Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Wild Fields (DLC proposal adding Poles civ and more!)

Yup, pikes were only used natively by Poles as foot officer weapons meaning very few pikes per musketeer formation.

Polish, Lithuanian as well as Cossack musketeers (which during this time were more known for their foot soldiers than cav) often fought on the defensive, using field fortifications such as Tabors.

I suppose if you reallllly want pikes/halberds you could have an Armed Peasantry unit. The could even be upgraded to Scythemen which were prominent in Polish uprisings in the very late 18th century and in the 19th century.

That’s why I suggested adding Kosynierów as a Home City card or a unique technology (e.g. in Folwark). Kurp (settler unit) as a hunter with firearms would also be a good complement to the archaic infantry of the Poles civ.

As I mentioned at the beginning, Eastern European civs should have more uniqueness than Western European civs - which is fully in line with the history of the area. Axeman and Archer sound archaic but it’s absolutely correct. The Russian Axeman could then receive ######## and the Polish Axeman could receive Nadziak (Horseman’s pick). The Russian Archer could turn into a Skrimisher and the Polish Archer could turn into a Musketeer. Cham as a unique settler for Eastern European civs would simply represent the serf system that prevailed in countries like Russia and PLC. The Rekrut unit who appeared in PUP as UU for Russians civ fits for Poles civ (even the name of this unit fits them).

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