Adam Isgreen about AOE 4 graphic style

People are actually believing DoW3 looks cartoony. What a time to be alive.

There will not be blood. The director already said that.

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He said they avoid blood and gore, not that there won’t be blood. I fell for it the first time, but AOE2 has the same rating they trying to hit with AOE4, and it has blood.

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People did bring up some quite Legitimate Arguments before those projects did fail miserably.
So the doubt for AOE4, as it is apparently repeating similar choices, is legitimate.


With the high color saturation, the cartoony proportions in some models and the confession that they want to avoid showing blood, violence and gore in the game it’s like they are screaming “we want the Fortnite audience for AoE”


It made me laugh, but is quite that indeed

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i am trying to be hopeful,
look at stronghold warlords pre alpha photos,june 2019

and people said,
it seems unrealistic,cartoony etc.
i want better graphics
and they were absolutely right

and look at these photos,march 2020

well,they are still not so good but they look better

i hope relic and MS will consider our criticism and improve this a bit cartoony graphics


The new stronghold looks very good. More improvements since the First trailer. So this pictures should make us more confident about the final product. Aoe4 Will look fantastic