Ancient Friends

They could do something that AoE3 has already done long time ago.
Make campaign only civilisations. Civilisations that are not balanced for multiplayer and might have overpowered features or on the other hand are very underpowered.
They could do more extreme things like block the access to vital things like the castle.

Not necessarily. A lot of people only like one game of the series or like one a lot more then the others.
Also the player base itself is not stable because most people have more then one hobby. So an AoMDE would likely not reduce the AoE2DE player base. Not even AoE4 really managed to do that in the long run. AoE4 and AoE2DE seem to exist next to each other quit healthily.
AoE3DE anyway.

They played AoE RoR 1.0 (unpatched) and not AoE1DE on that event.

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At that point they’re no better than civ crafting idea guys if they’re just brought in for civ ideas.

And I’ll tell you you get a lot of flak and snark for having ideas but no talent to bring them to life at a large scale.

Hope it will be something to improve AoE 1 and not something to add antiquity to AoE 2.

Maybe it’s AoE 1 related information included in the roadmap from AoE 2 for longer ranges.

With respect to the civ crafting idea guys, it’s the difference between amateurs and professionals. There are plenty of things you would hire a well-reputed pro to do that wouldn’t hire some random guy off the street to do, even if the random guy has shown some interest in that activity. I’d love to have the old bois back on board, especially if it means potentially revisiting some ideas that were initially scrapped (e.g. toggle Samurai, garrisonable longboats, etc). Unfortunately there’s no particular reason to expect that, as this “roadmap” only gives the vaguest ideas that lead us to the wildest speculations.

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That’s the thing… they continue to add Scenario Editor
assets, Roman Ruins, Centurion, Legionary, Colosseum, Amphitheater, Temple Ruins, etc and then add Campaigns where you fight a civ that doesn’t exist in the base game. When they added Huns they should have added Roman’s. When FE added a campaign about Alaric the Goth sacking Rome… again they should have added Romans.

Many in the modding community have attempted to fill this gap. This is long overdue and would make a great DLC.

I made a thread about how AoE1 could be brought to AoE2DE as an expansion in the AoE1 forums:
AoE1DE should become an AoE2DE Expansion

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If they add Western Roman Empire in current Mediterranean building style, that opens up possiblities for a Greek/Anatolian civilization style for the current Byzantines. And then they can add “Ancient” Armenians and Georgians in the same style. But maybe it’s farfetched.

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Romans civ (if be added) will be have a unique architecture set - Roman. Antique in Feudal Age and in other Ages based on Medieval Rome city.

Most likely, it will be AoM DE at the end of the year and improve the game experience in AoE 1 DE…

Of course, as much sense would not make sense?..

Eh you have like 2000 players in GR playing it… in addition the EE of AoM was very meh and the game deserves equal treatment to the DE versions…

Maybe edit your posts, rather than creating three in rapid succession? If you want to notify different people, use the @ symbol, followed by their username, like this @MatM1996.


Quoting people also gives them a notification.

I think the Ancient Friends will just be one of the mods seen in the PUP.

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It is an AoE II DE roadmap, not a AoE DE franchise road map. As result the meaning of the ancient friends cant be AoM DE or improved game experience in AoE 1 DE, since both arent AoE II.

Unrelated but some people want to add Western Empire as a civ. In Late antiquity, what we call the Byzantines and what we know as the Western Empire were pretty similar. Same army, same way of government, same religion, same culture. The only difference was language, but different areas in the Western Empire had different flavors of Latin, too, so language was not monolithic inside the Empire. Using Byzantines to portray Romans is cool.

For campaign scenarios, you can make Byzantines train Legionaries and Centurions and change their name and BAM, you have a Late Roman civ. Be creative and remove trebuchets, add Siege Onagers and Heavy Scorpions. Enable the Arc of Constantine, the Colosseum, Amphitheatres, Aqueducts, whatever.

Maybe what would be cool is adding a Wonder Task for the Arc of Constantine, Colosseum and Amphitheatre, but adding an extra Roman civ is not necessary.

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@CanineCrown7153 I agree there is a lot you can do in Scenario editor with existing assets and create the feel of a Late Western Roman Empire Civ.

Concept I had in mind though would be a Roman Civ that had not yet made the change fully to Christianity and taken the form of its Mideval successor. So picture Medi Architecture set that follows a more pagan/antiquity form (scrub the Christian crosses, and Italian Renaissance architecture feel of Imperial) and substitute in a more late classical antiquity feel. Picture Rome around 300 AD for Imperial Age with early ages representing Rome during Crises of 3rd Century (Diocletian and Aurelian). Rome was still struggling with its cultural religious identity through the rule of Julian 363 AD, well after the rule of Constantine and battle of Milvian bridge in 312 AD. You can imagine having a Roman Temple stand in for the Christian Monastery.

Concept using Temple Ruins but restored


This would imply a slightly different government, religion, language, and architecture.

Army would be slightly different too, Infantry still the main fighting force (round/oval shields of auxiliaries captured nicely by Scenario editor Legionary), not yet adopting light infantry, heavy armored cavalry, and skirmishing fighting style of later years.

It’s an interest concept but I feel we would be straying from the timeline too much


Perhaps, however the Goths were in many ways the contemporaries of this representation of Rome. So yes it may stray from timeline but the precendent has already been established.

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I probably should have posted this here when I found it a few weeks ago. But it is an AoE 25th Anniversary event.


I guess that’s the concept.
Extending the AoE2 timeline into Late Antiquity to get the option to add more famous civilisations.
AoE2 is kinda running out of civilisations to add. Yes there are still 100 of civilisations that people request but I don’t think something like Armenia will get a lot of sales.

Something like Romans, Greeks/Macedonians, Carthaginians or Parthians might get more people interested.
We already got the Goths, Celts and Huns.

That’s what’s on the roadmap for FALL right?

Also there is one game awfully missing that happens to have it’s 20th birthday in that month.