Any hints for "Porto" AOE2 DLC?

I was going to put that.

Elephant cav Archer…

What’s the difference between that and an elephant archer? The elephant carries a horse on his tusks?


Yeah exactly that. 20 characters

An elephant scout?

Like an outpost but it slowly lumbers around.

Hey, it’s a better idea than an elephant camel rider…


Elephant Villager
Builds things at a normal rate, carries triple the amount of resources and has monstrous health & attack, but can’t hunt or harvest meat and gathers resources slowly
It just wears an oversized female villager’s dress and it’s enough to convince the rest of the villagers it’s a human


What do you think about the Ram Elephant that appears in both screenshots?
What it could be? Scenario Editor unit?
The leak tech trees don’t say anything about it
I wonder if these new civs will have access to Battle Elephants, Elite Battle Elephant or just some of them will have access to them
Maybe they will be a mix between Camel, Battle Elephant, Elephant Archer and Naval civ
I personally like the water bonus of the Dravidians, they could become the new dominant civ in water maps


My bet is that it is the unique unit that is meant to replace the elephant archer for the current indian civ. If the “leaked” civ overviews are anything to go by, the elephant archer appears as a possible unit for the the first of the new civs but (I think erroneously) appears as the hindustani UU.

Elephant Galleon, which shoots horns. 11

This was a thing in Paraworld.

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Hi did anyone notice an interesting new rock feature? I circled it, it does not appear to be any existing cliff or any rock we currently have in game. Any thoughts on the king in a chariot too?


It’s either rocks stack togheter OR! they finally added sandstone cliffes.


interesting find

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Evolution biology needs to learn that from AOE.

Why not shirtless like male villagers?

The dress magically makes the elephant look like a villager to villagers. Without it, it looks like an ordinary elephant.


Is this the new South Asian King modell in your opinion?


Most likely it is.
And this seems to be design of the South Asian sails.

That’s the topmost part of the Thirisadai:

I do hope they reworked the sails though. Peacock feathers would be nice.

Isn’t it just the south east Asian one?

No, right now it uses the Middle Eastern one if I’m not wrong. Haven’t played on a water map with Indians a long time though.

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That’s exactly what they have. I suppose the symbol we see on those unique ship will also be on the normal civ’s ships, like caravels have the same symbol on their sails as other mediterranean ships.

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