This is not related to sepoy rush or any age 2 strategy!
This is related to Agra Fort as a “fort building” In age 3 and onwards!
EDIT: So after the USA announcement this becomes more relevant as, the US is just all europeons combined into one, also the fort making explorer
IMO NOW all the civs need a little buff/update. But here is all about Indian fort only.
The Concept of “upgrading” the Agra fort that takes a huge amount of time ! paralyzes the fort ! completely! as u cant make any troops while upgrading for a minute! nor does the upgrade prove any HP boost just increases attacto 37 and enable cav training ! Hp remains the same !
Previously they have already rectified the TAD problem by auto upgrading the fort to, which ever age u make it in, that is : if instead of age 2 , you do the fort in in 3 or age 4, u will now directly have the age 3 or age 4 upgraded fort, why not simplify it a little more !?
One of either is fine IMO :
- Enable training of units while upgrading
- Enable age wise units in fort with age up, but fort hp n attack increase with usual slow upgrade, just as in case of other forts in game
- Automatic upgrades with age up (will be too absurd though)
Meanwhile here is to show how worthless the upgrades are on agra fort for just enabling the unit in each age
PS : There are more buildings that do provide map control in age 2 however they just lac the area damage, they have more attack even without any upgrade than upgraded agra fort : Blochouse ! or outpost!
The upgrades are there to penalize Agra Fort being teh first Wonder an Indian player will always drop.
It is, by far, the best Age 2 Wonder in the game, as it is.
So, because you can get a Fort for 800 Food, on Age 1, you have to upgrade it in order for it to actually be good.
its already penalize with its low hp and negligible attac and no access to cav in age 2
But if you do fort in age 3 ! you’ll get a full age3 upgraded fort!
And this is about age 3 upgrades and on,wards ! Why not just lower the upgrade time in age 3 or just enable unit when u are aged up to age 3 and let there be the upgrade for attac and HP, that will still penalize the fort with the upgrade time else it will fall dur to its wall equivalent HP and lower than outpost attac
I agree.
You pretty much get map control from the start which is huge, if you are going for an fortress age up after having the fort in the middle of the map then loosing it is a risk that you gotta be willing to take.
losing it is fine ! but paralyzing it !?
and as for penalizing, it is already penalized in age 3 coz of being such a weak fort
(almost being a huge outpost but with less damage)
it takes time to upgrade ! and while its upgrading u cant make any units ! and that the main issue !
One of either is fine IMO :
- Enable training of units while upgrading
- Enable age wise units in fort, with age up, but fort hp n attack increase with usual slow upgrade
- Automatic upgrades with age up (will be too absurd though)
Honestly mate, India doesn’t need any buffs right now. The civ is already really strong as it is.
You already getting insane map control on the start of the game, and a really powerful rush that gives you the opportunity to cause serious damage, so the penalty for having it on age 2 is totally justified. The civ has already been overall buffed compared to what it was on RE patch.
Penalty and oll is fine ! but as a simple age 3 fort the upgrade time is way too long and aside of enabling cav training which other forts have by default , the upgrade is simply worthless !!!
Here is a comparison for more perspective :
PS : There are more buildings that do provide map control in age 2 however they just lac the area damage! have more attack even without any upgrade than upgraded agra fort : Blochouse ! or outpost!
Ydp, euro fort you have to spend a whole age 3 shipment to get it and most people don’t even have on deck because its not worth it most times.
India is already a really strong civ as it is right now and they dont need any more buffs.
You can either pay for the upgrade or go age 2 with the karni mata and age up to 3 wirh the agra fort.
Its not a buff!! its mitigating a paralysis age3 ! and India is not OP and neither the 3x weaker fort even after uprade is justified by any penalty! a fort must be have a respectable stats to justify a fort tag! in age 3 ATLEAST after the upgrade !
As for the europeons, they have the fort age up option! they can rebuild it ! and they can have more forts if they like ! that too with huge attack even without upgrade!
There isn’t any reason available to, not enable cav in age 3 at agra fort by default, nor the TINY laughable attack in age 3,4,5!
that will be still an age 2 fort just with cav enabled ! so why not do even if its made in age 2
I’d say india is definitely one of the best civs, if not the best civ in game. They don’t need buffs, particularly not in age2.
Europeans fort age up is an option if you want to go age 4 and as a shipment you are choosing a fort over shipping units or crates.
And what you are asking is pretty much a buff specially if you can train mahout and howdas from the wonder, and india on age 3 is already ridiculously strong with their unit shipments
Not to mention that the Agra Fort Age Up saves you Wood on Barracks, which you will not need on Age 2.
It is already the best Wonder in the game.
I think instead of discussing buffs for an all-terrain civi like India, we should discuss nerfs.
India is always on wood! wood aint an issue!
That fort is already ultra nerfed ! what is required is not a buff ! its normalization !
Just coz people are afraid of fort in age 2
doesn’t justify to make it, less than an outpost in age 3
Not even talking about age 2 buff! all the replies are just concentrating India as age 2 civ! while my whole point is on and after age 3! to neither buff or nerf! just adjusting the upgrade option!
The fort is good for rush and map control, and it can really be a decisive factor against most civs in 1vs1 in some maps, it does not need a buff. Remember that the fort is … just a fort and even upgrading it to red fort is not really that good, since you will have to face strong oposition against cannon.
About the “paralyzation of the fort”. if you are going to fortress and only have the fort as your unit production building then you are on the fawlt my friend. The fort is only for the initial push… usually you will make one or 2 barracks more to continue sepoY/Gurkha production and to upgrade them.
Hence the “fort paralysis” is not actually very relevant.
Compared to european civs… well i dont remember the last time i used the fort card outside of a revolution… most players dont use it.
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There are many tiers of players and many game modes! Although 1v1 gets the most importance and lime light ! it is one of the least played mode, changes doesnt always have to be either treaty or 1v1 focused!
In Team games, the scenario differs and the fort becomes irrelevant and paralyzed in age 3!
And The concept of upgrading a build to unlock the units of that age is particulkarly against the nature of the game!
There is no other game mechanic! where, u have to upgrade a building to have the units of that same age!
If u are in age 3, enable age 3 units, imagine enabling this on every blockhouse, warhut,outposts and barracks
Why does a building in age 3 needs and upgrade to make some age 3 units !? and the upgrade gives nothing else apart from enabling units.
Because you have had that building, and made Barracks unist from it, since Age 2.
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u must try paying for enabling units in every age, but unfotunal6y thts not a game mechanic except for agra fort, if u getting the point
For a Fort you can have on Age 2? Absolutely!
If you get it in transition to Age 3 or 4, it already comes with the upgrades, so stop getting it is Age 2, then.
It is only the second best Age Up in the game, by far, only behind the Inca 2 Travois Age Up!
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