Since nobody is playing Return of Rome in multiplayer, I made this mod for me to host in an AOE 2 lobby. It’s a lot different compared to AOE1, but still gives an AOE1 feel.

This is a more toned down version of the AOE2 ROR Crossover Mod. (accidentally was updated with this one, and thus deleted) This one is faster to download. This crossover mod brings AOE1 units and buildings into AOE 2. This is a AOE 2 file, not a ROR file. Farmers slowly generate gold, and villagers work faster. Foragers generate wood. Trees, gold mines, stone mines, fish, and berry bushes last forever. Farms have much more food.

Infantry: Hoplite, super heavy infantry unit with plus 1 range, anti cavalry. Broad Swordsman: super heavy infantry unit, counter to Hoplite. Slinger: does bonus damage vs archers and infantry, fast moving and cheap, short ranged and slower to make than archers.

Archers: Bowmen: cheap and spamable archer. Chariot archer tanky and fast moving cavalry archer. Elephant Archer super tanky archer unit, weak vs spears.

Stable. Chariot, fast and strong melee cavalry. War Elephant, super tanky melee unit, weak vs spears.

Castle. Legionary: super heavy infantry, very slow train time and costly. Does plus 10 bonus damage vs infantry.

Siege Workshop: Ballista, long ranged ballista unit, does bonus damage vs ships and elephants. Stonethrower, long ranged anti building siege weapon, can break trees.

Temple. Priest, healer and converter, anti elephant unit.

Ships. Trireme, powerful war ship. Catapult Trireme, long ranged anti building siege ship.

Do all the scenario editor content from ROR cross over as well?

That will require replacing certain aoe2 to assets with ror assets. This is mostly a unit and building focussed mod.