AOE4 AI Difficulty Levels Changed Sometime in July 2024

My friends and I have noticed a change in the AI difficulty. We think it was the 7/11/24 or 7/18/2024 update that dorked up the difficulty settings. The first level is too easy and the 2nd level - which is what we always played - is much, much harder than what it used to be.

We played a few games with the difficulty set to Hard to compare the difference and Intermediate and Hard seem to be the same now. You shouldn’t have to play with mods to win a game. We were hoping this issue would have been fixed by now, but it hasn’t so I created an account and am replying on a few threads and creating this new one in hopes of getting some attention from the developers.

Very frustrating. We used to have a lot of fun playing this game together. Now, not so much because Easy AI is too easy and Intermediate AI is too hard. Again, we don’t use mods and we don’t want to use mods.

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Thank you for fixing. Nobody has replied back to me, but from game play we can tell that the intermediate level has been fixed. We now can play (without mods) against intermediate AI and win. Still a good challenge. Fun again.

Why must you guys mess around with the AI difficulty settings? Intermediate has changed again and is too hard. You have all these more difficult levels above intermediate. Why do you feel the need to change the intermediate level to be so difficult? Easy is too easy and intermediate is too hard. We don’t use mods. Is that why you keep messing with the intermediate level AI? Because people use mods to make it easy to win?

Unfortunately the AI at the moment is not perfect and breaks down quite often . Try this Jakcie A.I (Actual AI improvements)

Hopefully in the next patch the AI will be improve…