AOE shouldn't be family friendly

If you’re not being sarcastic, then I really congratulate you for being this honest! The first step is admit it


For all my years of playing this game online (around ~10) I have never been in a game where someone was being toxic and harassing me.

I have seen people throw out insults in a fit of rage, but that was only because their empire has crumbled inside the fist of Emperor Me, my majesty ! …so it was entertaining to see how much it has angered them to lose, but I never took it to heart anyway because all it does is reflect their displeasure. Ande even so, this has happened only a handful of times!

All in all, no one has ever “bullied” me because I was bad or whatever. Heck (I really meant to say he’ll without the apostrophe !) people even rarely do speak ingame because there’s too much action going on and you’re supposed to be super concentrated on your game. there’s just not enough time to write paragraphs about someone’s mother!

It is a particularly odd decision to implement this annoying language dictator now all of a sudden! And to be fair, I wouldn’t mind it IF I COULD ONLY TURN THIS THING OFF!!!

This thing has already cost me a game and has frustrated me far far more than any bad word I have ever read on the internet - EVER.

A moderator or MS official NEEDS to address this and give us an option to turn the darn thing off. My game has now become 40% trying to work my way around the langauge bot because it polices phrases in my native language like a ret- I mean like a mentally disabled person of good heart and well intent! sorry sorry dont censor me !

Might as well force disable taunts too.

Pretty lame that it was implemented without discussion.

Didn’t think this game, as old as it is, required PC police.

*laughs in


I’m not sure how to insert a video, but I think my favorite sociologist sums it up pretty well

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Games even more family friendly now. They censor out “offensive” user names now too after the patch. Not to mention their great reporting system they have now to make sure those trolls are put in their place. Game will soon be watered down enough day care toddlers can start playing. They even got the auto scout in for people that don’t have a brain that can’t scout.

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Welp, if for you taking measures against trolls is “watering down” the game and not making it a more civilized place, you can go check the definition of these words .

As a parent that wants to play games with there kids in the room, I am finally glad to have this. It shows how limited peoples’ vocabulary really is these days that they have to resort to swearing to get there feelings or point across.

It’s just that people today are lazy. Pick up a dictionary or a thesaurus, learn to be creative with your language. You can get around a filter by putting a bit of effort in it.

Take a look at Shakespeare for some really good insults. Hamlet called Ophelia a prostitute and a ■■■■■, but never used those word. Mark Anthony insulted Brutus without a single swear word.

Mark Twain insulted people all the time without needing to swear.

Just be clever.


This is 2020 not the Renaissance or Roman Empire. If you’re “glad to have this” I can assure you 90% of the community does not. It was put in for political correctness and to appease the Communist Chinese. Please don’t play any console games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat, GTA etc because your ears will bleed. You want your profanity filter in the game? Put it in the options. But the consensus is with this community MOST people don’t want it. No reason everyone should have to adhere to this censor garbage just to appease a small percentage of the community.


90% of the community? You and your friends aren’t 90% of the community, and going by just this thread, 90% of the people replying don’t even agree with you, and this thread attracts the kind of person that would agree with you.

And you are right, we aren’t in the Renaissance or the Roman Empire (or the mid to late 1800’s when Mark Twain was writing, which you seem to have left out, but maybe you weren’t paying attention, or just don’t know who Mark Twain is). That doesn’t mean that smart, witty people don’t exist or that you can’t eventually be a smart and witty person.

As for Console games and FPS in general, I don’t really play them. I’m a PC gamer that enjoys strategy games. I play games like Age of Empires, Age of Wonders Planetfall, Dominions 5. Games for that require thought and planning. Games like that, are games that I enjoy.

As for most people, I am not so sure about that. A very vocal group of people don’t want it, but being vocal doesn’t mean there are a lot of you. There might be dozens of you out there, but I have yet to see more then a handful come out and complain. You got, after several days, at most 8 likes on your inital comment. And each comment has less then the first one. Hardly a Tsunami of support.

In any event. I hope the developers realize how grateful I am for this to be in place. It’s a real treat and helps me show how awesome Age of Empires is to my two daughters.

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I don’t come on here for likes pal. You read through ALL the forums everyone is talking about it. Not just this thread. They did a poll in one of the threads and it was overwhelming MOST people don’t want it. I haven’t seen an outrage by the community this big since pre Cuman nerf. NOBODY asked for this censor filter. I don’t care about your historical analogies. I don’t come on here to be “clever” either. You want to be clever go to a town hall meeting or something. If you love this change so much, go write a book about it. I’m going to criticize this garbage filter until others and myself have an option to have it removed. I’ve played video games for 15+ years and this is one of the biggest jokes I’ve seen for a video game.

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Only 15+ years? Man you are so very young. Come back when you have 30 years under your belt son.

In the meantime, I don’t care what you or the other young ones think. I have my opinion, and it’s that the filter is great.

The fact that you need to make up “90% of the community” shows how weak you feel your argument is.

This psych guy is such a boomer lol. You’re trying too hard to impress people with your history facts, it’s almost as if your ground argument was so weak that you need wikipedia on alt-tab to try and gain some authority in the discussion and pull off some half-baked fallacies.

Nobody cares about your daughters, but if that somehow makes you feel like a better dad then so be it (lol). Point of the matter is, you don’t need to enforce a filter to everyone, you can make it optional so people can CHOOSE what they prefer and makes them happier / provides a better experience. It’s not too hard to understand but I guess people like you exist and you are exactly the problem.


■■■■ son, do you even know what a boomer is? Perhaps you should ask your 9th grade english teacher tomorrow while you’re school.

Maybe you should stop be such as tryhard and just settle down. No one cares what you think.

  • Proceeds to curse as he’s called out
  • Plays the “history card” (not understanding the current cultural meaning associated to the word)
  • No OnE cArEs WhAt yOu ThInK - but you cared enough to reply

Perhaps you should ask your 9th grade english teacher tomorrow while your school.

“while your school”, guess I see you tomorrow?

This dude is having a mental breakdown. Go on please lol


I appreciate you catching my typo. I feel its import to be clear with my language, and sometimes I make mistakes.

I mean, not on the scale of not know what freedom of speech is, but still mistakes.

It’s nice to see those bullet points. You are really trying very hard to make a sound argument. I mean, your failing, but you are trying your best. I appreciate that and I hope you appreciate that I appreciate that.

I’m not sure will ever come to an agreement. But then, its not really necessary is. Currently, there is a filter. Currently, I’m happy with the status quo, because I know that some of the people that play video games don’t always make good decisions. Heck, as you can see above, I don’t always make good decision. My comment is a really go reason why a filter is necessary. I can’t even stop myself, what hope do you have?

So, for now, I’m happy with the situation. I have my doubts that the situation will change, especially when the people that are most in favor of changing probably also the reason it exists.

tl;dr. You’ve quickly turned form amusing to cringy. I let PattoN306 continue the discussion now. Good luck counting those likes.


So soon? I’m going to miss you.

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Actually not 90%, more like 98% as seen here: Extreme language Filter (Censor)

And to be fair you’re the only one out here extremely supportive of this authoritarian decision.

Moreso, it makes complete sense to let us turn it off but leave it on by default. That way you can be happy because you will still have censorship and everyone else will be happy because they can turn it off for themselves.

As far as the original topic goes - I don’t care if the game is family friendly or not; I don’t use chat too much in the first place. But let me turn this thing off so I can understand what people are saying because reality is a lot of people will sometimes write things that end up censored. Even absurd things like “ez”. My French team mate used to tell me “dont attack blue he is ez go for yellow” and now the entire message would get *** ** * * *** because of word “ez”.

Just let me turn this off and leave me alone, thank you.


Then explain us why the filter only works on english words? Do you really think China cares about a filter that let people say whatever they want in Chinese? Also, what’s the deal with all these conspiracy theories while this explanation

is much more sensible?

Indeed, mainly because the title attracts people against filtering and like everyone, they like to read people who agree.

If boomer = civilized, then there are more boomers than you might expect.

@Psychcaptain You are truely a toxic person. Because you want this for your daughters, it needs to be forced on everyone?

At least state that it should be optional, if you have any respect for the freedom of other players.