Adjust Mongol ovoo stone rate would fix most problem of Mongol

Stone kind of too fast in age 1 and too slow when the game progress. Too much advantage for Mongol in early game right now.

Most don’t even bother to rebuild it in mid/late game. Make it like -15% in age 1, but +15% in age3 and more on age4 could change a lot.

It would be a problem that Mongol looking for more fast age3 game play, but it is kind of the balance problem right now many civs rather go fast age 3 then flight much in age2 (Age 2 ram push is weak, prof scout means safe food, horseman is a feeding unit, mangonel too strong etc… )

Which required prof scout nerf, horseman buff, mangonel nerf again … Mangudai would need a buff too, it is not great even with bug make their attack speed faster.


Yeahh agree with tuning down the rate during the dark age, it would tune down its frenzy a bit. But in the mid-late game they kinda need it for upgrade tho, so increasing the rate too much would tip the scale.

Also, it would be nice if the Khan is not automatically respawned, but you have to train it at the TC for 30-40 sec. With the cost of 50/100/150/200 (depends on the age) of all resources. Right now it is a free OP unit that replenish itself from the faction that has a lot of free stuff.

Remove the 50 extra wood in the start of the game could also tune down a bit as well, as they don’t have to build a house.

the Mongols need big nerf to their infantry and buff to all mounted units because the Mongols are right now an infantry civ…

About the ovoo, I think it is fine. You just have to rush it, early scouts, to burn it :slight_smile: (hint: it is a pro tip!)
Another thing to do is to wall all stones xD
For this, the Rus and Delhi are the best civ.

More than ovoo, the Mongol tower rush is the biggest thing. Since they don’t have walls, the Mongols are deliberately made to be aggressive civ. It is doing exactly what it says.

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I think the stone rate is fine, you still have to place it in order to really take advantage of collection. You shouldn’t have the ability to fast make units and get upgraded everything.

Age 4 you just need to research trade upgrade, the rate is affected also by aggression because the incentive is to destroy buildings or get trade up.

I agree, the horsemen should get a buff during the imperial age like turn them back into hussars again or something at least to be historically accurate.

I agree with that as well Magudai in the campaign had way more raid damage, I feel like they should be able to have a bit more damage to buildings again or the siege at least because they should be able to take siege fairly easily. Could be a thing with need the improved torches ability though.

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In AOE 2 all civs get polish hussars.
In AOE 4, devs going for historical accuracy.
So the Mongols just need a buff to mounted units. No need for hussars.

“devs going for historical accuracy” is a stretch to say the least

I watched some games against mongol tc rush and I think what allows Mongols to dont actually needing to commit is the tower persistency. I like however the creep touch to it. Grubby made an interesting point about wc3 where towers have very low armor while construction. This could help to shut down any low effort tower rush in the future. For Mongols themself, I would like try to reduce the tower cost to 50 and reduce a bit the construction speed - don’t kill me yet. The towers build however will only provide vision, yam and have low armor, but they can be upgraded to a real tower for addional 50 wood and a longer construction phase. This makes them viable for defending but also keeps the unique spreading factor interesting.

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they don’t have walls, very vulnerable if you rush them 1st.

What I do is walling stones and send scouts early to burn Ovoo xD (Rus is suggested for this as hunting cabins can train them)

If you change tower to an outpost just grant vision and low armour the Mongols are dead. and have to upgrade to the tower = dead dead.

The civ is an aggressive civ and is doing what is said.
The best way to encounter them is to use towers to deal more damage and wall economic areas.
That is walls for. And if you pick civs that arent aggressive on the description, you should be defending to get out the most. Like England etc.

Dark age rush is part of Mongol identity they should always excel in it vs other/most civs.

And then you notice than mongol can train scouts as well but… two time faster ahah. Also, i know right now there are only 2 playables civ but you can’t scout rush if you are not Rus or Mongol yourself.

I also want them to stay mobile and aggressive, it’s mostly about the tower rush. When I see game after game where good players pull incredible defenses taking 10 times the effort the tower rush takes and still lose, there is something off. You can’t do much about it but hoping the other player fucks up big time. They have to invest so little that they can still age up and outpace you, while you struggle against all the towers.
Mongols are my favourite civ, but I stopped playing them as people start to dodge not only water maps, but also when they see that I picked Mongols, even though I never play this strat.

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Even you delete the whole Ovoo mechanism, Mongol would still be in the top 3.

the Mongols would need to build stable or delay villager training to double produce scouts…
Therefore, it is a good approach.

Are you argining than scout rush is a legit strat against mongol or i miss your point? Because there are zero chance to outmass mongol age 1, and it make even less sense to rush them with scouts.

  1. you choose the Rus
  2. build 1 hunting cabin
  3. send 6 vills to food (don’t forget to build houses!)
  4. produce 2 more vills for wood to build more houses for 20-40 scouts
  5. produce scouts both from TC and hunting cabin (do train and send 6 more vills to food as two training at the same time!)
  6. Make 20-40 scouts and rush ovoo since it is easy to find as it is on a stone and keep producing
  7. Rush the TC and GG.
  8. This also works against the Mongol Tower rush xD

Well, historically the Mongols did conquer a huge part of the world, so maybe being OP is historically accurate.


Lol ok so the only way to have a fair game against mongol is to play the other op civ. I don’t get your point really.

Since devs won’t fix the game, you gotta use what you have…

Ahah yea so we are agree ^^