Add rank in normal lobbys. Same as old versions


It’s maybe the worst problem in DE to enjoy the multiplayer, exept for the quicksearch system, the game shows no rank or skill indicator.

It’s a kind of game in which it’s not possible to mix skill inside the same lobby, nobody gonna enjoy it.

On AOE classical, I’m a colonel pr 35. I have no problem to 1v2 or maybe 1v3 a lieutenant, not even talking about everybody who’s pr 0 to 20… and there’s players way better than me.

Nobody wants to use the QuickSearch system because we can’t choose the map for example. So for now I just bash beginners in normal lobby. They will be disgusted from the game so will I cause it’s like playing with easy IA forever…

And I have no way to find good players to play versus exept my vanilla friends cause i know their name…

As every old player I just return to vanilla until they add rank in classic lobbys…


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Display Rating/ELO/UnrankedELO In Lobby