AoE2 devs: Please stop trying to experiment and just listen to the community

The solution is simple: Memorize everything. I have. It’s not that hard.

It’s not even humanly possible for such a thing. Even if it were, You’d end up being the best player.

I have memorized basically all bonuses for every civ. There are probably only one or two I can’t remember off-hand. Tech trees are more challenging, but the more I play civs, the more I learn the tech trees.

To put it into perspective, I know more about the civilizations than T90 does. However, I cannot apply any of that knowledge in a practical way, so I can’t play quickly or well. If I ever learned to do both, I would indeed become the best player, but that is probably not even remotely possible for me.

Learning everything, not just the bonuses.

That’s a much harder undertaking, but even fairly good and knowledgeable players and content creators don’t have all the bonuses memorized, so if you can accomplish that much, it’ll be good.


What’s the need for memorizing? When you can quickly check by hovering to the top right civ icon?

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I don’t remember the stats exactly, but it was either 3% or 10% of all AoE2 players who play ranked.

Most AoE2 players are casual players. If they wish to appeal to the biggest fanbase, having too many civs because it’s difficult to memorize them would not be an issue. Since the average AoE2 player is interested in only having more options to play with, not to memorize everything.

And for people who want to be competitive, being able to memorize everything and understand the strengths & weaknesses of each race is part of the skill.

Although, I would argue “memorize everything” is not even in top 10 of what makes you a pro player.


Are there no other ways to enjoy apart from Ranked stress?

Memorizing stuff is cool.

That kind of thing isn’t available while spectating.

Spectating is done with a third party software anyways.

Each to their own.

I hate it.

But I only play AoE2 casually with friends.

I still hope for a Romanian civ, given that AoE2 is pretty popular in Romania:

But so far, we are the only civ with a campaign but no civ.