Hi all,
I am enjoying playing as the Achaemenids quite a bit and I like playing as the Persians, and I wonder if it is possible to mod the game so that Persia’s “end upgrades” to it’s military units(except the knight line) gain the looks of the equivalent units from the Chronicles: Battle for Greece’s roster?
I have modded Skyrim thouroughly and Age of Mythology Retold to a lesser extend but I am new to AoE2DE modding. I have set up Advanced Genie Editor.
Is it possible to do this with that program? I have trouble figuring out how to mod the game, can anyone advise me in this endeavour?
Yes, it’s possible. there’re 2 way to archive this depending on how you want to play.
If you just play single player only:
-Use advanced genie Editor (AGE)
-Switch Civ tab to Persian
-select unit you want to change their appearence, exp: champion (ID in AGE: 567-HEROI and 568-HEROI_D (567 contain idle, attack, walking,death graphic, 568 contain decay graphic))
-change their graphics tab to your desired graphic: in this example. you will change champion graphic to Paragon graphic. (you can switch to Graphic tab at the top and type in “paragon” to search for their ID to replace) *remember to replace both normal and decay graphic for them.
-Save the data file and upload it as a mod for your self to use.
You want to play these graphic as multiplayer/online
-Note: If you follow these step, not only you but also your opponient’s unit is also replace with the unit you modded (just for you)
-This step is kinda hard/tricky since paragon graphic is only 30 frames/angle. And Champion’s graphic is 45 fpa. you need some third program to edit Paragon graphic file to increase their frame to match 45fpa.
-After you’ve done so, just find the paragon’s graphic, put them in another folder, rename them to Champion, then put them in a format as a graphic mod and upload them to use.
(example: for Paragon attack graphic, they’re name is: u_inf_paragon_attackA_x1
Find that file name in: steamapps\common\AoE2DE\resources_common\drs\graphics
and replace its name to: u_inf_champion_attackA_x1
Do the same for idle, walking, death graphic.
You can also just change the architecture set in the editor, like civilisation roman, architecture spartan, and graphics switches to antiquity models, without touching anything on the civ itself (and it’s without any datamod, you just need to have the dlc of course) So get your Persian to use Achaemenid architecture and you’ll have it ^^
You’re welcome, the good point about that is that you can do custom scenario without any dataset, meaning UPDATEPROOF, but it’s only custom scenario purpose.
Another good fact about that method I brought is that it keeps the speech sound of the real civ you’re using, even with a special architecture…For example…Aztec with Spartan architecture will have antiquity graphics but still say: “KOUMANSAY !?”
Yeah, I was wondering what would happen when Updates. But I got it to work, what I set out for. I even uploaded the data as a mod on the mod part of the site.
I can’t express how much it means to me that a given civ has reasonably unique looking military. It’s the biggest gripe I have with vanilla Age of Empires 2(DE) and the Civilization game series.
I may have to do this work every time the game is updated but thanks anyway for pointing me in the right direction so that I can make things work for me.
One more thing about the architecture set. If it’s for a custom scenario, remember that the regular two-handed swordman will not be reskined as it’s not in the unit line for Chronicles.
Also, houses will have randomly rotated graphics, as the rotate parameter is not parsed from one architecture set to the other when you alter it. To avoid that, you will have to manually change the “Override Icon” on all the houses you want them to have specific rotation for your scnarios, if you use to do some.