Age of Empires II 25th Anniversary Giveaway!

:100: :heartbeat: That is a great moment!

It’s awesome when we can spend time with family while playing awesome games! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for continuing to be a part of the Community and joining us on this journey!

Thats awesome :grin: and totally understand that sound! Thanks for being a party of the Community and sharing a memory!

There is something definitely different about winning that first match with your own wits and game knowledge! Congrats on that win and hopefully many more (fairly :laughing:).

So glad to see you’ve been able to connect with many amazing people in the Community and have joined us on this wild journey!

Where is the new DLC releasing please?

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I discover the series back on 2008 with a demo of AOE 1 and I remembered be a little frustrated , then a few weeks later surfing on the internet the name Age of Empires came to my mind …make a quick research and found not only Age 1 but a new world … Age 2 still my favourite one
Years and years of making empires , learn about history , playing with people around the globe sharing some cool stuff … help me trough dark times .
Without Age 2 maybe I will not be here writing this right now …

HAPPY 25th years !!! LETS GOO FOR MORE and Thanks for everything

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My favorite memory was causing chaos in a skirmish game or even in campaign with cheats, when playing the original retail version of AOE2.

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Failing to 100 % through the :infinity: campaign scenarios…

I still remember the release of The Conquerors expansion! That was insane !

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My favorite memory of Age II is playing the remastered version on an old PC I had, where my friends and I got together at my house and created our first online round-robin games, it was one of the best afternoons after school I had.

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I love age of empires II sinces i was a kid. Indeed we have the same age!, i was born in 1999, precisely in october 4. And there are a story that even my family reminds me some time about AOE2, and its happened when i was playing the Joan the arc campaing, and my sister wanna to play and the pc, then when i took to Joan the arc, she press delete and made me lose the scenario, and that was mi first trauma in age of empíres. before i met de ranked and reamins my trauma.

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best game 4 sure, beats every other game

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My favorite memory is a game on multiplayer vs Britons with the Berbers, going Genitour vs Britons Crossbowman and Arbalester, it looked like I was going to lose until I started to get my Genitours out and came back #25YearsofAoEII

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my favorite memories are of me when i was a kid, like 10 or 11 or so, waking up in the middle of the night and sneaking on the computer to play a skirmish map and build a massive sprawling empire while my bot enemies spammed Lumber and Mining Camps all over the place. I wouldnt even finish the match, just spend hours building huge capital cities and taking screenshots of them because they looked so beautiful :smile: i also spent a ton of time in the editor which was surprisingly easy for my adolescent brain to comprehend. I still have the CD with the blue background and 3 kings on it. AoE II is the GOAT.

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My happiest memory is from my middle school days, playing Age of Empires II at an internet café with my classmates, building massive armies and engaging in epic battles.

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The first time I saw Age 2 was when I was 11 years old when I was returning home after school at night, with William Wallace Missions, on a computer in a store, I spent a few minutes looking at what it was about and knowing that game was.

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The moment I played the demo version of AOE2 when I was in the third grade of elementary school in 1999, I felt that it would be a game I would play for the rest of my life. The intro music flowing through MIDI touched my heart. It is basic to purchase all AOE series released after that. I have memorized the theme music of every civilization.

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AOE2 was the first video game i’m played. very good souvenir because i’m playing with my father and this is the only game i have at this moment ( we don’t have internet a this moment :sweat_smile: ) so when i play this game It reminds me of my father and my childhood. thx for this good memory. ( at 75 years old he still plays it :smile: )

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