AOE II Dawn of the Dukes: Bohemians and Poles

Correct. But the picture in the image with the colors are mounted teutonic knights. Medieval 2 Total War Teutonic order shows them well.

The red cross is the Templar knight as shown in england and france.
The black cross is the Teutonic knight, which is a seperate order for germanic countries.
Knights of Saint John have a white cross on red or black.
Knights of Santiago have a red cross (different cross) on white.

And these are just the big ones. There are many more.


nah it is in the scenario editor for some time, i think the old honfolglalas from hd had a horse in gthe corner so that u wont die

Only the horse is “thicc”.

A religious Order cannot be a civilization.


Sure because it was a state.

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A state is not a civilization either. A civilization is a culture with ethnic and political representation.


Wrong. The Teutonic order represents an ethnic and political whole. The religious name of the order does not mean, that it cannot represent a state.

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No, tehy do not. Teutonic Order was not even fully German, nor was it the entirely of the German peoples.


It does not have to be entirely German. If it is the majority or the ruling class of it, it can be portrayed as a civilization in its own right. You can read everywhere, that the German order existed as a state for 700 years. Therefore he can represent a civilization in the game.


There is a civilisation called the Teutons. 'Nuff said.


Yes brandenburg is meant by it is. Snuff said^^

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My bet is that it is a mill and livestock pen (from AoE III) combined.

So Poles might be able to train sheep and other livestock


Its rare because its the male name…

Do you include DE itself?

Also Im pretty surethere are only 3 more Euro civs then Asian. Seeing its a medieval game it is pretty generous that there are so many other civs also from Africa and Americas.


6 civs being generous lol. 6 civs isnt generous at all for two continents


This would be incredibly disappointing. It should be an Animal Nursery, like in SW Galactic Battlegrounds, or a Mill + Market combo building.
Training Herdables will never be seriously used.


lol are you implying that medieval history only resides in europe?

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ngl, was totally expecting some horses to pull the thing

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Nah, bruh.
Go Full Tank!


Maybe the new polish special mill will be like the building in Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds (I think it’s called a nursery) where herdables can be garrisoned and they produce a small trickle of food like relics.