AOE II Dawn of the Dukes: Bohemians and Poles

That’s maybe why we see so many EWEs all the time and this dumb thing named “goth flood” was never ever a thing. Just pure imagination.


This only really worked because of Perfusion combined with Huskarls which are pierce armor beast crushing all kinds of defensive structures if massed up. That’s not even comparable.

That’s maybe why we see so many EWEs all the time and this dumb thing named “goth flood” was never ever a thing. Just pure imagination.

Using elite war elephants and Goth infantry spam as an example of quality and quantity is misleading because how different they are.
Yes, war elephants are expensive and powerful, but they’re also very slow and easy to counter, as well as needing a castle to be created.
It’s these issues that contribute to where it doesn’t see much play, rather than it entirely being an issue of expense.
Typically, quality is better than quantity.
Goth spam only works on lower level play, it’s not a big deal.

As far as the Poles cheap cavaliers are concerned; in my own opinion/experience, I found that I don’t want to be making cavaliers in the late game.
It’s just not worth the gold investmet when you could put that gold into obuch, arb and/or siege.
Winged hussar will do all the mobile work that the cavalier can do, without the 30 gold cost and an 800 resource tech.
Reduced gold cost is just not enough of an incentive for a mediocre unit when population space is such an important factor.

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I think it’s better that FE keeps Poles with this very unique Middle Heavy Cav identity than to make it yet another Eastern European Paladin civ. Just my two cents.


I agree.
Whether or not they change things or adjust techs is fine, but I’ll be disappointed if they just resorted to giving them FU paladin or any other very orthodox cavalry buffs.
It’d just be very uncreative of them and they know that, which is why they have designed the civ to be the way it is.


They don’t need Paladins to remain viable in competitive Imperial Age games. Only Plate Barding armor or Halberdiers.

I don’t know if they actually need this considering how extremely strong Szlachta Privileges is, especially considering that Poles definitely benefit from mining stone a lot.

I want to see them in a competitive environment to really judge anything. The pros will definitely showcase the issues with the civs but right now both Poles and Bohemians seem strong on paper.


They already did. Szlachta Privileges only really shines in Castle Age and it becomes redundant afterwards because with their Hussars, the Poles get two similar trash cavalry units that fulfill the same role but are both easily overpowered.

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They don’t need Paladins to remain viable in competitive Imperial Age games. Only Plate Barding armor or Halberdiers.

I don’t think this is the way to go.
I like the unusual feel of the civ so far but I don’t like the idea of adjusting things in a way that make them play more generic.
Giving them plate barding armour is just asking for them to nerf winged hussar and I don’t want to see that.

That being said, I’m personally not a fan of Szlachta Privileges, as I think it actually isn’t that useful of a tech.
This is just an idea, but I think giving Polish cavaliers an attack bonus against cavalry is the way to go and leave their tech tree as is.
Turn their cavaliers is pseudo heavy camels, with higher base attack and melee armour, but at a higher cost than camels.
That would give more purpose to making cavalier in the late game and help with their weakness to cavalry units.
Move Lechitic Legacy to Castle Age, give them the anti-cavalry for cavalier tech in Imperial.
That’s my hot take.
Even though I believe in this idea, I’m not going to say that this is the absolute best way to change the civ.
I think it’s still hard to judge civs that haven’t even been out for a week yet.
Feels like some people lost 1 or 2 games vs the new civs and have become comprehensive experts on them and want to nerf them by taking away 20 techs.


I could see that work. Slightly nerfing their strong Castle Age in order to improve their Imperial Age to have a chance there.

But never nerf the gold drop from stone mining as this would destroy their whole identity and render their strategies useless which all rely on Castle drops while getting enough gold in for the vital techs.

Nerfing eco techs is an easier way to kill civs than nerfing units and I’m generally against eco nerfs.
I like the stone mines generating gold since I think it opens up creative strategies and incentivises strategies like towers and infantry, which is refreshing from archers and scouts in Feudal.


If Plate Barding is added both of their UT needs to be changed. So far I just want Halb and a cost increase for Obuch.

I personally think a nerf for WH is inevitable. Just for adding this unit, both of the civs that have access to it, miss some of the key cavalry tech. For Poles it is not maybe the only one but the discount of SP UT can be easily reduced.

Perhaps. As far as I’m concerned, increasing the Obuch’s cost would kill the unit.

I feel like the exact opposite. For me it is a broken unit. Even without their specialty, the are cheap for their stats.

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I expected them to be great when I first saw their stats but not anymore when I saw how poorly they perform against Teutonic Knights whom they were supposed to counter.

I think obuch is designed as addition to an archer, trush or castle drop opening. WIth this they synergize very well.
I don’t think that they can hold their own against TK, but with ranged support they surely can.

It’s funny, I think obuch is actually a better version of the serjeant.


But Serjeants can construct mini castles which isn’t to be underestimated. Besides you can’t and don’t always want to go both Archers and Obuchs with Poles.

I think you can, but it needs special builds for that for sure.


I think it’s a good infantry unit that’s balanced out with its low base attack and that you need to combine it with other units for it to be good.
By itself, it takes 3 hits to get to the point where it to starts dealing as much damage as a champion.
For example, vs halbs they perform the same, with the champion technically dealing more overall damage to the halb.
With units that have lower armour, obuchs generally perform the same or slightly worse than champions.
You can’t really just send obuch out and it start winning battles on its own, so I don’t really see it as “broken.”


True. Especially since it’s a unit you can only produce at a castle anyway.