Age of Empires IV - Official Launch Trailer

With nowdays graphics that would be possible. Lets crossfingers and wait for AoM 2 to have those graphics :pray: and yes I am not crazy, AoM 2 is not as popular in competitive as AoE 2 so they might focus on great graphics and inmersion to give the game its own footprint


Just connect a few computer together and distribute the work load.

Even if they are slow, you can play the game on a potato.

In the time of aoe3, i used all the scool lab computer and played on the master computer. (it was so epic)

I’d love for AoM2 :slight_smile: Can’t wait to be marching my armies with my minotaur’s and colossus etc :smiley: watching them kill anything in their path with better graphics and game-play xD!

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There is no news of aom2. Maybe we’ll wait for Rise of Nations 2 :yum:


Since you mention it, today it’s already possible to achieve this level of detail in the actual gameplay without needing monster computers. Dunno about Essence, but something like Unreal Engine can easily do it, check how Chivalry 2 looks at highest settings.

I know we are talking about an RTS here where it woudnt really make a lot of sense to zoom in like that and design that level of detail for such zoom, but why not. It’s the mighty Age of Empires 4, you wanna blow everyone away.


Devs come on, what on earth was this trailer??:rofl::rofl:
Usually games come with good trailer and bad gameplay not the other way around!


Chivalry II doesn’t have nearly the amount of particle effects as the trailer though, nor is the lightning nearly as realistic. And it also has a maximum of 64 players + a dozen peasants, not possibly thousands of units and hundreds of buildings.

At best, you’d have a slightly better looking Total War. But I know quite a few people who already can’t run those so that’s probably not what relic was going for.


The trailer is not exciting. I’m fine with a woman commander. It will be exciting to see Joan de Arc. An Indian woman hero would be equally fine if it is based on history and exciting .

What I see is a boring clip. No story, no epic fight. Noting!

ps No Chinese unit is shown.

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if we compare the complexcity of that trailer with the epoch we can say it is so incredible epic. If we compare AoE 4 to our standarts in game trailers we can clearly say it was made in a low budget.

My $0.02.

I think the art and sound design is amazing. It’s REALLY well done and I think captures the essence of Age of Empires.

The acting overall is bad. I know they probably tried their best, but… just image if we got Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones) or Sean Bean (Ed Stark from GoT again) or any badass woman lead actor (Queens) from GoT or other popular medieval shows would have been THE play. The acting here is borderline corny, while the aforementioned actors would’ve made this cinematic that much more hype. Civilization has done this numerous times - they hired great actors to voice act and they’re AMAZING in the game. I believe Sean Bean voice acted in the latest one.

I’m nitpicking though - overall, I like it. Good stuff. :slight_smile:

EDIT: One other nitpick here is that the ending is very weak. Should have had the loud trailer endings and sudden silence with the AOE4 logo showcasing at the end. The “we attack” was already an underwhelming final line and the music didn’t get high enough imo.


Indeed, having Charles Dance narrate the initial trailer years ago was a promising start, it made my skin have goosebumps, wish they followed up with that.

Hehe, whenever you imagine Age of Mythology 2, have this video/image and this epic music in mind :wink:

And the marketing disaster for this game continues. Who is making these decisions?


Man I am a fan of the epicness too! Just imagine those perfectly detailed colossus wrecking an entire army with his sword (splitting them in 2)


Or those terrific hydras swallowing an entire army


or that viking dragon burning those perfectly detailed farms and the dozens of villagers on them :heart_eyes:

and the epic battle music as the background …

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I’m sorry, this trailer looks just like those trailers for mobile games you see on Facebook.


Well it will be forgotten within 2 hours. Nothing to feel proud about it or to be compared to the epic and most brilliant trailer of all AGE OF EMPIRES 2, or the epic AGE OF MYTHOLOGY trailer, those were masterpieces that we all will remember for centuries…


Would be cool if they had made a trailer like the aoe2 chess intro.
Could be even 2 real people playing chess and switching between them and in gameplay events or something like that

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Even the trailer looks like a mobile game?


Oh please just stop with these kinds of comments.

Get. Over. It.

It’s a woman in a game trailer, how out of touch are you?


I thought it was alright, I liked the graphics and the style.

Pretty tongue in cheek though.
I’m left wondering what this chick did to p-off EVERYBODY?

A wonder victory in a ffa?

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