Bohemians – Traverse Central Europe’s tall mountains and verdant forests as you arm hardy warriors with advanced weapons and lead them to victory against insurmountable odds. The Bohemian unique units are the Hussite Wagon, a deadly forerunner of the modern tank, and the Houfnice, a powerful upgrade to the Bombard Cannon.
Poles – Stride across fertile plains with industrious farmers and powerful nobles at your back as you build the fledgling Kingdom of Poland into one of medieval Europe’s most powerful states. The Polish unique unit is the Obuch, a brutal infantryman whose war hammer tears the armor from enemy units.
( images updated by JonOli12 )
Bohemian UU: Hussite Wagon
Houfnice ( upgraded Bombard Cannon )
Polish UU : Obuch - armor piercing infantry.
Trivia: Inspiration for Obuch probably came from famous Jan Matejko paiting “Battle of Grunwald” where 2 polish warriors killed grand master of Teutonic Order, Urlyk von Jungingen. ( Obuch has smilliar appearance and “armor piercing” weapon.
Winged Hussar - ( probably unique upgrade to Hussars aka Imperial Hussar or just Scenario Editior object.
( Probably ) Folwark
New future maps:
New maps:
RM ( Random Match ):
Ring fortress
Moutain Range
Northern Isle
Low land
Marketplace - Trading with gaia on 1v1 ? Italian Silk Road could be usefull in late game.
As Pole I would never ever think about Obuch as UU, but it’s nice to see that developers instead “its famous, so we will add it”, they really researched Polish history.
The Obuch is not a name of unit though, but of weapon. I don’t know if it has english name, but the closest name would be " Horseman’s pick". Probably it would be “foot Leitis”.
What’s more. She wasn’t never queen of Poland. She was crowned for king. Jadwiga The King of Poland. It’s rare in medieval history of Europe too see woman king.