Is anyone else feel disappointed with the new game play footage and trailer? Like the new age 2 DE is so freaking awesome…but I mean I was hoping for something different with the new AoE 4 game and they went medieval again…with a gfx boost?!? .I know it’s to early to judge a book by its cover…but any thoughts? Am I alone in feeling this way? With relic on board I was hoping for a more modern game like set in ww1 or modern era… well just have to wait and see…
Medieval = Many Stories of huge number of Cutures
World Wars = A bunch of Allies and Axis Nations only.
I agree with you. Is not that feel of AoE, seems other rts with a lot of gfx.
Unfortunately I am disappointed as well. I am long-term fun of the whole AoE series and my feelings based on trailer are just “really? Another settlers?”
Personally I expected a game from let’s say 1880 to WW2 because Relic is well know for CoH which I like very much. At the same time I was afraid how they figured out to combine air warfare with traditional base building.
And I disagree with the opinion that by WW2 we would have two absolutely predictable sides fighting with each other. Look at the design of CoH (yes, you have 3 nations, but in fact 4 factions and in reality many different tech trees). It is just a matter of game design
On the other hand in AoE2: DE we have many civs and as a casual player I do not see big difference between Portugal and Spain, Vikings are now out of favour, what is the big difference among Japan, Vikings and Aztecs, etc. I am not saying this is wrong just pointing on the fact.
Well said friend! You took the thoughts right out of my head it’s so ez to speculate if and or buts, but the fact of the matter is Microsoft and Relic decided to play it safe and go for a genre and era well known to be popular and I think that might play against them…it’s still to early to judge and go all out but I mean since the trailer. …I’m honestly looking forward to aoe 3 DE more than aoe 4 now
Absolutely Agree! I am curious more about AoE3: DE than AoE4. And I hope they fix many multiplayer issues that I experienced in original AoE3 so I could play it.
Haha right! And it’s hard to say if that’s a good sign or not considering aoe4 is supposed to be the next great aoe, after what feel like an eternity. And as a massive fan of the series since aoe I feel aoe 4 has more hype and expections than any previous aoe game …I just feel that since the 1st aoe every game has evolved. …from aoe 1, aoe 2 was a gigantic leap forward, in stye, gameplay and concept; same as aoe3 from aoe 2. Even the mythology games. But now it’s like i’m dissolutioned. If it’s a medieval genre game…set in a medieval time period. …it’s hard not to feel let down. Its like the producers instead of continuing how each aoe game got better and different than their predecessors, they just got lazy and was like here’s a better gfx aoe 2 with new features and gameplay and blah blah blah…but as a fan since day one, honestly, I was shocked and unimpressed when I saw the trailer…and I have been looking forward to this game and any new news since it’s 1st concept of becoming a game years ago. Unless it turns out aoe 4 has multiple eras like rise of nations or empire earth, which I highly doubt, and that was just a small glimpse of what the game holds via epochs, I can just go play stronghold 3 now anyways… “insert 3d castle age rts here”…really what it comes down to when I first joined these forums was the ideas fan’s had, knowing relic was on board…like the ww1 concepts fans posted really got my hopes going and i coukd see the potential for a new and unique aoe4 , just like it’s predecessors, but we’ll now we know that isn’t gonna be the case now
And one more thing I must say , pointing to ur comment about relic and coh…which is probably my favorite rts of all time let alone favorite game…even though it’s not a base building game like aoe or command and conquer is … but does anyone even see relics influence in the trailer? Cause I don’t. …
Well, I agree. The move from aoe1 to aoe2 was a huge leap as you have said as well as the leap from 2 to 3. In case of 4 I guess it is more like a rational pick than the effort to bring something completely new. Rather to go the well known and secured way than to risk uncertain result. And I am not fan of more ages than 4-5 No more empire earth
i agree, there seems to be no relic influence. I do not see any. That could be good or bad, we will see.
Nah dude, it’s just you and a few others who want Company of Heroes 3. Age Of Empires is not your world war game. We have kept AoE alive through AoE2 for nearly 2 decades now, with competitive gameplay and dedication. AoE4 is on the right tracks, medieval is the way to go. Stories and civilizations are there in plethora. World wars are boring and all the stories have been told through countless RTS games. If you do not like medieval games then I do not know why you talk in AoE forums tbh.
I am afraid you did not fully understand us.
We did not speak about CoH3. On the other hand do you say that the whole AoE series is just a medieval time? Do you know that AoE contains Greece, Egypt, Rome etc? Do you know AoE3 contains Russia, Prussia, Netherlands, Great Britain etc? And do you know that after launching AoE3 the internet was full of speculations what would AoE4 look like (like WW2)? Because that was a logical step.
AoE2 is the AOE game. AoE3 is considered to be the series killer, since it was rather bad and nobody was impressed, so the series took a deep sleep. AOE2 is the game that fully embraces the title. AOE1 was ok but not interesting due to the lack of technologies back then, that’s why most people consider age of mythology to be a much better alternative to the time of AOE1. Internet is full of speculation regardless, but AOE should stay as a medieval game. Napoleonic era and world war 2 are very dull and boring when it comes to stories and campaigns. That’s why AOE3 was somehow a fictional story regarding campaign. There are napoleonic games and world war games in the RTS genre out there. People should leave AOE alone.
That is better
But probably it depends on opinions around us. Personally I welcomed AoE3 gameplay (less building, more killing) and at that times there were many MP matches so I do not think it was a AoE series killer. I suppose the community just move to other games as AoE3 became obsolete. Different opinion
I’m very disappointed for that, too. They destroyed logic. Finally I think if the medieval was chosen it is because AOE 2 is the most popular (reason comercial of course). More than to hope that he will be good. I’ve also been thinking about DLCs
Just wait (again) and we will see…
What does actually disappoint me:
-the Cartoon Art Style
-less civilizations than by launch of AoE2
-different civilizations, which means from the some civilizations we could have, merely a handful will be valuable enough to be playable “happen every time by RTS”
-no info on ships
-withholding of information. Problem is they release information at a stage where it’s too late to make any changes, like for the Art Style.
Cartoon style is not what AOE4 looks like. Age of Empires Online is cartoon art style. AOE4 is clearly not, do you people even use your eyes?
nope. I wasn’t sure when I first saw it but looking through it and seeing different things and what it suggests is in this game has me really excited. as does how different the civs are. Modern was not the way to go but theres so much you can do in Medival especially since it covering a larger span of time.
is the bright colors and saturation that people are just taking as cartoony…its annoying. Just look at the scaling and the colors its more realistic is not gritty dark realism.
The colonial period might be worth a shot, powerful Asian empires - Burmese, Thais, various Indian powers, Qing, Tokugawa, Vietnamese, Safavids, Ottomans, Romanov Russia.
hey all! I’m super glad I started this thread because it has gotten us all talking, and one thing for sure about Aoe4 is that it is very polarizing when it comes to opinion’s. If that fact is good or bad I dunno, but I like how it’s getting us all talking. I think everyone has got there just reasons to each feel how they do, but the fact of the matter is that Microsoft and Relic have already created this game to some extent based off of the trailer so we do all now have some basic confirmation of where the game is going; ie the medieval era, more or less haha. To the comment earlier about wanting CoH 3…which I do…If Relic is reading this the please gawd if you make CoH 3 , please please make in based off the Vietnam War with huge scale maps and use an air support system ( with troop helicopters and jets) like the one found in the wargame series…Cause we all know this genre (RTS) dosent have any games serving this era and it is an untapped epic potential, and a dream of mine to sesh and friends a like too … .and all I got now to furfill that empty hole in my heart is wargame maps with dense forest, and going mad helicopter troop drops…but I stray from the subject at hand haha
There was a thread from another community user who did a deconstruction of the trailer in his own right and I really enjoyed it, ya’ll should check it out…I can see why people are saying “cartoony” gfxs, cause well on first glimpse I felt that way too, but at the same time it might benifit the game, we just don’t know yet. …And side note…Why u no like Aoe3???¿¿¿!!! Aoe 3 was rad because, IT WAS DIFFERENT haha and I really enjoyed the new gameplay style compared to 2 and it still had the “classic AOE base building style”…AOE 3 DE is gonna be lit! I’m pumped…but as I stray from topic let’s remember one thing and that is we all got opinion’s and sharing them we might just see things in a different light and angle…and we need a Coh Vietnam game! Like really! Come on Relic, pick up the torch!