Age of Empires IV Patch Coming Monday, November 15

There is a known issue page that albeit brief, it exists.

That would be nice. In the meantime if you weren’t already aware there is a Unique Colours option in the UI settings.

Speakin’ da true true righ here

So tell me one area where the French are weak.

You don’t have to be a top 1% player to know if something is balanced or not.

Such elitist snobs, ugh.


So they should cater only to the 1%? Some of which also consider the French quite strong. Most of which played as French during the first large competitive tournament. How medieval of you…

Even a baby knows French is broken OP, the problem is still not serious enough?


Competitive RTS balance is always centered around the highest level of play. It really has to be that way because any good timing attack taxes the defending player’s decision making, apm, and multi-tasking more heavily. Of course as you go down the ladder it look stronger since the defender will effectively have to play above their skill level to hold.
I’m sure the french will get a small nerf at some point but it’s a little early to start swinging the nerf bat imho.

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The reign of the relic bug Russ is over! thanks to Relic for the prompt reply !! see you at the matchmaking!

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I’m not a fan of indiscriminately asking for nerfs either. But I respectfully disagree with the argument that only the top 1% knows what’s up. We’re talking about 500 people or less here, considering the amount of players on the ladder.

Is French your main civ?

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I have to write at least 20 characters. Zoom please. Zoom.

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Lol, no I’ve been playing Abbasid mainly and occasionally Rus or Mongol. I’m not saying the top1% of players knows more necessarily, I’m saying that from a balance perspective devs get the most accurate data from high level play.

It’s not only about balance, it’s also about civ design. The French got everything, other civs got lackluster trash stuff in comparison and don’t even come close to the French quality. 50% of the civs have gotten way less love than the other half. Relic has rushed the release, so much is clear. They probably got deadline pressure, but the game was released in an unfinished state. Lots of bugs, lack of quality of life mechanics, huge differences in civ quality and elaboration and the list goes on. I posted on that during closed beta and continued to do so up until today and many people did so as well. Those are the people who weren’t quite happy with the release to start with. But now also people who played the game on release for the first time are starting to notice that a lot of stuff is not quite right in the game and it needs much more attention and time. I really hate that games are released in a state like that. But we buy them and we are partially to blame for that as well, I guess. AoE 4 got all the hype. SC2, AoM, AoE 2, AoE 3, WC3 players all joined in to play this game. The pre-conditions for a perfect release were there. But the release came too early. And now people are starting to take a break from the game already or are even moving on. It’s a pity because the hype could have led to a new era of RTS. Now we can only hope that this new era was merely postponed, but there is definitely a long way to go. Maybe in 6 months we have a game that would have been release ready. Right now it just is not. I can only hope that all the hype does not turn into an equal amount of frustration. I know that I am frustrated by the state of the game. I was sure there would be a day 1 patch, but there wasn’t. We got a game that is very much similar to the stress test version and that version simply was not release ready.


I wasn’t in the stress test but I have been playing sc2 for a long time and I am really disappointed in the lack of UI / hotkey options. I don’t really understand some of the UI/UX design choices but I do really enjoy the game regardless.

French seem so strong ,the knight is so powerful in II second time ,and French economy is so good compare to other nation .Balance!!!

yes yes yes ,and Russia seem op too !!!





Agreed, really. Though gameplay should still be optimal for the mid-tier too.

I didn’t mean to imply you were being protective of your style of gameplay, btw, just genuinely curious if you played French most often – that’d mean less encounters with a quite predictable (too predictable) enemy in the early game

BTW, French mirror happening right now at Genesis. Not a coincidence.

Second edit: ehh, what do you know… French dominance on the Hera-Recon match

right, they said it is OP in the first few weeks, and then all of them started playing french, go figure. Youre not going to have feasible counters if no one is playing the other civs, balance takes time. They dont need to nerf french, they need to balance the game, and I dont think we quite know what that all entails yet.

If you paid attention to the tournament semifinals today, French lost more than they won, mostly winning in mirror matchups. That doesnt mean they dont need balanced, it means balancing them will be a little more complicated than a hard nerf.

The game is good but the devs are far from responsive. The game is released for 2 weeks and they havent released a single patch and what they do is to release a small patch 2.5 weeks later that really looks like a hotfix. There are tons of pathfinding issues not to mention the french civ spam on every match. But still 2,5 weeks later, what we see when we enter the game is still the welcome message from the director that has been there since launch. Really this series need active development and not scarce hotfix patching. The game lacks tons of features that already exist in the older AOE games and should have been standard in this release.

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So, did you fixed the zoom limitation, folks?