“I loved my banner forty times better than my sword. And when I went against my enemy, I carried my banner myself, lest I kill any. I have never killed a man.”
but MS decides, “we need a feminist icon”
I am not making this up this was told by a developer at Relic studios in the recent Xbox E3 show.
You can search the video.
Let us push our personal biases and hatred onto history and rewrite it"
In AOE 2 it makes sense as it doesn’t have any passive real time buffing unit or mechanic and AOE 2 is an old game.
Change Joan of Arc to a standard bearer with buff type ability and she needs to reposition herself to giver her banner aura. Joan of Arc was a peasant lady who carried a sword for ceremonial purpose and she was a pious women and her beliefs acted as encouragement and morale boost for the French troops back in the day.
Her Banner

Stop rewriting history for your own convenience, Feminism has nothing to do with Joan of Arc a pious saint. If you have your own personal issues keep that at home and then go to work.
Seems like history is gonna repeat itself like Dawn of War 3.
Dont like it dont buy it,simple.
There was a good Jeanne d’Arc movie in the 90tes.
Even in a Hollywood Movie,
she had her banner and it was clearly stated she did prefer it over the sword.
well it depends on how you play, if you dont kill people with john then the history stays same right? but she did have a holy sword
btw just so you know… here is a depiction of jon from the anime drifters 
It’s creative Liberty i guess and it’s more acceptable in video games than movies. Age2 also had Joan of Arc campaign & joan with sword 20 years ago but people didn’t protest against it that time. It doesn’t mean people were more liberal 20 years ago but it’s up to you what you think, also devs should understand it was banner which gave hope to the people and motivated the army of France not the sword. so its better to not to show something Unhistoric in the name of creative liberty.
And it’s just a game not a novel or movie on Joan of Arc. Even I don’t like selection of delhi Sultanate over Indian civ but I can’t wait to play it, it’s just a game.
Thanks I didn’t know that about Joan
But the devs say that want it to be historically accurate and authentic 

in context at what point in history did she say that?
thank you
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Again I’m saying It’s just a video game. There’s no misrepresentation of Joan of Arc she used to carry a sword with her banner if game shows Joan using sword it’s creative liberty not historic and it should be allowed be mature enough to accept it’s just a game
I think he have watched spirit of the law’s latest video on aoe 4
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In fact, the film is a terrible, creepy arthouse.
here we goa agin, but this time with a whole topic 
But I agree her with a banner could be more fitting.
However there are always different sources, some quote her, some the men on the battlefield, and some say she was hit when charging in once, and at some later point hit and captured.
I personally thinkifshe attacked with just a banner, the sources would mostly tell us so. I only seldom read of these.
But a hero unit should be able to attack enemies, and this is a hero of the french, so it has not a lot to do with feminism, but rather special abilities.
And that, I think, can be changed. Although even if she get banner and buff, she would still be able to kill ppl. after all its a game about exactly that.
I don’t mind if they give her a sword and an attack animation in a video game, but at least give her her banner, that’s the most defining item of hers.
I hate when gaming studios put politics/ideologies in a video games, like they pretend to re-educate us.
I too hate when gaming studios put politics in video games about warfare, particularly when warfare is all about politics, to begin with.
I would say she should be primarily carrying a banner that acts as an inspiration aura working in tandem with friendly units but since this is a videogame after all, she sword also carry a sword for obvious reasons.
why u dont whine about trebuchet of aztecs?
because there are no aztecs here 
That’s a detail that could be corrected in the post campaign narration . If that’s such a huge problem to you , then keep her in the back of the fight when you play the campaign .