I have been seing a lot of matches during those days and this is my conclusion.
When the late game arrives and you have at least 120 pop. between villagers and caravans, you still have 100 pop. aprox with an army that usually cost arround 3 pop per unit, you are forced to send to die your soldiers constantly to liberate pop. space and we don´t see real battles.
+4 houses and make caravans count into the villager limit. (maybe buff them at the same time, making them stronger and more expensive to make them more profitable by population).
Four more houses (+40 pop.) is not too much if we take into account the population that our units cost. This ONLY equals to:
190 army pop. with arround 100 villagers (and no trade) (there are 4 horseman that are not showed in the image)
190 army pop. with 90 villagers and NO-COMMERCE caravans. It’s not too bad if we don’t take into account that it would be a late game army composed almost entirely of weak 2-pop units.
SUMMARY: The game is almost perfect, it just needs a little more help with population management to avoid trailing behind in this regard compared to other AoE games
you can think that its too much. But see my post again.
+40 population is = to 13 mirmidons (too many units cost 3 pop.). Or 20 weaker units. See again the typical AoMr late army in comparison to AoE3 and AoE4. Then you will see that 4 houses isn´t too much, its in the better of the cases, +20 units.
Why stop at just +4 houses? They’ve not capped the pop limit, some players have shown to reach near 600. Devs should embrace it. Just double the amount of houses at the hard cap we can build, that right there doubles the pop count. Give TC’s a bonus to pop, maybe even fortresses/migdol/hill fort and palace could provide 5 each or something, and boom. Massive pop increases.
Currently the average pop. per player is 235. Cases in which you can have more points are punctual and always taking it away from another player.
To see how the game evolve. if they added 4 houses in the future (and the change of caravans) and I see that it is not enought, then I would ask for more houses again.
They are probably conservative in increasing more because it would harm the performance for 3x3 and 4x4, I think if its the issue they could just keep limited on these modes and let 1x1 and 2x2 be greater…
Ideally it should be on every mode, but if It’s what its keeping them away from increasing it, IMO its better to increase on 1x1 and 2x2 than on no game mode
In for example AoE2, the host of a lobby can modify the population limit. This wouldn’t be a good solution for AoM, where Town Centers are supposed to grant additional population that the players have to compete for.
THE BEST OF TWO WORLDS: In the lobby UI, add a dropdown menu to modify the HOUSE LIMIT. (10 for the classical feeling, 16 for the new default, 20, 30, …)
I agree. The fact that the village centers don’t even give a single drop of population (not even five!) just makes it seem like there aren’t enough options to get more population.
Nah.Too complex. And it’s mainly aimed at ‘other changes’ to improve the game flow and multiplayer.
If they were planning it, they likely failed, and now it’s just a redo, it is 64bit and a few things now. I’m not sure it will be ‘as great’ as I had hoped.
The original ‘balance’ is calculated and changing it a bit is fine, but overall I don’t think they want to massively change it, in fear of breaking it.
It did seem kind of bad in the beta, way too cluttered in a sense and many issues.
Just leave it and make the ‘few changes’ that are already there.
These sort of things won’t be changed if it wasn’t already… you can maybe hope for little balance changes.
I did refund the beta and I thought in the 1 or 2 game I played, it just felt like I ‘prefer’ the original game. Maybe because of the mentioned issues above, and having to set things. The camera looked like shit like AoE4 style, imo. Too zoomed in and felt odd to play with. You ultimately want to be ‘playing’. The new visuals are nice for other things. Even if you can zoom around and the 3ds are better, it definitely didn’t feel ready yet, and it was not just the small menu issues or the watermark.