you a Warchief with the skin of Tupac Amaru rather than Manco Inca, 10 Espadachines and 14 Maceman, and it will allow you to train Inca warriors only in your Stronghold.)
    *Right now, allowing Inca warriors on the Forts bugs them, disabling their upgrades for hitpoints and attack and their ability to receive shipments, as they buttons dissapear. Sending Morochucos makes the problem worse. This issue is not present in the strongholds, because they can only build inca units, so keeping the rosters separated is a good way to prevent than bug).

Of course, the Tupac Rebelion card for the Inca civ would be changed to Manco Inca, a more historical correct deal. The effect would be kept the same, just with the name changed:

  • image (same image but lose the 25) “Manco Inca leads the battle against the invaders! Sends him to the battle and all your trained units pick european weaponry. Your Villagers become Revolutionaries.” (Even the effect of the card is more consistent with Manco Inca: “The Inca military was swift in adopting European weaponry; many warriors captured helmets, shields, and swords during the initial clashes with the Europeans and quickly learned how to utilize them. In marked contrast to some other Native American cultures, such as the Aztecs, the Incas were also eager to master weaponry which was wholly “alien” to them.
    As early as 1537, when Manco Inca defeated the Spanish at Pilcosuni, they came into possession of more advanced Spanish weapons, including arquebuses, artillery, and crossbows. By the later stages of the Siege of Cusco, the Spaniards were already reporting that the Inca warriors were using captured firearms as well as horses with some proficiency. Manco Inca even forced captured Europeans to refine gunpowder for his army. In the early 1540s, several Spanish refugees would teach Incan warriors how to use Spanish weapons to their full potential. Overall, it took the Incas approximately two decades to bridge the technological gap with the Spanish. By the 1560s, it was recorded that many Incans had developed considerable skill in utilizing arquebuses and riding horses.

To close this version of the standard deck, I’ll propose a few changes to the Lima and Cusco card:

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    The Lima card keeps the same effects as of now, but the Cathedral replaces Dia de Muertos for a new tech:

    image Señor de los Milagros: “The celebration of the Lord of Tremors has started! Turrones and a n t i # # # # o s for the faithful allows your Cathedrals and Churches to trickle a small amount of food.” (maybe unimproved kancha trickle?)

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    The Cusco card keeps almost its same effect, but now it allows you to build 4 kancha houses more after sending the Team Kancha card (one per wagon, as it works now allowing you to build Cathedrals after sending the Lima card) and allow you to train peruvian dogs from them.

Now, this is my proposal for an expanded deck, for extra peruvian flavour:

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    Húsares de Junín: “The brave Junin’s Hussars arrive! Gives all your Hussars a deadly strike ability”. Alternative effect: “The brave Junin’s Hussar arrive! Gives your Lancers and Independence Dragoons a deadly charge ability.”
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    United Liberation Army of Perú (2000 food and 2 Shipment cost, can be changed for balance): “From this moment on, Peru is free and independent, by the general will of the people and by the justice of its cause that God defends. Sends soldiers from all over South America to help cement the continent’s independence.” (Sends 5* Hussars of Death from Chile, 5* Granaderos from Argentina and 10* Independece Guards
    from Colombia. The 3 newly freed countries actually sent armies to Perú to help freed the continent from spanish command, so it would make sense to have a shipment with a steep cost that reflects the fact that Peru was the last leg and reunion point of the varios liiberation armies)
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    Castles of Callao: Sends one Fort Wagon and increase the attack of outposts. (Having monumental architecture makes me think you want this revolt to turtle a little, but losing infinite forts is kind of a nerf. So an extra fort and attack on outpost might come in handy.)

With these changes, I sorely believe the revolution has a more peruvian feel to it, while trying to keep the intended design the devs imagined, and even leaning a bit more in the inca and andean influence but with the historical context in mind. If any of you have any feedback it is of course welcomed. I would like to ask the developers to truly consider these changes, I think the rev keeps its unique and original intention without feeling “the same” as the other latin america revolts and paying homage to our history like the other revs do. I’ve chosen every addition and change with great care, doing research and coming up with ways to use the game mechanics and your design to give a more rounded and elegant version. If I ever was to ask for any change, this would be it :heart: :white_heart: :heart: