AOE5 could be in development

Yes, I understand you. Obviously remasters are open to new changes, but in essence they are just big updates that you have to pay for.

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I don’t see how this is even an argument. DLCs are also updates you have to pay for.

There is no need to argue, because in both cases we are right. The difference is that DLC comes with updates, but it is not necessary to buy it to get said update, while a remaster implies an adaptation of the old to the most modern, almost usually implying the abandonment of its oldest version, and giving priority to its new version.

Sure, sure… it’s a clear evolution of the saga…

Sure, for those who want an AoE in Antiquity they can have AoM 2 in 2027 to 2031 and then you can do a colonial AoE 5 or modern in the 20th century and early 21th century in 2035…

True, although the Essence Engine is a 2006 engine, we are already on its fifth version…

Yes, but it’s still annoying that a game from 2005 can have operators and a newer game from 2021 can’t… AoE 3 looked like a game from 2010 in 2005, but AoE 4 looks like a game from 2011 in 2021…

Yes, I think AoE 4 still has potential…3 more expansions and it will be in an ideal place (more than 6 civs and 12 variants)…

Yes, I still think they could add new UUs to the Abbasids (give 2-3 UUs of the Ayyubids to the Abbasids) and to the HRE…and 1 more to the English and the French…

And the Indians at the end of the year…

Yeah, I hate those mods that turn trees into cubes… it looks like you’re playing Minecraft Legends but with simple pngs…

Yes, AoEO siege units like the Palintonon don’t have siege crews but it was accepted because it was cartoony…

Yes, but that is due to the art design and the graphical advancement that the original games had… AoM was mythological fantasy and AoE 3 was more realistic to make it look like the real world (although Battle for Middle Earth was a mix of both, medieval fantasy but with realistic mechanics that affected the course of the battle)…

Yeah, sorry, I don’t like this exaggeration. AoE4 doesn’t look like a game from 2011.

They stylized AoM a lot more, which is a cheap way to deal with the graphical shortcomings. There are some things that still look bad despite the stylization: the foliage, the building textures (especially the roofs), and the animations of the units. AoE4 looks a million times better on these aspects, as well as the little details on the buildings. The units I like more in AoM, because they seem easier to distinguish, and I mean the models, definitely not the robotic animations. The water also looks great, and the god powers effects are probably the best thing in the entire game. But overall quite an uneven result. UI also looks dated, and the sounds the units make are nothing to write home about. Lighting and shadows also not on par with AoE4.

It’s a stylistic choice, but yeah, most games coming out today are minimizing spending, maximizing profit. Companies don’t want to be proud of their work anymore, they just want to make money. There was a different mentality in 2005.

Well, that’s a way of saying it… I compare it to SC2, which is from 2010, and ultimately it could look like DoW 3 and Halo Wars 2 from 2017…

Yes, let’s remember that it is a remaster of a 2002 game, which in turn had its HD remaster in 2014… obviously the jump may or may not be very high depending on what we are referring to, but I feel that AoM Retold has correct graphics, the water and structures look very good…

Yes, now that games cost a lot of money, companies prefer not to take too many risks and to be rather conservative in many things, and even as happened with Concord, even if you release a game in an overexploited genre, it can fail…

i think that the most important thing for a future AOE5 or upcoming AOE4 DLC will be a graphic improvements and better animations and water reflections.

Reading some threads on reddit it’s pretty clear that some players are worry about future of AOE4 and they say " i don’t understand why all my friend left AOE4 for AOMRE".

There’s a reason to me: AOMRE has a better graphic, more immersion and better single players contents.
AOE4 have been development tihinking to E-sport and it’s pretty clear reading the “Art Companion book” and the main updates which are more oriented to balance with less single players adds, except for the latest Sultan’s ascend DLC.

A better graphic will be fundamental for the critics and success of the future games and this could be argumented by alll the graphic questions into the the recent AOE Survey, some months ago.

For example, AOMRE has surely better units models (more realistic) and a better weapons representation

And obviously AOMRE has a more realistic water with better reflections and animations

I’ve been very worried with AOE4 graphic because i always considered Relic a great RTS Developers: one of the best team around the world and i perfectly know how Essence Engine could do with their maestry.

About that, i re-installed Coh3 which have been recently updated with many improvements about graphic, animations and sounds.
Now this game looks beautiful (and people are returning to the game saying thank you to Relic) and it shows how AOE4 could have been looked.

Models are very detailed and realistic and also terrains and the general atmoshpere. Look at trees, sky and mountains: they are beautiful.
With the right zoom camera (which was available, without mod, also int the main game, during the alpha closed and than developers blocked it due the lack of details on units when players zoomed on them).

And should we talk about animations and realism during the game?

Look at the blood animations, corps and the “sad of war” that should be present in every game set during a “trouble period”.
It’s incredible don’t see blood in AOE4 and there aren’t mod for it. But Adam Isgreen said about the lack of violence and blood in AOE4: “i’m sure that someone will release blood and gore mod after the launch”? Did you see it?

So, i’m pretty fine with Relic as the main AOE4 or 5 developer but i would like to see all of theirs skill on graphic because they are very talented.

The main questions is: Is Relic able to redone the AOE4 model units, in the same way of COH3, for the launch of the next rumored AOE4 DLC?

You posted screenshots from every other game, except AoE4. Should we compare them with the pictures in our head?

No, because AoE IV’s armies are larger (the bases, too). This means more polys on screen at any given time.

That said, I still think there’s room for improvement. You’re just not going to see CoH-3 level fidelity.

I posted a lot of them in many other threads. I don’t need to post them again.

But what you mean for improvdments?

I’m hoping they continue to do work on unit textures. If there’s room r.e. polycount, I’m sure there are units they could improve the detail on, or maybe they want to revisit siege operators.

There’s also a lot of improvements that could be made r.e. melee weapons. It’d all add up.

This is without mentioning new Gaia, more biomes, more environmental art, etc. It all adds up (the fact we now have a proper Winter biome is great).


Do you have a link to the screenshots you made in the other threads? I wanna see them side by side with the ones you just posted.

I really hope they improve the Winter biome for this season, with snow footprints and some snow on the roofs.

There is no blood or corpses in AoM Retold from what I’ve seen. This is an assumption on my part, but I believe it signals that the franchise is being moved towards a less violent depiction (fantasy violence with no real world depictions (blood/gore and human remains)).

I also think Adam was being facetious. They don’t seem to have planned for it at all, and modders typically add what the fanbase wants in a way the developer doesn’t plan for. I wish they had given players modding tools to enable that much… what we have now is very limited.

The last survey had a focus on graphics and style. It’s a major complaint and I hope they address it in the next expac if not sooner.


If they add blood and gore, I hope it’s optional and can be disabled. I don’t like the violence aproach in games.

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Bodies turning into skeletons would be cool though.

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These are only few of all i’ve posted in other threads.

Consider this: my critica are relating only to textures, weapons and animations. I’m pretty fine with terrains and Mountains After the Season V. I think Relic done a good job there and i would like to see the same improvents (basically 4k textures) also for units , weapons and Better animations.
I think they could release a separate DLC or include a new graphic options with Season 10.


So, we want the same thing. I know that a totally remake of graphic it’s impossibile at this point but the same improvents seen with Season V would be well accepted.

Most of models have low details when you zoom in on them and Better textures could radically change the opinion of many many players.

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From what i understood modder are not able to make It due the lack of tools or limited tools as you said.

For this reasons developers could release a graphic options to make this representation available for all players Who wanna play with a bit more realism. And we should consider that the most of players are casual.

Absolutely yes, i mean nobody wanna forced players to see violent scenes they wan’t. But i always said that It should be a player’s choice.

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