Adding civilizations and units in the Essence editor

I’m actually trying to build a new civ the Turks.
But i’m first trying to figure out how to add everything.

In the Menu, if you look through the Attributes button you can find many things to add:
The below are all sub buttons under the ‘attributes menu’:

At Racebps you can add a new race (civilization).
At Codex you add the civ slash race, and unlock the buildings they can make as in ‘techtree availability’.
Ebps is where you add units and buildings and their stats.
Sbps is where you add the units and specificy their abilities and UI accessability.
At Abilities you add civ bonusses and special cases under ‘always_on_abilities’. And at Modal abilities you add age ups. There are different categories under which these civ abilities fall.
At Menu you have to add the ages as a technology.

If you want to add only a new unit. You have to make the new unit stats in Ebps and add them as an accessability in Sbps. And don’t forget to add them in the building in ebps under Spawn.
In the Sbps you can also change unit age for example at ‘requirement’

I hope this can help some people.


Ok so under Attributes: Codex and Attachments are not accessible. Thus we cannot add new Civilization or new civilization rules and no new units and their links to icons etc.

Okay so if you want to add a Codex file, you have to add it manually in the install map. And the Essence editor will recognise it. BUT you cannot edit the Codex file inside the Essence editor, you have to do it Manuallyyy omg.

And the upgrades (technologies) also ahve to be done manually. Same for the references of the units and buildings to their anim/icon files.

Thank you very much for your work to make AOE4 better.

I think they should make all those things accessible. Besides there should be an option to add new models and sounds. Like this new buildings, techs, units, civs and other interesting things can be implemented. This would allow very interesting mods which would attract more players.

Hopefully they will add those things soon.

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it is possible, with this tool you can access all files. And the essence editor of AoE4 has the ability to edit all files.

It’s a bit of a struggle because the icons and anims and textures are deep away in the files. But it is possible! It will take some hardwork.

Sadly because of the update of yesterday my Codex file (civ file) and my racebpsd keep messing with eachother and changing the race of my new civ. I have to write it again and again. Instead of it being a textile, the Essence editor think it has rights to change the text file automatically somehow. And it’s super annoying. Instead of fixing some errors myself. Brr.

If not i would have a civ ready to post. Now i’m tired of i :’) i will look at it again tomorrow. Maybe monday i will post it.

I made a new Turks civ, based on Mongols/Abbassid/Delhi buildings. They have the ability to pack and unpack their buildings in the first 3 ages. And the landmarks are not moveable so in the imperial age you definitely don want to just pack up your buildings and go haha.
They get very light (rus) horse archers in the feudal age who become stronger every age and later in the game are more resistant to siege.
In the castle age the Turks have access to Janissary (heavy hand cannoneer) and the Great Bombard a very expensive very strong bombard.
And they have an economic upgrade to mine gold faster, but they work with pastures like the mongols.

So in the beginning you are very mobile and have the chance to move if you wish. And as you age you have to settle dwn. Bu with the early cavalry the game could be very fast pased. And from the castle age on the player will be a powerhouse, like hre but with janissary as main focus.

Each age they have two landmarks.
To advance the feudal age they can build a military landmark to train light cavalry or light horse archers in batches of 3.
Or an economic landmark which produces trade units and sheep at a faster rate.
To advance to the castle age there is a Janissary Barrack which trains infantry and Janissary for a cheaper price. Or they can choose for a Mosque a religious building.
When they want to advance to the Imperial Age they can choose between two landmarks of Istanbul. The Topkapi palace (palace of the sultan) with a heavy industrialised bombard production. Or choose for the reformation of the sultan to expand the city faster with a fashionable towncenter (french guildhall) which produces villagers at a fast pace if you have to outboom your enemy like the Sultan had to in the years after he conquered Istanbul.


I didn’t know that you actually can add models, sounds and those things so that it is possible to add new units, civs and such things. Very nice :slight_smile: Maybe they could make a tutorial for this.

The turk civ sounds amazing :slight_smile: I often played Osmans in AOE3. I look very forward to your turk civ. Thank you so much for all your work :slight_smile:

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I had some problems, the essence editor actually thinks it has the right to overwrite files when there are errors or problems.
So i had to rewrite some files and making proper backups lol, and now i’m making it off the basefiles with notepad++ instead of the essence editor. although some files are easier to make with the essence editor it doesn’t always save every file into the map you assigned. For example racebps. And some files can’t be edited in the essence editor like Codex and some others. Which are crucial to adding a new civ in the gamesystem and to allow the ability of new units be linked to a civ.
Thus its taking a bit longer than i expected. And i think the Essence editor really needs an update in the rights it has to overwrite files, and that certain files are not accessible through the essence editor.
And adding a new civ you need an unique id and for some other game files too. But there is no overview list of all the files or all the techs while they all want unique id’s. So i’m a bit guessing at this point and copying stuff to see if it will work within certain boundaries of course. But the files should come with a list of numbers that are taken or a generator for the unique id numbers, than you can add files properly without casing errors in general. Thus the safest thing is to replace things than to add things to the game. But i will keep trying to add new things haha.

I’ve finished editting all the files, it should be able to run but there still seems no new civ popping up in the skirmisher list. I can’t seem to find a way to get that to work sadly.

When i try to run build mod i get the following errors in the Output:

  1. This pops up in the Output related to OTA paches?

FILESYSTEM – filepath failure, missing alias ‘userdata:OTAPatches’

OTAPatchesAssets seems to be a file in the archive? But i can’t read i with Notepad++ and the fan made unpacking program doesn’t recognise any substance inside it.

Another error seems to happen later on:

-------- Display Adapter Driver Information --------
Vendor: Intel (0x8086)
Installed Driver Version: (6562281)
Required Driver Version: Unknown (0)

GPU Performance Class: Gen7 Only
Failed during load of [data:effects.bin]
Type checksum mismatch for executable type checksum 2095050954 against baked object checksum 4231335402 for TypeID 15863178846143851009 [rr::rrDataBases]
FILESYSTEM – filepath failure, missing alias ‘cache:DataMigration/cachefile_5136240_7b42cca3.memimage’
FILESYSTEM – filepath failure, missing alias ‘cache:DataMigration/cachefile_5136240_7b42cca3.memimage’
Enumerating Graphics Adapters
Choosing first adapter

This seems to be related to some system checks.

-------- GPU and Output INFO --------
Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 – 128MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 4040MB shared system memory available.
Primary Output Device is \.\DISPLAY1, Resolution is 1920x1080
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M – 2007MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 4040MB shared system memory available.
Microsoft Basic Render Driver – 0MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 4040MB shared system memory available.
Loading step: [Global Lua]
Loading step: [MathBox]
Loading step: [RootMotionAnimationDatabase]
Loading step: [RenderAnim]
Loading step: [Havok]
Loading step: [Alias]
Loading step: [Hotswapping]
Loading step: [ITextureUtil]
Loading step: [TextureManager]
FILESYSTEM – filepath failure, missing alias ‘generic:config\TextureConfig.lua’
Failed to load lua file ‘generic:config\TextureConfig.lua’
Loading step: [Loaders]
Loading step: [ActionCommandFunction]
Loading step: [TeamColourCommandFunction]
Loading step: [SetShaderVariableCommandFunction]
Loading step: [IntersectUtil]
Loading step: [ShadowManager]

That is another one, it seems to be looking for the TextureConfig.lua

There seem to be some more several general errors. They seem to have nothing to do with my modpack.

ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\attrib.sga 32323213 B [ID:ee47be61ca96024d4a4e1ec86642ee0d] [Ver:b311f81dfaa7b4c4f93b212e3e453764] [Sig:1580170006567347882]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechcampaignleaders.sga 4022012 B [ID:7965640ab0c1bf7ba2373a19d2e7b069] [Ver:5ffe4d3e49bae6092b285ec2a51baf2d] [Sig:4294584162582310567]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechchinese.sga 317469955 B [ID:e19627d267be517bf5392c2e6014c423] [Ver:7c4da03a05444ca839c21239da70b19b] [Sig:7127252388174816678]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechenglish.sga 294569663 B [ID:feaf97340d27ade41677b3c3df1ba56f] [Ver:f18a505839f83ec7f3a4bf2385bf6d5a] [Sig:16944413286963569442]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechfrench.sga 269068636 B [ID:bb0a6805c37931642df8dfc59ace3577] [Ver:6ea34ce445eef7a2533d6675003d6ead] [Sig:5610839553989101100]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechhre.sga 275685564 B [ID:b9b7b1c4746a5da164c4122c43af789d] [Ver:696465bb74da619a102adf898dd5f90b] [Sig:10448254787853325815]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechmisc.sga 2384109 B [ID:e4c186b521460161f56ea8bd2b98da2b] [Ver:2ae4bda7720fc3f10f654c9d9f6802de] [Sig:15550382541594864527]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechmongols.sga 359499860 B [ID:05c84958f92c54139e30273e08245a4d] [Ver:7ac2d3b1e159a4a54296426357d99ab6] [Sig:2963039213217766465]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechrus.sga 321337149 B [ID:571a52b40cc6bc0ea9986dde60365cd8] [Ver:4c2c2ce7fdd7da6886dcced0320f5966] [Sig:13925158452341369519]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechsultanate.sga 255927056 B [ID:89b1937c7703937f5844dc4ec15f22f9] [Ver:d53e266b8e0d7d0242a888ab6236f6ec] [Sig:18303918534560921597]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechabbasid.sga 373529990 B [ID:762a11281de7ccf41b2c9854c76b0870] [Ver:a0f24158f531e4fd6e08098fea6900f3] [Sig:17655790749162643742]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\soundspeechcampaignlocalizedenglish.sga 55106753 B [ID:b97ee6c9ada021e3cbc5b0d8d8a44c40] [Ver:5bee934ad4f0fd99cf1e91a30655be63] [Sig:4908645612914666684]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\engine\archives\data.sga 7164963 B [ID:16c0f95516b6bd76239a8a743a290dba] [Ver:a38d41d8d980e917c6df863b2fa3dfb6] [Sig:15267059182903608668]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\engine\archives\ui.sga 1131038 B [ID:09480279ef1f221e1467f0feeeb28aa2] [Ver:d9fb3060a60a59d8ba4ec32746bbf764] [Sig:4441666390670083903]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\common\archives\data.sga 51932 B [ID:16c0f95516b6bd76239a8a743a290dba] [Ver:2eab840c73c5e0a50465e26a0c498642] [Sig:12045894921760675423]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\data.sga 19804943 B [ID:f4b1338f05099577586aca4849e71887] [Ver:28331e8dea00d12c235ce5299e06254d] [Sig:15212251389872361225]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\art.sga 52259740 B [ID:d99ddc3bf2a59ab33b5a50ec14f1256c] [Ver:741c5f63c9b758f311de78091a9cdd99] [Sig:9721350344988690061]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artcivilizations.sga 95361092 B [ID:a1848b38e5518cdbdf39590d559fac83] [Ver:0aa0401d174daf17b64dbb1e55c5574c] [Sig:16882772020636627351]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artenvironment.sga 479004 B [ID:a7a407191c6a9c6d7922e5be93c9c0ab] [Ver:61e6b308fadcb5a2e86167e32670b4b3] [Sig:18274786992218951607]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artmaterials.sga 472 B [ID:f158b1044fc87fe0c767255d28a39503] [Ver:cd4ca20af4cc08abcb623f9c2bf1812a] [Sig:15344936433509628566]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artscenarios.sga 1482146 B [ID:8c73975de44dd6c1a48fcb04421475c4] [Ver:81caea6a7e708b3717bdfdb0fd9c27cb] [Sig:17164400540249571524]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\scenarios.sga 46670769 B [ID:14a8a0e59b40c543e6087f69fee1f85e] [Ver:a6e16c74f2d8978a9859ef199f1dd374] [Sig:17644657756233877012]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\scenariosmp.sga 472 B [ID:58730db3487b6b15734fa759553ff5c5] [Ver:cd4ca20af4cc08abcb623f9c2bf1812a] [Sig:15344936433509628566]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\scenariossp.sga 345156084 B [ID:660d975e8673cc3f148c18157ca51349] [Ver:5e814f9252c86502fedcacb69021b903] [Sig:12602542268243009059]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\ui.sga 108651513 B [ID:c00215033d7a6362a23396b8a85b673e] [Ver:942514ce4e105a70a79269f965e18a84] [Sig:11157274070965112263]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\uiart.sga 713772313 B [ID:e9e119548401f6f9cb7ccf6351516a15] [Ver:f74cdb9c4843f8d3edf2ad3f3845111f] [Sig:5095325112276171190]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artcampaign.sga 386847 B [ID:6412a87b29f706d21c1052453db9f82a] [Ver:8f536892326aed89407e10d313ab3b87] [Sig:11553975208032895903]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\campaigndata.sga 5817365 B [ID:3153ae39a848ec5c99fe004f4363e020] [Ver:41aa69cb0526226db8c7c03c6027d188] [Sig:13346720946723669543]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artabbasids.sga 4021366 B [ID:0e00db2440f4d006b08b650c273d8060] [Ver:c1b5fc0c1f9168d31d2c3c2743faf215] [Sig:4536514716169956775]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artchinese.sga 8892430 B [ID:82a6adbd840c98202bc87fef753b5d65] [Ver:e7b5e4c63f8a62e0fe9be0e2bbc7d351] [Sig:14624332146391359060]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artenglish.sga 8391147 B [ID:f1edd63d3e0732b474dd114b8cefbe0a] [Ver:e09bbd1b19b79c89f51caaca1ec540c3] [Sig:6798824349032997841]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artfrench.sga 6946030 B [ID:10e6ba5b8cd559550c78b750c102d365] [Ver:c95593b0fcfc87eeb899d4a2c9fdf26b] [Sig:10620392124457828316]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artgaia.sga 2944166 B [ID:13f9b459d59202d5c9505386a400343a] [Ver:d7bbb3342a454b1a5eb67ec26d4b1e34] [Sig:10202917980915513053]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\arthre.sga 8393318 B [ID:2cd9426f658c78085b3c9636b688a407] [Ver:55753e6bcb20d45e30f0fa35612bb99f] [Sig:8290300987259922135]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artmongols.sga 9225919 B [ID:fbe36b2d57b65570e87e63a23c830eca] [Ver:6693f2503c4fc87693104f46310624e0] [Sig:5177808980036528816]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artrus.sga 8371656 B [ID:147955ba60fa5b6f1f9d3f1d30dac006] [Ver:f33be20fab8515f29ec946424d40678a] [Sig:11235513211429272060]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\artsultanate.sga 8641111 B [ID:18eda33163592da2ba61529ce754b445] [Ver:f43eb93fc3bcbb7409e20a9f36d18a22] [Sig:13784842811469456375]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\tools\archives\data.sga 1848 B [ID:94195021539650ebc2111161f08a5693] [Ver:95bc5a0109298f98ac7db52c36854c22] [Sig:15137103013390888482]
Archive [DevOnly] is [corrupt]! [Skipping.]
Archive [DevOnly] is [corrupt]! [Skipping.]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\otapatchassets.sga 472 B [ID:1ba10adee36f2fa055b5a175308464d0] [Ver:cd4ca20af4cc08abcb623f9c2bf1812a] [Sig:15344936433509628566]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\tensorflow.sga 661966 B [ID:a90e31fb9bdbd9d1907690832455739e] [Ver:f7c4dfce48e89b6251451c8859625496] [Sig:10297598533327582737]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\campaigntensorflow.sga 661993 B [ID:a29737bb04597fc31394a66f2c121ff4] [Ver:c09477024b940d23b48ad83f0684d830] [Sig:16995637170258585014]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\engine\archives\arthigh.sga 4616 B [ID:e8f87e4ac202807565d2b4980453804d] [Ver:ab02d3b62a7a2a6b2fa10f110300180a] [Sig:11640576002842547404]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\arthigh.sga 334448508 B [ID:99da1b8f8572c24ec631e9f73acb000d] [Ver:73e2a9cdc93c909af17ffc9f0b9ac66c] [Sig:13976434705145988851]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\localeenglish.sga 391743 B [ID:7c016c99df8f6c8651bc31c70aa32076] [Ver:5f0138a13c6b5c1dc7acc494252da0cb] [Sig:5259635999370921979]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\engine\archives\reflect.sga 886108 B [ID:cf317ce4d037d959d1f61ec4ba4b95da] [Ver:9550d38d30c377fe30ba85e41e228605] [Sig:3508227134549864226]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\engine\archives\dx12shadersandedfs.sga 249954 B [ID:f5a37cc293ebf676913da1bdd46d163b] [Ver:f9cb2849586e36028fad6b1c478dc9c6] [Sig:14310998163297243071]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\engine\archives\dx12assets.sga 7929189 B [ID:6dee0a72320066df084864e3fd8db247] [Ver:aba4b6e4a88e25ac5f4fba290d0cb133] [Sig:14931642050458783066]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\common\archives\dx12shadersandedfs.sga 5418553 B [ID:bcff99d52833fd8459ed8d990c584b6d] [Ver:6de1b5c05228511051b469a8a0404c60] [Sig:1105942750888324045]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\common\archives\dx12assets.sga 1351141 B [ID:2916e14abbb8c29a770cabc48186eae9] [Ver:b4f0b892176f7c0abc15803b5697bbd9] [Sig:11915777344618402225]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12shadersandedfs.sga 6140251 B [ID:17b342a4951806a6286037aad597bfb4] [Ver:3e94c7dc8648092932f18028603b0cf1] [Sig:412898665891924770]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assets.sga 1257191829 B [ID:8d864cc5811289251d5d5da2b1e6e160] [Ver:425f425863fbb6a7fae67a45b2d051ec] [Sig:4674654322140858144]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assetsenglish.sga 730787498 B [ID:8e850c32db0ffd15aaac190bc23743d5] [Ver:843a1d5ea51d014a7dd31187d764ea80] [Sig:15961019440617176224]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assetsfrench.sga 716707544 B [ID:256722d54271e5281a5fe25847f18518] [Ver:856296281ee47c5b31e0b3977b74ff68] [Sig:7131420273788702297]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assetsmongols.sga 853161050 B [ID:9f0301cf32b082fb06b14aa25a56b577] [Ver:98222765b5f194313f616e295093c5e8] [Sig:14813525584991190970]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assetshre.sga 742830660 B [ID:ec30daab1c5a85cd6dd076eb413d597e] [Ver:e883c8721c5ff3814d8a62e4569daf3b] [Sig:4378254688502824263]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assetssultanate.sga 999596374 B [ID:ff2eab6073c96bebedb25cc318180ba0] [Ver:72d5f6638e3ea2c55a82bcc9d2696a00] [Sig:13148955126542539118]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assetschinese.sga 940809086 B [ID:c162686c2e8ede91caf159c140d47de6] [Ver:dddff228c5a0dd010bde1212ec1853d4] [Sig:4929331978941455108]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assetsrus.sga 884868871 B [ID:f95304efff282e1dfd719cb4c3eeed51] [Ver:6e8ca5938a36216123d0a0dbe26141ae] [Sig:12186748548128918424]
ARC – c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\archives\dx12assetsabbasids.sga 901446192 B [ID:e3acd494c177dcc11aec097b3f879a45] [Ver:eb0d403dd8a4d71b82346c2406413a7f] [Sig:13702208868454182962]

MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
MapGen - Failed to load: attr->AttributeExists_PL(name) || attr->TableExists_PL(name)Failed loading an attribute data field for map generation. It is likely that your attribute data is out of sync with your local build or build from the build launcher.
PropertyBagManager Loaded in 13.472001s
Loading step: [Modifier Callbacks Initialize]
Loading step: [HandleIndex Manager]
Loading step: [EntityBlueprintManager]
Loading step: [ReflectPostExternalSystemsInited]
Loading step: [ModPackManager]
Loading step: [ModDllSetup]
Loading step: [IEngineInitializable]
FILESYSTEM – filepath failure, missing alias ‘generic:editor\mecommand.lua’
Failed to load lua file ‘generic:editor\mecommand.lua’
Loading step: [dbImGui]
FILESYSTEM – filepath failure, missing alias ‘generic:scenarios\palettes*.palette’
FILESYSTEM – filepath failure, missing alias ‘generic:scenarios\palettes’
Loaded 1 data objects in 00:00:00.0121706.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Empires IV\cardinal\attrib\attributes.xml…

This is what i encounter for now. And now finally i encounter my personal errors haha

Another thing, in the files the Sultanate wonders/landmarks have many different names, and in each set of files they refer to a different name. It is very confusing.

Instance instanceRef construction_menu in file c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\attrib\instances\sbps\races\mongol\campaign\unit_ismail_cmp_mon.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (2b68be0ca3f34580bb867f188bb77459:menu\siege_engineer_field_construction_mon). Value changed to null.
Instance instanceRef ebp in file c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\attrib\instances\sbps\races\mongol\campaign\unit_ismail_cmp_mon.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (2b68be0ca3f34580bb867f188bb77459:ebps\races\mongol\units\campaign\unit_great_trebuchet_cmp_mon). Value changed to null.
Instance instanceRef ebp in file c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\attrib\instances\sbps\races\mongol\campaign\unit_ismail_cmp_mon.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (2b68be0ca3f34580bb867f188bb77459:ebps\races\mongol\units\unit_mangonel_3_field_construct_mon). Value changed to null.
Instance instanceRef ebp in file c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\attrib\instances\sbps\races\mongol\campaign\unit_ismail_cmp_mon.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (2b68be0ca3f34580bb867f188bb77459:ebps\races\mongol\units\unit_springald_3_field_construct_mon). Value changed to null.
Instance instanceRef ebp in file c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\attrib\instances\sbps\races\mongol\campaign\unit_ismail_cmp_mon.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (2b68be0ca3f34580bb867f188bb77459:ebps\races\mongol\units\unit_trebuchet_4_cw_field_construct_mon). Value changed to null.
Instance ‘tuning_ai\tuning_ai’ instantiated from template ‘tuning_ai’ is missing the list ‘ai_info\gathering\depleted_resource_to_track_types’. A default has been created for it.
Instance instanceRef rally_pass_type in file c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\age of empires iv\cardinal\attrib\instances\ebps\races\hre\buildings\building_landmark_age1_palantine_chapel_hre\building_landmark_age1_palantine_chapel_hre.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (2b68be0ca3f34580bb867f188bb77459:pass_types\infantry). Value changed to null.

And the Essence editor itself cannot seem to find certain things i added, while i added the certain subfolders and everything. But on the left side in the list is does recognise. But when ‘build mod’ it does not:

Instance instanceRef inventory_item_category in file c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (00000000000000000000000000000000:inventory_item_category\races\turks). Value changed to null.
File reference “icon” in file (c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml) references a file that doesn’t exist (ui\images\civ_flags\civ_icon_medium_turks.png; ui\images\civ_flags\civ_icon_medium_turks.tga).
Instance instanceRef statemodel_schema in file c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (00000000000000000000000000000000:statemodel_schema\civs\turks). Value changed to null.
File reference “icon_secondary” in file (c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml) references a file that doesn’t exist (ui\images\civ_flags\civ_icon_secondary_turks.png; ui\images\civ_flags\civ_icon_secondary_turks.tga).
File reference “flag_icon” in file (c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml) references a file that doesn’t exist (ui\images\civ_flags\civ_icon_fade_turks.png).
Instance instanceRef codex in file c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml references an instance that doesn’t exist (00000000000000000000000000000000:codex\turks). Value changed to null.
File reference “image” in file (c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml) references a file that doesn’t exist (ui\images\backgrounds\loading\flags\turks_bg.png).
File reference “image_small” in file (c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml) references a file that doesn’t exist (ui\images\civ_flags\flag_turks.png).
File reference “pattern” in file (c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml) references a file that doesn’t exist (ui\images\backgrounds\civ\civ_pattern_turks.png).
File reference “tile” in file (c:\users\gebruiker\documents\games\aoe4\modding\the turks\turks1\assets\attrib\instances\racebps\turks.xml) references a file that doesn’t exist (ui\images\backgrounds\civ\civ_tile_turks.png).

I also noticed i made a mistake the files need to be placed in the folder Assets. Instead of in folders beside it. So i’m going to retry now.
Okay now it atleast recognises the files but i have some errors to work through. Sadly still no new civ icon showing up in the singleplayer lobby civ dropdownbox nor in the multiplayer.

It sounds very hard to add new civs and such things :frowning:

I think they should make it much easier to add new civs, new units, new techs and such things. Then they should make a tutorial for it.

Unfortunately I can’t help you sorry :frowning:

I recommend that you go to the Age of Empires Discord. There is a channel for modders. I heard in this channel are also developers. Hopefully they can help.

Thank you again for all your work.

well it’s not hard, its just that you have to add things manually to a certain few files.
it is easy to add new things, you just have to figure out how.
i could try adding a new unit to an existing civ, i haven’t tried that.
what i was trying now was adding a whole new civ on its own.
i know you can’t help me, i know the devs read the forum so i’m posting these errors on purpose so they can work on it in a future patch, its more ‘for their information’ because i just want to help :slight_smile:

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those things arent supported by the game yet, as long as that doesnt change it will never load any civ you add to your mods files

the essence editor yes, there are links and loads lacking

What an amazing effort, I really can’t wait to try your Turks civ.


Is there any chance that you could make a tutorial on how to add a new unit or how to make an uograde?

There is the potential benefit to you in that once people get a headstart they will be able to discover more things.

I intended to make a series of tutorials but it seems that the editor is so limited I can’t quite get myself to a position where I know enough.

For example, I almost know enough to write a tutorial on making a new unit using the editor… but not quite. I almost know enough to make an upgrade… but it still has bugs ingame.

If you’ve figured out how to make a completely new unit or completely new upgrade or something else, please share it. I fully intend to write lots of tutorials once I learn more about how the modding system works - I have been experimenting for days with the Content Editor but it seems you have found a better way to do things with this Essence Editor… can you help me out with 1-2 tutorials and then I will help every one else out?

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I recommend the discord channel for AOE4 modders AoE4 Modding

Hopefully there you will get answers on your questions. I heard developers are also on the channel.

I look forward to modding tutorials.

yes i can, let me get back to you in a few days.

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Hey @JuryMusic777863 , i really support your idea of making a turk civ but i have my doubts , first of all , how the game does load your new civ? does it makes a new UI space to choose your civ or how does it work?

And please , join this discord , your new discovery can change this game forever and you might need some help .

1 Like

Before you start anything you will have to download the two programs from this webpage:

  • AOEMods.Essence-0.6.0
  • Essence.ArchiveViewer

You will also need Notepad++

The Essence ArchiveViewer can open most files in the gamefiles, most files are compromised and consist of many files all together. Usually it’s a group. For example a group of graphics or icons. Or a group of text files. With the Essence ArchiveViewer you can search inside such a file to look at the compromised files to search for what you need. And you can extract the files.

The Essence Editor is also used to extract files from the game inside the Steams/SteamApps/Aoe4. Within the files you can find the necessary files that you can copy to edit and make new ones.

The steps:

  1. Create a new mod, you want to use ‘Tuning Pack’ or ‘Empty Extension’.
    (i’ve used tuning pack for mine i think i made a mistake there, i will retry sometime with empty extension’.

  2. Remember where you locate the documents. Here you will have to add all the files.

  3. After you have created your mod you can start forming it.

Make sure you have a plan of which buildings, units and techs you want to create.
Make for yourself a schedule of the buildings you wish to use or reuse from other civs and which units they need to be able to train. And in which building you want what tech.

For your landmarks, make sure you have a list of the names of the buildings and which age you want them to become available. Also what they do, will they create units or techs or do they have an effect? If they create units or techs this can be added easily. If they have an effect you will probably need to make or remake a special script for this, more later.

In general these are the steps you want to take:
We go from small to big. First you want to add units, then buildings and techs. If you have these you can edit the necessary game files that organise the civ to work. So you start to build your pyramid from bottom to top.

First you open your editor, go to attributes and then the tab Ebps. Here you will find a folder with lists of existing units and an empty folder which resembles the folder in your files that will contain your units and creations.
For cloning an asset you can follow these steps, but instead you want to give it a new name!

When you have added all your buildings and units in ebps, this part is done. Personally i have not created any new weapons, my units will be using the already excisting ones.

In the ebps you can adjust the unit stats like health or adding spawners (train unit) or add or remove techs to a building.

The next step is the sbps. Open the tab attributes and go to subtab Sbps.
Here you will have to add the same units with exactly the same names! Because the files will search for eachother and the above organising files will search for these and link them.
Unlike in for example Age of Mythology where you have a proto and techtree files where everything is listed together, this game uses a system of divided protolists and techtreelists.

In sbps you assign the unit formations, abilities, and ui references for the unit. For each unit you have to adjust the unit specifier as in what kind of unit is it, and to which race does it belong. That way the organising files can group them to the right form of units and the right counters the right bonuses and upgrades. But also the right race and age ups like which age does it belong and thus when does it become available.
So here you can to open the SquadBlueprint to make it available for Mongol villagers to gather stone for example.
At squad_engineer_ext you can assign siege units to be buildable, for example how mongols are the only one who could build trebuchets.
At squad_loadout_ext you can assign the possibility of female chance.
Squad_requirement_ext is important, in general for the units their age requirence, but especially so for landmarks and unique units where you might add race requirements.
With squad_statemodel_ext you will specificy the kind of unit we are talking about for example an archer or cavalry. This will assign upgrades and unit upgrades.
At squad_ui_ext you can for example change and refer to the icon that is used for the unit.
again, dont forget to give them a unique name, for example my turkish archer is called: unit_archer_2_tur.
Per age you can add a new unit, for example this archer is for age 2. Mongols have age 1 horsemen. And the upgrades will assign the next aged unit as an upgrade, which we will define later in the techs. But these units with age specification are necessary because the editor and the game will refer to them.

The editor will save these files on its own. They will refer to your documents.
It will create a folder there in are the folders: archives, assets, cache. And if i’m right i added the following two folders myself: cardinal, data.

From now on we will be editting organising files. These files will be found in the Steam/SteamApps/AgeofEmpiresIV folder. Then we go to Cardinal → Attrib → Instances.
Your next step is to go to your mod documents, the location you adressed. Here you will have to add the folder and similar subfolders as i just mentioned: Cardinal > Attrib > Instances.
Depending on how much you want to add we will have the following subfolders in the folder Instances:

The following things will be done in these folders, and here we mostly need Notepad++ to edit these script files:

Abilities: here we can find the special effects of landmarks and some of the unique techs with unique dynamics.

Army: here you will write a race file for your civilization, there in you will describe the starting units, landmarks. And the unique descriptions for the civilization refering to the UI are refered here. These numbers are refering to the language file, and you will have to add new numbers to the language file to make new descriptions belonging to your civilization in the UI. Later you will also have to add new descriptions for all your new unique units and unique techs since they have new names.

Attachments: in the subfolder attachment_lists you will find two subfolders ‘civilizations’ and ‘races’.
In the folder civilizations you will have to add a subfolder for your race and add the following subfolders: buildings, (outskirts), units. They will include all buildings and units and will organise the unit textures.
In the folder ‘races’ you will add the subfolders: buildings, units, weapons. Here the textures of these units are further adressed and their ui descriptions.

Now we go down and look at the folder Upgrade. Here you will find all technologies and unique technologies like civ bonusses. They are all organised here. It’s best to copy and existing one and redo it.
In the subfolder Units all the units need their adressed upgrade technology to the next age added.

We are going back to the folder ‘instances’. Here we will find a folder called ‘Codex’ and ‘Racebps’. These files should be left for the end, because these are the main files that access the civilizations slash races.
In the folder Codex will be listed the starting units and landmarks.
Racebps is generated by the Essence editor and won’t need manual editting.

In the folder ‘inventory_item_bundle’ you have to add your new civilization to the list. For example i added “racebps\turks”. This name will be used as the race name through out the game. So to include all the buildings, units, techs and everything the game will be searching for this term from now on.

In the folder ‘inventory_item_category’ you will find a subfolder ‘races’. Here you have to copy an existant one and rename it to your new race slash civilization. And add its name. There you will also find the description name that refers to the language file. This file should also organise the ui slot and name etc if i’m right.

Now you are finished in the ‘cardinal’ folder.
Next to that you also have added the ‘data’ folder. Here you will add the necessary ui files you need for new untis or new technologies. But also civilization flags.
Use the essence editor or archive viewer. Manage them to focus on the Age of Empires IV game files, instead of Cardinal you will go to the folder Common then to Archives, there you will find Data.sga. This is a compromised file of all the textures, images, flags, ui icons etc. You will have to extract this and then find the files you wish to change.


Thank you for all the time and effort - I really appreciate it. Now on with my research into figuring out how this game works!


Is Cardinal/Attrib/Instances supposed to be via my mod folder or does it go under assets?

My copied English Man at Arms is here:

Lord of the North\assets\attrib\instances\ebps\races\english\units

But all my mod folders I was putting here:

Lord of the North\cardinal\attrib\instances

It is impressive all that work that you have put into this!!

Adding civilizations is not supported with the mod tools as it requires tools that are not out like the State Tree toolset that we use internally.

I’m curious, can you play with your civ with the tools you mentioned?

I wished I could’ve replied before to avoid you doing too many tests.

have a nice day,