Add Option to Change Player Color in Multiplayer and Skirmish

I’m surprised i couldn’t pick colors, i was like “this can’t be missing, right???”.

That and being able to select random civ (both for me and A.I.). These are basic mechanics from previous games, should have been there day one.


This has been bothering me also, i am always the blue faction (nothing wrong with blue) but i would like to have different colours :smiley:

You don’t get random colours, they are based on player number. Player 1 is always blue, etc.

  1. You aren’t most people and don’t get to speak for everybody.
  2. Colors are an integral part of every game, I’m not even limiting it to just RTS games.
  3. Why shill for developers cutting corners? It absolutely is omission.
  4. You’re just repeating yourself at this point. Yes, it’s a game breaker, even if you’re just doing the campaign missions.
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Please allow players to select their color instead of red/blue random assignment.


I’m avoiding team games because I can’t stand all of the enemies being red, I need to know who am I attacking FFS

You can change a setting to make it easier.

Players will have unique colours.
But unfortunately you still can’t pick the colour.

Wow I’m embarrased now :sweat_smile: thanks a lot!

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i know about this but i dont want random unique color i want to pick colour myself

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Ok cool.

The solution wasn’t for you lol.

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I am sure at the moment since the game is still mildly fresh, they have a lot of bug issues to sift through then balancing. After that calms down a bit-- I am sure we will get small features like color selection and whatnot.

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lol true, for the sake of historical accuracy they should add Customizable colors.

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Why? why remove the option to choose your own color and assign colors to A.I? There’s nothing cool about forcing players to use a specific color, please just bring it back…


Sadly it’s a feature requested since… pretty much closed beta.
General thread from what I can see:
Colours - Age of Empires IV / IV - Discussion - Age of Empires Forum

It never was an Option in AoE4.

It has been an option in every AoE game except this one and it makes no sense, it’s nothing but a downgrade and a lack of attention to detail and that’s why I want that option back in the franchise

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There’s people who pay attention to detail, just because you overlook stuff doesn’t mean that everyone does. If you don’t care about color, then why do you even bother if people who care want it back in the franchise anyway? you are not being forced to choose, but we are being forced to play one color because someone thought that was a good idea. Everything is a decision, there’s a lot of stupid stuff people have done that were also decisions, so that’s completely irrelevant, there’s simply no way you can defend simple enjoyable stuff being taken away from the franchise just for the sake of it

Any news about the possibility of players choose their own color?

No mention of it in the Roadmap today which is dissapointing. I’m worried that because its not gameplay affecting its going to be brushed under the carpet. Theres a twitch stream today perhaps someone can get an answer about it then?