AOE II Naval Update

the original devs wanted to implement seawalls. after testing this mechanic, they found out that you can just wall in the enemy docks, so they cant produce ships anymore. thats why they threw away this idea.

This idea has a lot of potential, they can just make it impossible to make around a particular zone like AOE 3 where you can’t build around the enemy zone, near of course a particular zone.

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You mark a point, he could be more good for diversity and strategy.

Great idea !! I make this idea in my topic i will credit you.

Honestly, they need it will make the game better, because water is very limited at the moment.

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Seriously i didn’t know thx

AoE IV naval warfare isn’t much different from AoE II, so I’m not sure they’re open to much change.

I would also like it though. Every time a water map comes up you see players switching to Vikings quickly, and it’s just a matter of waiting until the longboats show up at your docks.

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I know, but i’m confident we can change this if the dev see this, because a lot of player find naval pretty boring.


I thought of a unique merchant ship that had some but not a whole lot of defensive capabilities. Just enough until you can get a navy to save it.

Great, but why would anyone make this? 20 units in a transport is plenty; much more than that and you risk catastrophic unit losses if the ship is sunk (or worse, converted), On top of that, you’re suggesting to make it slower, which even if it has 2x the HP and armor, makes it an easy target that can’t escape. If anything, I would go the other direction and make tiny transport ships (like the AOE 1 raft) that are cheaper, weaker, and can only hold 1-2 units, and probably only given to a couple civs. Furthermore, I’ve always thought it would be awesome for longboats to be able to garrison a few units as well, increasing their speed and attack (like a ram). This presents a tradeoff of superior combat ability vs. the possibility of losing units, but would also allow for sneak viking raids from longships. Plus it would make scenario options much more bad-@ since you’d actually be able to captain combat ships instead of having all your land units sail in defenseless tubs.
I like the creativity here, and would like to see water become more interesting (in party by impementing some of the above suggestions)., but any changes will likely be small iterations.

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The idea of a big transport could be interesting in Imperial Age, the fact that it will be more slow will be good and justify the risk to use it.

Would it, though? With Dry Dock, Transport Ships can carry up to 20 units. That seems to be enough for a “big” transport, unless something else were to be added to it, like firepower for example.

It’s just an idea after, for example the big one could transport 40 and even 50 but will be more slow, and expensive.

But yeah that’s a good idea for make them able to defend themselve.

But yeah you mark a point, after, i think this ship could be available only in Imperial Age, and he will be more risky to use, he will be for me the slowest ship.

There is up to a 100% chance of this never happening, but I think it would be cool to make landings more common by copying what Rise of Nations does for its Transport Ships: They’re a tech that makes land units moving onto water automatically turn into a Transport Ship unit that turns back into the land unit when moving out of the water.

I think a good start would be for transport ships to automatically unload if they sink on a beach or in shallows. It’s stupid when your boat sinks in the shallows just before you unload your troops, and they all die.

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If you believe in yourself things will change, the devs watch our threads, and i believe they now this problem.

You mark a point, it’s true that it needs to change in a way.

Unless you prefer to put all your eggs in one basket. Even if you want to send 80 units you would only save 2 pop space on transports, for the added risk of having half your army sunk in one go. It gets even worse if the large version is slower and thus more vulnerable to being intercepted. Being able to fire back does nothing to change this. The enemy is patrolling with large groups of galleons, if they see a chance to take out 40 land units they’re going to commit. Only speed, (pierce) armor and hp count, probably in that order.

Unfortunately this whole idea smells like adding units just to add something. It’s like asking for a second type of fishing ships that gathers a bit faster from shore fish and fish traps but a bit slower from deep fish. Yes, it may sound like a cool idea at first, but it really kinda only adds complexity because it can.