The old campaigns are very different from those we usually see in AoE2, both in terms of campaign narration (focus being mostly put on an entire civ’s history rather than a single character, with exceptions), scenario narration (no voiceovers, no special gameplay mechanics, no evolving objectives iirc…)
It makes sense that they would create entirely new campaigns rather than recreate the old ones all over again from the ground up. Considering this is a different game, they couldn’t just save the files and port them to AoE2, I think.
Honestly I’m having troubles to see how someone would prefer having again for the third time the old raw campaigns than three new ones with narration, dialogues, triggers etc. But maybe it’s me.
I’m quite sure they will be add by someone as a mod anyway so…
I am sure when people talk about old campaigns and want them inside this DLC they actually are already thinking it will be reworked. Even AoE1DE already reworked some campaign scenarios compare to original AoE1.
I don’t need inside information to know that RoR has three new singleplayer campaigns. You’re yet to give an example of a content creator claiming that RoR is specifically a multiplayer DLC.
Because the devs chose to create new campaigns rather than port the old ones. RoR is supposed to be AoE1 with the improvements of AoE2. One of those improvements was more focussed campaigns with a stronger narrative. It would have been significantly less work to port the old campaigns than to make new ones.
(Also I’m pretty sure you can play singleplayer skirmish and deathmatch on all the old random maps, so the entire AoE1 singleplayer experience is not missing.)
I mean when he says it’s intended to appeal to the Vietnamese multiplayer audience he’s talking specifically about Lac Viet. He doesn’t say that about RoR as a whole.
I think they almost could. It’s always been possible to open AoE1 scenarios in AoE2. Some of the objects (units, buildings, etc.) change when you do it because they have different ID numbers in the data files, but it would be relatively easy to write a program mapping the ID numbers in the right way. I guess the victory conditions would have to be remade as triggers, but they were simple enough that that wouldn’t be a problem. I think the hardest part would be rewriting the AI.
He also said that this DLC is for multiplayer AoE1 audience, and that there is not much reason for AoE1 single player audience to buy it, or no reason at all for AoE1 purists since this DLC feels like a totally different game.
Single player skirmish purpose is to train for multiplayer if you ask me but I may be wrong.
When? Timestamp please. I remember him saying something about it not being for purists, but that was because of it playing very differently to the original, nothing to do with single/multiplayer.
Also, bear in mind he has a version without campaigns, so it will look less singleplayer focussed than it is.
He said ‘‘If you are not a die hard aoe2 fan / mostly play multiplayer, wait for a sale or skip it all together’’ at min 8:23
Thanks. Sorry, I don’t really know why I got so fixated on this one thing you said. I guess from my point of view, RoR has about the same singleplayer value as the last three DLCs – i.e. it has three new campaigns (perhaps one less scenario) for roughly the same price (slightly cheaper with the pre-order discount for those who already own AoE2DE). So it seemed weird to me for someone to say it’s essentially a multiplayer only DLC.
Ah ok, I took this to mean it’s not worth it for people who only want to play AoE2, because it only adds one civ, and all the rest of the content is AoE1 content – not really a comment about singleplayer versus multiplayer.
Also, the new scenario editor features will enable campaign creators to release new custom scenarios with a whole new level of quality, which is huge for singleplayers.
There is one very big reason.
Fan made campaigns.
AoE1DE has no triggers and is generally pretty limited in what can be done in the Editor.
RoR will add a lot of function to the Editor and probably more content. But we don’t know how much of AoE2 we can access and how many hero units and things like that exist.
We only know that there will be a lot of cosmetic objects and of course the ability to use triggers.
I assume we will see a lot more fan made content for RoR then for AoE1DE and that content will be a lot better.
I’m mainly hyped for RoR because I can finally make all the ancient Scenarios that I always wanted to make.
(At last almost all, because we still miss a lot of civilisations and a lot of Editor features that AoE3DE has.)
Also the small detail of the AI not being shit makes a massive difference for people that just want to play Skirmish.
I forget most of the original campaigns as they felt a bit bland so I’m not too miffed about them but even then, if they’re bringing AoE1 content to AoE2, then the campaigns should come. I am eager for the three new comes.
It frustrates me a bit when they introduce a new civ but do nothing regarding campaigns or even Historical Battles.
I get the Lac Viet were fan service but it would’ve been nice to have something behind them. Never heard of them prior to the announcement.
That being said, now that AoE1 is effectively coming to AoE2, hopefully, this opens the door to additional content further down the line.
Not sure why they use the ancient names for all the Asian civilisations while others have the same names as today like Greeks or Egyptians.
I hope they add historical battles for RoR in some future dlc…
It must be because they are better known like this…
I would pay for a DLC that remade the campaigns with AoE 2 machanics.
Or at least raise the pop cap to 200…
The AI is busted. The pathfinding is busted. Why in 2023 would I play an rts where the last unit stops the same time as the first unit when going to a destination.
Yes, they no longer fixed AoE 1 because they wanted to be “closer” to the original…now the minimum would be to readapt the AoE 1 campaigns to the 2 gameplay…
Because it’s absolutely awful to play Age1, even the DE. They already reworked some scenarios in DE and it was time to rework them to make them a good experience to play, specially the population limit.
Yes, I think that AoE 1 campaigns would be very playable in AoE 2 DE, the thing is that they would be very simple since they don’t have triggers…1 DE campaigns would be comparable to those of AoK (especially Wallace and Joan de Arc)…the RoR campaigns will be the first AoE 1 campaigns that really feel modern (meaning with voices, triggers and 200 of pop)…