AOE shouldn't be family friendly

There are three really good reasons to have censorship.

One is,that some of us player with children in the house or around kids, or wants to stream on line. We don’t want to see those words on screen for any reason. That’s a good reason to have one, even if it’s optional.

Two is that we all on occasion say things we regret. It will happen. It did happen to me last night. I don’t want people to see my bad language, that is a good reason to have it universal.

Three is that language needs rules to work, and having two sets impedes it. Let me go I to detail about that last one.

Say we know that there are word filters in AoE 2. You and your friends will learn to accommodate those restrictions. You won’t use those words because you know they will be blocked out. That is the situation we are in current.

Say we don’t have any restrictions. You use what ever words you like, you probably get your point across, but some people probably get offended because people are like that, but communications happen.

So far so good. But, now we have language filters for only some people on. What happens? Well, you communicate as you usually do, because you see everything. You don’t realize that half of your words are being filtered, so you don’t realize that the other person (or people) just sees censored blocks. Being people that they are, they assume the worst, and communication breaks down, all because you aren’t communicating using the same rules that they are. You don’t realize what is going on and you have potential lost a friend for life that might be an exact match for your liver (and vice versa).

Mixing and matching censorship is a recipe for disaster in this case.


I have made my argument for why mixing and matching won’t work just above. Ponder it while you go around calling others toxic.

In the meantime, I am grateful for the filter on this forum. Who knows what language you would have used without it.

Omg you are beyond me. All your arguments are based around yourself. You think everyone should have the filter on or else the ones that have it on might miss out on something… What an absolute egocentric mindset you have going on.


Let me ask you a quick question.

Say you are deciding to go out with friends for dinner. 2 of out 6 friends are vegetarians.

Your other 4 of your friends vote to got to a steakhouse. Your vegetarian friends object.

In this scenario, who is being selfish? I mean, the vote shows the majority of people want to go to the steakhouse.

That’s what this argument is about. You have a small minority that is strongly impacted by this rule (such as myself) while a larger group is barely effected at all. Barely an inconvenience really (it’s not like any of your swear up a storm at your jobs, or in class or in church or other public setting).

So, what is a small sacrifice on your part (similar to not going to a steak house with vegetarian friends) versus a huge sacrifice on other people’s parts (not being able to order anything decent because your friends forced you to go to a steak house).

So, let me turn this around. I think you are being incredibly selfish for not being more considerate of others. We aren’t asking you to make epic sacrifices, but to do something you already do constantly. Not be a jerk.

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Wow, you are seriously delusional if you think that is a great analogy.

How about we go to a fine bistro that serves vegan and non vegan food? Do you think your vegan friends would insist on you eating vegan food? …

You need to have a long stare into the mirror and ask yourself what you are expecting of others. None of us is against the filter as long as it is optional.


Yo go to the steakhouse and ask for a salad. Or pasta. Or any dish it doesn’t have meat on it. And you understand not everyone have your moral or ideals


I already made the case for why optional is a bad idea.

Just like adding meat drippings to a vegetarian dish for flavor is a bad idea if you are making said dish for vegetarians.

You can’t always mix and match policies that conflict with each other without creating even more confusion and issues.

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Great, so you force your friends to have a subpar meal when you could compromise and go out for Indian food that everyone will enjoy.

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Basically, this says "I’m a child who can neither control myself nor my surroundings and I need some else to do it for me


You’re also dishonest by ignoring my main point.

You are the insane vegan that expects others to eat vegan when you’re around…

So far so good. But, now we have language filters for only some people on. What happens? Well, you communicate as you usually do, because you see everything. You don’t realize that half of your words are being filtered, so you don’t realize that the other person (or people) just sees censored blocks. Being people that they are, they assume the worst, and communication breaks down, all because you aren’t communicating using the same rules that they are. You don’t realize what is going on and you have potential lost a friend for life that might be an exact match for your liver (and vice versa).

Also I love how your main argument was basically pointing out a big problem about the filter, and then flipping it around. When everyone gets filtered there is no problem right? … Right? … lol


Oh you said a bad word, I censor you, lol :rofl:

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Indeed. That is my argument.

It costs you next to nothing to have the filter. It literally makes the game unplayable for people like me without it.

I am sorry that you feel that this slight inconvenience is too much for you.

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Or you know, he like having a polite and civilized environment. It’s like calling people snowflakes because they don’t want your dog to do his needs in their garden, it’s not because they are “fragile” or whatever but because surprisingly, people prefer clean over dirty.

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That’s it boys, pack your stuff. We’re closing


I don’t think anyone is asking you that.

It is odd that making small sacrifices for others is such a huge hardship.

I regular have ex-muslim friends come over, and when I do, I prepare all my meals without pork so that they can enjoy all the food I have made.

When I have friends over with small kids or babies, I make sure I put away items that might be harmful to them.

When I see someone with mobility troubles, I try to hold the door open for them (actually, I just do this for everyone because it’s second nature).

These are a few examples of small sacrifices that I make regularly for other people, and I am sure you can all think of examples of small sacrifices you make to accommodate other people as well on a regular basis whether at home, school or work.

I am sure when you look at those small sacrifices that you make for others, you might notice that all of them require a lot more effort on your part then simple dealing with a basic language filter.

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If he acts like a snowflake he will be treated like one. If I was in a Call of Duty lobby with this guy I would be using a lot more harsh words to let this guy know what I think of him. He wouldn’t last 2 mins in one of those lobbies either because everyone in the lobby would be going off on him too. Let him keep ranting on this post it’s fine with me. This forum is a safe space for him so he can thrive here. The more he talks the more stupid he looks IMO. Furthermore, more opposition keeps showing up contesting what this guy is saying, so that shows you even more people are against the censor filter. The dude even said he needs this censor filter to play the game. LMAO. Out.


Look man, I agree about making the comunity a more friendly place. I’m just saying that, until it works fine, and only in the language you have your game on, filter is better off than on.
The sacrifice I ask you is to tolerate rough language until the filter does not censor BBC or negro


Welp, he wouldn’t be playing with his kiddos at a violent FPS game in the first place so that’s irrelevant.

Caring for your kids, other people and general courtesy = stupidity? Wow

Welp, not all “opponents” have the same opinion either. What @OliveCereal4714 said looks more relevant and sensible to me.

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I am not arguing they take the censorship thing out of the game completely. I understand and agree with your points. This is a thing that should be in the game for emotionally labile people who are affected by words like yourself. I agree 100% that this is a thing that should be in the game and left to on by default.

However, my point is that we should have an option to disable it, or at the very least until that happens - make it more precise where it censors only the words deemed “wrong” instead of entire messages because it hinders communication in the game and costs games.

As far as your final point goes - that’s just a silly stubborn argument that makes no sense. if I have the censorship set to off and you have it - on, if my message gets censored at your end, you can tell me and I will rephrase what I said in order to communicate my point to you - my team mate.


we go to a place that has both vegetarian food and steaks, obviously. i turn steaks on and my vegetarian friends can toggle steaks off, brah ! low quality argument!