In fact it was an expansive civ, defensive was after claiming its new territories…
I thought we’d be getting more of those teasers from the devs this week
It’s Sunday, let them have a life 11
Ohhhh, in our country we have weekends on Fridays. My apologies 1111
I’m guessing this week they will drop a hint to getting the password for the Porto Secret page and on the 14th will be an announcement.
If the Gujaras are confirmed with the civ bonuses that have been leaked I REALLY REALLY hope that we’ll get an achievement where you have to win a game without killing a single sheep, boar, or deer (since you would be able to garrison heardables and will have access to 2 forage bushes.
My pitch is to call it "Vegan Victory"
Is there ANY evidence at all that the hard-coded limit is 48 civs, and that they can’t simply expand this limit if necessary?
The civ limit isnt impossible to change but it would require a ton of work to do so because of the way they coded the UI back in the day.
So I imagine they will first complete all current aviable civ slots
Garrisoning herdables to gain food at best means that they’re only using the milk and the eggs. So maybe more of a vegetarian victory.
The sheeps garrisoned on mills don’t decay?
For some of the cultural groups in these countries, not everyone’s.
I was wondering if the incoming DLC will add new units to older civs?
What are you thinking of?
We’re expecting changes to the civ currently known as Indians, including a new Unique Unit. There is maybe maybe maybe a chance that elephant archers will be added to one or two other civs, but I wouldn’t dream too far past that point.
I’m really curious about the other balance changes as well. I wonder especially if they do something with Burmese, for examnple if they also get Elephant Archers or something.
I was thinking in a change in the water somehow, with two new civs classified as Naval
Anyway, I really think that the next DLC will come with a big balance change that could swap a lot of things in the current meta
That would be very interesting for sure
Which new civs will get the BE and which RoR civs will get EA
Yes exactly. Remember that Dave and Memb were tesing “a really big thing” back in December or so? Maybe they referred to a big change in that regard! I’m super hyped and if they stick to the pattern the DLC might drop after the Steam sale ends April 15th.
I really hope so!!!
Let’s wait 5 more days
I expect some official news by Monday or Tuesday
Probably I’m asking too much. This seems the biggest expansion pack of DE so far. May we get something more?
- A new “Main Menu Theme”. We didn’t get any in previous two.
- A show match between two pros using only 3 new civilizations to promote the DLC. Maybe add Indians and Burmese civilizations as well if 3 is a very small number.
I do hope there’s gonna be more balance changes across the board too, not just for all elephant civs.