AOE II Dawn of the Dukes: Bohemians and Poles

I have mixed feelings about this. It’s too soon to judge, and perhaps they’ll change them in future patches.

But is it just me or both civs are kinda disappointing in terms of gameplay and strategy? They are just another cavalry and gunpowder civs. So far the only interesting things are the obuch, the folwark and the hussite wagon. I don’t want to sound negative and say these are just 2 civ slots wasted again. I hope I’m wrong.
I like the monastery bonuses though. That’s nice.

Poles kind of feel like a nothing civ.

The cavalry is good but really its not that special compared to what other civs can do, they are missing halbs to be an infantry civ, missing ring archer armour and everything else is kind of eh.

Meanwhile Bohemians sound like extremely annoying to play against if they get to late castle age and beyond.

Idk what you expected to see though. These civs are pretty unique (Poles are for sure, Bohemians I can understand if you disagree) even if not for the correct reasons.

I wanted to see something like the kopia lance represented in a more vertasile bonus damage, or more endaring stat scaling idk. But as I said… the obuch and the folwark are interesting. The rest could have been implemented on an indian civ archer or infantry specialist and it could have been more fun imo.

Looks like the Obuch is the best thing poles have…
Interesting. But it is actually a very strong unit. Didn’t expected that tbh.

the fact that there are not all-in mechanics makes this dlc way superior to the one of burgundians.

I wonder if new mechanics can be coded in future dlcs, like buildings that can move (AKA terran) or units that can create another units (carriers and small ships.)

Nice, I have been begging for a while for civs with regenerating villagers extra starting stone, and free stone upgrades. Now I can test those bonuses in game!

Trash monks sound broken against elephant civs. Interesting.

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It’s actually a bit much of eco bonus for the poles. They get 3 eco bonusses…

no, hussitas have the free stone upgrades. Poles only have the gold-per-stone and the supermills (Unless you are counting the villagers or the UT)

Are you baiting for reactions? Their eco is their weak point you can already tell. Apart from the Folwark that’s prone to raids and the little extra gold for stone mining there is nothing noteworthy.
Villagers regenerating HP is interesting but too situational and mostly redundant.

Most importantly though do they lack Siege Engineers, Plate Barding Armor, Paladins and Halberdiers, all of which are the most crucial techs in competitive games.

Not sure why they decided to give them such a relatively strong Archery Range, it’s odd for the Poles and in the late game they will just spam their trash cavalry. But other civs have far better economies.

Do the Obuch debuff pierce armor or only melee armor? Because obuch combined with archers would be fine against paladins or other high PA units.

If I understood correctly both, but don’t quote me on this because I haven’t tried it out myself against archers.

Folwarks do generate tons of food, however. It is good, starting in the Feudal Age. You mine one resource, but you get two: stone and gold. That means you have tons of extra stone. I am a bit disappointed, because Poles have mediocre heavy cavalry and Bohemians have Central European architecture.

I like the “villagers are affected by fervor and sanctity” bonus. I suggested exactly this for teutonic knights one year ago before their last buff as a crazy idea. I hadn’t think into applying this for villagers or other non-monk units

I like the idea of “X unit affected by Y tech”. This open new gates for balance changes, like similar a proposal someone did in the burmese thread regarding barrack techs.

Can someone put up a pic of the new scenario editor units/unit skins?

Me too.

Replace villagers with Battle Elephants for a potential new BE civ.

Both civs work beautifully for me.

I just had a battle with the Polish making Hussaria , Obuch and Arbelester, using my Swordsmen+ obuch+ Arbs to guard my trebs whilst my Hussaria flanks and routs the enemy. The Hussaria are fast strong and can’t be countered by a flood of monks as the Heavy cav line does. I love it. (I see that the Polish tactic is to spam cheap knights untill you can afford the Hussaria tech then you just use the hussaria to overwhelm and outflank everything with no need to worry about a monk counter.)

And then the Bohemians, Using square formation grouping Halbs,Wagons,crossbowmen and monks together ,you get a highly effective and HISTORICALLY ACCURATE Hussite company.

The wagons and halbs are in the furthest line, then the arbs+ hand cannons and then in the center you have the monks that heal. You just march a company into a region and it sluaghters everything. add a bombard cannon or two to each company and they are a power house.

I really think that the Bohemians could lose Arbs , to have Halbs + castle age Hand cannoneers + the wagons + bombard cannon are strong enough, giving them arbs as well just makes their range options a bit to strong. But still I love it.

Thank you devs.


Exactly my thinking. I wish they had designed them more “Heavy Cavalry oriented” instead of giving them a great Archery Range.
The lack of Halberdier and Plate Barding Armor both make this civ really weak and not even good at what they are supposed to excel - especially as they don’t even get Paladins.

Regarding the architecture choice for Bohemians, hope dies last. They might still change it in the future if it gets requested often enough.

Now, Lithuanians feel Poles, vica versa. Lithuanians have stronger winged hussars and heavy cavalry.


I know right? Kind of unfortunate but even harder to revert/change.

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Yeah the archery range definitely feels out of place, especially with lacking halberdier.
I do hope they receive it in a later patch though, they need some way of dealing with heavy cavalry, and with infantry balls as well, maybe SO without siege engineers?

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