AI completely passive. Probably stuck in Dominion Mode?

The AI is broken for some months now, on all difficulties almost never attacks and is completely defensive/passive.
That, paired with the fact that it’s broken since Dominion was added makes me think the AI is always in “Dominion mode” just defending the (non existent) King. Even when not playing Dominion mode.

I’m obviously not 100% sure about this, it’s just a speculation.
But the fact is that it’s completely broken on all difficulties.

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I agree - I can take on multiple AI opponents in Landmark because they attack so infrequently. It also retreats quick at the slightest push back. Breaking them down remains difficult for me but I never have had this much success in an AoE game before.

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Unfortunately the AI at the moment is not perfect and breaks down quite often . Try this Jakcie A.I (Actual AI improvements)

Hopefully in the next patch the AI will be improved…