Add Gendarmes in Ecury for Frank

Gendarme In Medieval :


Gendarme will deal more damage than the Knights, they have more armor and HP, but they are the slowest cavalry in the game in attack speed and speed. Like this picture they have spear. Their cost will be more higher than knight.

Weakness : They will be weak against fast units and pikemans like usual.
30 at 40% more slow and 40% more slow in attack speed.

Advantages : They are like a shield units, they can tank more than the others cavalry with great damage.

Gendarmes can be train only in Castle Age and Imperial Age in ecury.

why a second post about this? Are you french to have such an obsession with gendarmes ?


This is a very good question.

And yeah, Franks absolutely don’t need buffs.

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maybe he didnt like the answers on the other same thread he made

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I make a flag about my post about Franks, it’s just about the units. It’s not about i’m a fan about this civilisation or i’m French it’s about diversity, more strategy. For example Gendarme represent more the frank with their cavalry. Like some civilisations have access to others units Gendarmes should be added.

yes because a unit that has more health, attack, and armor then a french paladin is totally going to add diversity to the french…oh wait. no it won’t.

and how is this not a buff to french? who absolutely don’t need buffs?


Added a unit is not a buff, it add more strategy, like i said i don’t know if you read correctly but they will be the slowest cavalry in the game.

You just don’t like change and that’s all.

No lol, it’s about making a more clear topic, just about the unit.

what? you can’t be serious here. adding options to a civ is always a buff.

and still has more HP, health, Attack, and Armor then a Paladin. so in most situations its pure advantage.

you’re the one calling a buff, not a buff. and yes. adding a unit is a buff.
if we added Knights to Indians would it be a buff? it absolutely would.


This is a personnal opinion without argument, so i can’t take this seriously.

what? you can’t be serious here. adding options to a civ is always a buff.

No it’s add more strategy, if you lose, it’s because your strategy was bad.

“and still has more HP, health, Attack, and Armor then a Paladin. so in most situations its pure advantage.”

You see the Teutons knight, it will be just the cavalry version, so why we don’t remove Teutons then ?

you’re the one calling a buff, not a buff. and yes. adding a unit is a buff.
if we added Knights to Indians would it be a buff? it absolutely would.

The difference with India is that, their strenght is Elephant, Frank are cavalry.

okay i’ll give you a legit argument.
It has more health, armor, and attack then a frankish paladin.
which means that when you are fighting against any other melee unit, they are already going to trade better then a Frank Paladin Would.
Against archers they have more health and armor, which means they survive longer, and since they have more attack, they kill archers faster as well. this all means they are taking more favorable trades against both range and melee units.

How is that not a buff?

let me ask you this - if we added knights to Indians (as is) would it be a buff?

except here is the difference - you are also giving it more health and attack to boot. so it’s got teuton melee armor, lithuanian attack (with relics), and more health then a frank paladin. how is that not a buff?

first of all, Indians use camels, not Elephants, for most their fighting.
and yet in early castle age they don’t have the bulky power of the knight to take on feudal trash the way other civs do so giving them knights means that in early castle age they can more cost effectively remove feudal armies from the map. furthermore, knights would be better against archers then camels are. which is a buff to them in castle age.


Paladin are already the quintessence of french/frank cavalery and knighthood. You probably know the deeds of the paladins of Charlemagne.

Sure, the axe throwing UU is not perfect (for starter, there is no way that his huge axe is a throwing axe, and defintely not a francisque), but this is the case for a lot of UU that don’t are very historicaly accurate or appropriate :

Organ gun, not a weapon particularily used by Portuguese
Mameluks : a guy on a camel throwing scimitar (mameluks rode horses)
Teutonic knight : a knight on foot who is supposed to fight horse archer people)
Woad raider : kind of anachronism (even if I understand the concept of fast moving infantery)
Huskarl: more an anglo-saxon/norse unit
War wagon: more chinese than korean
Genitour for berber (more an iberic unit)



okay i’ll give you a legit argument.
It has more health, armor, and attack then a frankish paladin.
which means that when you are fighting against any other melee unit, they are already going to trade better then a Frank Paladin Would.
Against archers they have more health and armor, which means they survive longer, and since they have more attack, they kill archers faster as well. this all means they are taking more favorable trades against both range and melee units.

How is that not a buff?

It’s not a buff because they’re will be more slow than the cavalry, pike man can destroy them, cavalry who are more fast than them cast and where their cost will be less cheaper can beat them, their attack speed who is slow don’t make them really good against archer.

let me ask you this - if we added knights to Indians (as is) would it be a buff?

Yes and No, for example, they could add a malus for Knights units from indians and it add > more strategy in a way, like maybe a new cavalry for india but more weaker than the original.

except here is the difference - you are also giving it more health and attack to boot. so it’s got teuton melee armor, lithuanian attack (with relics), and more health then a frank paladin. how is that not a buff?

It’s not a buff because the price will be very high, this unit will be like a siege unit, with high cost, and the slowest cavalry.

first of all, Indians use camels, not Elephants, for most their fighting.
and yet in early castle age they don’t have the bulky power of the knight to take on feudal trash the way other civs do so giving them knights means that in early castle age they can more cost effectively remove feudal armies from the map. furthermore, knights would be better against archers then camels are. which is a buff to them in castle age.

Ok yeah i see the logic, but add Gendarmes knowing their cost, the fact that they are 30-40% slower than a normal calvary unit, and their slowest attack speed make them quite weak, you can counter them, but their advantages will be really good if you use them correclty in strategy.

Paladin are already the quintessence of french/frank cavalery and knighthood. You probably know the deeds of the paladins of Charlemagne.

All the civilisations have Paladins, it will be more good to give French an unit cavalry than a unit who don’t feet this civilisation.

All the problems you mention can be corrected in the near futur, it’s good you expose those problems.

Isn’t the Gendarme already represented by the civ bonus of Frank paladins having more HP?

This low effort spam-suggestions are getting a bit old xd

how much more slowly?

not in team games they can’t.

and won’t matter if they are trading favorably against melee units.
again, you are making them stronger against melee oriented civs straight up.
tell me in what world that isn’t a buff?

giving a civ more options is always a buff. furthermore why do we need a unit with siege unit like costs? go look at elephants. how often do you see those? these units you are adding? won’t see play except maybe in team games.

false…11 civs have paladins. and of those, only 9 actually field them, three or four of them, rarely, even by paladins already low standards.

still this unit should be removed

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Thx you, for me Gendarmes need to replace them, if they don’t add them in ecury.

how much more slowly?

30 at 40% more slow and 40% more slow in attack speed.

not in team games they can’t.

They can after knowing they are slow, they can be help with bow mans and others units.

and won’t matter if they are trading favorably against melee units.
again, you are making them stronger against melee oriented civs straight up.
tell me in what world that isn’t a buff?

It’s a buff if there are malus too.

You can’t count on units with high cost if you lose them during one attack or two, you will lose in term of economy if your opponent counter your attack with gendarmes.

false…11 civs have paladins. and of those, only 9 actually field them, three or four of them, rarely, even by paladins already low standards.

I know my bad, i wanted to say all the civilisations have literally paladins or cavalry units.