I am sorry, I seem to have miread your statement.
can we get the stats for flaming camels? you can’t see everything in the game like bonus damage.
Im sure SOTL will have a video for it soon.
my multiplayer is not available, what can i do to solve it?
Server maintenance I guess?
What are you talking about? Goths were already bad before DE, with this patch they’re worse than ever
going castle age huskarl is suicide, knights wreck them
Your just saying what you know from your experience playing them, you don’t actually know what you are talking about mate. Look the old win rate was 49.12% (scource:https://aoestats.io/) and now everyone is using them because of the buff. They are the 3rd most used civ and have one of the best win rates in the game (scource: https://www.ageofempires.com/stats/ageiide). If people are going knights, you just hold off on pikeman and halbs until they have just wrecked how much gold they have, then you make the switch.
That is not how the game plays at all. If any decent player sees so many Pikes/Halbs, h will just make a few dozens of Skirmishers and destroy your Infantry real quick (no Platemail Armour makes Goth Halbs easy to Counter with even Turk or Frank Skirms), and then he will use the Knights to bash you in.
Goths are by far the worst Infantry civ in the game.
Yes everyone started using them after they got buffed but after yesterday’s patch, they’re worse than HD Goths
Ah yes, found the pikeman raider. Knights can simply avoid pikes with their mobilty, if you can’t push with your army, you’re at the disadvantage. Goths should always go knights in castle age
Not always. Goths can switch to Huskarls or Cav Archers in Castle, and still have a follow up to Imperial Age with those units as support units.
Where Goths really struggle, is in late Imperial Age, when Gold starts running out, because they have no inexpensive FU support unit.
FU Skirms would be redundant with Huskarls (they have the same function, counter Archers and Spearmen). Giving them FU Hussars would help a lot.
Yeah I know. That is why I was saying they are great for Arena. I wasn’t too bothered about how they are now. I think they should of (if they tried anything at all) gave them an eco bonus instead of focusing on infantry.
I do not think Goths need an Eco bonus, Goth players just need to learn to Fast Castle. What Goths really need, is complementary units to their Infantry, like all other Infantry civs have.
The staggered cost bonus is also not a good solution, and was indeed a huge nerf.
It should be -20% on Dark Age and -35% from Feudal Age onwards.
Has anyone else had an issue with the save game profiles not loading while playing campaign missions? Since the last update 36202 my saved games profile does not load when i attempt to save the mission i’am currently playing. Any fixes known?
Fast castle is risky in 1v1, you’re prone to get forwarded and towered if your opponent knows what you’re doing
What tf are all these people talking about? Goths are easily the worst civ right now that they even got weaker than the HD version and all other weak civs got buffs.
Do you think that every player knows how to fast castle but the goths players don’t? Full nonsence you’re talking about.
- Goths were nerfed since supplies introduced.
- The statistic only shows that high win rate because new players don’t know how to deal with the goth spam, and those players often lose vs goths. If you look at 2000+ elo games, the win percentage is under 46%.
- The second data you’re showing is just incorrect, please don’t show these kind of statistics.
- Now, that goths got even more nerfed, what do you expect? That 45,5% winrate will definitely decrease. Before goths could only win against other weak civs, but now every weak civ got a buff. Definitely the worst civ in the game, everyone who says they are okay or don’t need buffs is either trolling or has 0 gamesence.
Goths know how to fast Castle for sure, I play Goths and Fast Castle all the time.
Goths are indeed the worst civ right now, that is why I suggested numerous buffs to them to make them retain their Infantrty focus, but also have aditional options like all other Infantry civs do.
Here is a list:
-Give Plate Barding Armour so Goths can have FU Hussar, a complementary unit to Huskarls and Champions, that is apt at countering anti-Infantry units.
-+1 anti-Building damage rolled back to Dark Age.
-+10 max pop replaced with +10% max pop, as 10 population in a 200 population match is inconsequential.
-Infantry discount -20% in Dark Age, -35% from Feudal Age onwards.
Please do speak your mind about them.
Congratulations for the update, however, the chat is still censored if you type single lettler words like “I”, while the watch recorded game bug when the recording comes to an end when someone resigned is back as well.
Plate barding armor: I think they’re already good in imperial age, their problem is that they cannot get there. This would also hurt the goth identity. I’d first try giving them the bonuses that I suggest and if they will still be bad but only because of the lack of diversity, sure they can have access to this tech.
+1 attack back to dark age: I don’t have any opion on this yet since I’m still testing the 20% discount dark age rush, if it turns out to be weak then good bonus, but if else it’s not needed.
I agree with the +10% instead of +10 population bonus
I’m currently fine with the 20/25/30/35 discount bonus but only if they get a strong early economy bonus that doesn’t affect late game (for example briton town center or sheep bonus). They have so many bonuses for their infantry already but no eco bonus (the hunt bonus is bad), giving then an eco bonus instead of increasing the infantry discount back to 35% would be much more revarding in my opinion.
How?. Every other Infantry civ, even the Malians which are just better Goths, have good support troops besides Infantry. Goths also have no FU Trash unit at all, and the Hussar is just there waiting for the ONE upgrade it lacks, not to mention that Gothic Plate was riding armour.
The current discount hurts Goths a lot, it should go back to -35% in Feudal, not to mention the building damage should apply from Dark Age.
Goths do not need an eco bonus, they need to survive until Castle, and then transition to a more well rounded Imperial Age.
Any Eco bonus they could be given, would just be copy-past from another civ anyway.