I was talking about Cloud or CloudAct or how he’s calling himself here. Darth Pyro is pretty “great” on that regard too.
Romanian is a (Eastern) Romance language:
Albanian an Indoeuropean one (like Greek):
Anyway, I just started to read the book. Maybe it will convince me otherwise, but even then I wouldn’t want them if they wouldn’t come with a new set which a culturally very unique civ surely can offer. Like the South East Asian ones came with their own set.
I mean, it wouldn’t hurt me too much if they decided to rename the existing “Slavs” civilization to something like “Rus” or “Ruthenians” so as to exclude the Poles or Bohemians. But if they’re going to keep that name, it’s going to be a bit weird to have a couple of separate civs that technically would be covered under the same umbrella. It’d be like having “Bantu” as one civ and then “Zulu” and “Shona” as two others when the latter two speak languages within the larger Bantu grouping.
While I will likely get the new DotD DLC anyway since it might still have some content I find cool, I will admit that the Poles and Bohemians wouldn’t be my first choice for new civs, especially since (as mentioned earlier) they’re already under the “Slavs” umbrella. And I personally wouldn’t mind a Mississippian civ, either, although I have to wonder what names their AI leaders would have in skirmish mode since I haven’t heard of them using a written script.
Tbh umbrellas dont work all the time (Indians come as an example) so I get the want of adding more civs. However, I dont think that the devs will manage to pull off civs that arent redundant (I mean, we already have Bulgarians who are kind of Slavs but again)
A nice little DLC with Serbocroats and the Wallachians would be perfect. The Wallachians are already in the game (Dracula campaign) but they are represented by the Turks, Slavs and the Magyars throughout the scenario.
People are tired of waiting for their desired civs. Things were exacerbated by the Lords of the West dlc that included civs which most people here, including me, did not consider to be important enough when you have many medieval empires not included in the game still. But I would still urge people to be patient. I think the next DLC after DotD is likely a non-European dlc; most likely it will focus on India.